Yunye thought of the location of the third trial.

The Trap Tower!

A tower standing on a high mountain, filled with thousands of traps. If you are not careful, you may be trapped inside forever.

So you need to be cautious and careful every step you take to pass the level.

But Yunye thought of another way to pass the level. He could skip the Trap Tower and complete the test directly.

"Finally reached the third level"

"It's a hunter test, it's really too difficult."

Leorio said helplessly.

He was still vividly remembering the thrilling moment.

"It's really exciting."

Kiya is still thinking about the feeling of jumping down the valley just now.

The feeling of falling down quickly against the wind is really addictive.

"I guess we're almost there."

Looking out the window, I could see the traces of the trap tower in the distance.

From a distance, it was surrounded by trees, forming a natural barrier. On the mountain in the center stood a tall rectangular tower that soared into the sky.


Half an hour later, the airship landed safely on the tower.

A group of candidates walked down and looked around in confusion.

"Okay, now you need to find the answer yourself."

"Then I will leave first."

Netero did not explain the rules of this test and the way to pass the level. He turned around and left after saying a word.

Soon, the airship took off and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Faced with this sudden situation, the candidates just complained and started looking for the answer to pass the level.

"We have to start looking as soon as possible."

Kurapika observed the surroundings.

"This test is too easy for me."

Suddenly, a strong man said confidently.

He came to the edge of the trap tower, found the right place and began to climb down.

As expected, this man's unique skill is climbing.

Everyone watched him move down bit by bit, and envy appeared in their eyes.


Just as everyone was about to look away, a sound attracted their attention.

In the distance, a large bird-like creature that looked like a vulture was flying towards the climbing man, with fangs in its mouth constantly dripping with saliva.

""Hey! Don't come over here! Someone come and save me!"

The strong man shouted in fear.

But this made the strange bird even more excited. It flapped its huge wings and flew away quickly, swallowing it in one gulp.

Blood kept flowing out of the bird's mouth and dripping onto the ground below.

This bloody scene undoubtedly made many people give up the idea of going down from outside.

Quietly looking for the answer from the iron plate under his feet

"Found it!"

Suddenly, an excited voice appeared.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the originally smooth ground suddenly lifted up a corner and brought the man in, and then closed again.

It was as if nothing had happened.

But this gave everyone a hint, and they all began to look for the same place.

Soon, pieces of floor were opened, and many people successfully entered the tower.

Xiaojie, Killua and others were no exception.

"Found it! But only four people can go in."

Each floor can accommodate different people, and can accommodate up to four people.

But there are seven people present, and it is not enough to share.

"Don't worry about the three of us, you go first."

Yun Ye did not choose to enter, but gave way to others.

Hearing this, Xiao Jie and others no longer hesitated, jumped down and disappeared from sight.

Yun Ye looked around and found that only a few people were still looking for the entrance.

Among them was the great god Dongba.

He was still searching aimlessly.

Perhaps because of good luck, he actually found an entrance, and it was a level that could accommodate four people.

"Do you want to come with us?"

Dongba invited with a smile on his face.

Anyone who heard this would feel deeply grateful to him.

"No need, we will find a way to get through it."

Yun Ye shook his head and refused.

Dongba had no choice but to retreat and invite the remaining few people on the platform.

At this point, only Yun Ye, Leike and Gra were left on the entire platform.

"Let's go get the props first."

Yunye quickly found an entrance, took out the three bracelets inside, and walked out again.

He put them on his wrists, and everything was ready.

"Okay, now it's time to show off your skills."

Yunye stretched his body and came to the edge.

At the same time, in the monitoring room of the trap tower

"Hmm? What does this kid want to do? Didn't the situation just now teach him a lesson?"

A man wearing glasses and eating biscuits looked at the screen with a puzzled look.

The figures of Yunye and others were reflected in it.

As expected, this person was the invigilator of this test.

While the invigilator was still confused, Yunye jumped directly from the edge of the trap tower.

Gra and Lek followed closely and jumped down desperately.


This scene made the invigilator stunned, his mouth slightly open, and he didn't even notice the biscuit in his hand falling

"Are you looking for death?"

After over 50 rounds of hunter tests, this was the first time the examiner had seen someone like Yunye jumping down without knowing whether to live or die.

After watching for a while, he saw that there was still no sign of Yunye, so he shook his head and looked at other screens.

To him, no one who jumped down would survive.

On the other side, Yunye was falling down at a very fast speed.

In his pupils, the ground was infinitely enlarged, and it was almost approaching in an instant.


A sound resounded through the sky, scaring the birds in the jungle and scattering.

A huge cloud of smoke instantly enveloped the entire ground! Countless pieces of rubble flew outward rapidly and deeply embedded in the outer skin of the trap tower.

"It's really exciting."

The voice came from the smoke.

When the thick fog dissipated, the figures of Yunye, Leike and Gra appeared.

There was no scar on their bodies caused by the huge impact.

""Let's get started."

Yun Ye gave an order, and the two instantly disappeared from the spot to complete their mission.

Not long after, countless roars and death were heard in the jungle.

"There is no entrance? Then I will create one myself."

Yun Ye looked at the iron sheet in front of him, pinched a corner with one hand and gently tore it.

""Clang, clang, clang."

The iron sheet was torn apart as quickly as paper, making a harsh sound.

Looking at the darkness ahead, Yunye walked in calmly.

It was indeed a trap tower, and even the roads inside were crisscrossed. After walking for a long time, he still couldn't find the exit, and even the entrance at the beginning was nowhere to be found.

For ordinary people, if they took the wrong path, they might really be trapped inside forever.

But for Yunye, it was just a piece of cake.

""Let me see where the end is."

Yunye closed his eyes and concentrated, sensing the surrounding environment.

Everything could not escape the search of his mental power, and was fully reflected in his mind.

In an instant, Yunye found the location of the end point, which was located not far away in the southeast direction.


Without going around in circles, he punched through the wall and headed straight ahead.

After endless darkness, he finally saw the last glimmer of light and successfully arrived at a hall.

"Congratulations to Candidate No. 1 for successfully passing the Trap Tower!"

"The current ranking of candidates who passed the exam is 1st!"

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