The sound of the radio echoed in the silent and empty hall.

"Someone has already passed? Who is so fast?

The invigilator looked at the surveillance camera in the hall with some surprise.

The next second, the biscuit in his hand fell to the ground again, and his eyes were filled with shock.

"How, how is it possible!"

On the screen, Yun Ye, who he thought was dead, not only appeared unscathed, but also became the first candidate to pass the test.

No one would dare to believe such a fantasy. But now it happened in front of him.

"Why does he look so familiar? Could he be..."

The examiner looked at Yun Ye's face and the more he looked, the more familiar it became.

A figure gradually emerged in his mind.

"Fighting Tournament Champion!"

The invigilator slowly uttered a few words.

After seeing this, everything became normal.

"I'm the first one."

Looking at the empty hall, Yun Ye was a little surprised.

He found a place to sit down and started practicing.

As time passed, the second player who passed the level appeared.

""I'm number one!"

Hanzo shouted excitedly.

In order to get the first place, he used all his skills to pass all the levels as quickly as possible, and finally came here.

"Congratulations to candidate No. 67 for successfully passing the Trap Tower!"

"The current ranking of candidates who passed the exam is 2!"

The voice of the broadcast came as expected, but Hanzo frowned.

He was not the first? He quickly spotted Yunye.

"Senior Brother Yunye is so fast. I really want to admit defeat."

Hanzo admired Yunye.

He did not disturb him, but found a clean place to sit down and practice.

Later, more and more candidates passed the test. There were more than

20 candidates in the hall, including Ilmi who was good at disguise.

At this moment, he was staring blankly at the front, like a idiot.

"It’s time to come back."

Yunye still closed his eyes.

The next moment, two figures appeared beside him, standing quietly.

"Boss, everything is ready."

Hearing the voice, Yunye nodded gently.

In the jungle outside, a black shadow emerged from the shadow of a tree.

It received the order and ran quickly into the depths of the jungle, and soon arrived at the target location.

In front of it, the corpses of monsters were placed on the ground, crawling, flying, burrowing, and every kind.

Each one had scars of varying sizes, enough to be fatal!

The strong smell of blood in the air kept lingering. If someone came, they would be shocked by the pungent smell and have an uncomfortable reaction.

Obviously, Leke and Gra started an inhumane fight again.

The black shadow didn't care about these, and his figure gradually turned into a huge shadow, transporting the corpses of monsters to the inner world for slaughter.

After completing everything, the black shadow merged back into the shadow and disappeared completely.

""It's done. Now it's time to wait."

Yunye slowly opened his eyes.

Today's food collection has been completed.

In fact, the purpose of participating in the hunter test is to store food for subsequent adventures.

Taking the hunter license exam is just a side job.

"There are still five minutes left before the end of the test."

The broadcast sounded, indicating that the test was about to end.

In the hall, many candidates had gathered, such as Xi Suo who looked playful and Dong Ba who was chatting and laughing.

But Xiao Jie and others were nowhere to be seen.

Yun Ye ignored them because he already knew the result of the matter.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the wall.

The harsh sound of iron sheets rubbing against each other rushed into the eardrum.

Then, Xiaojie and others rushed out at a very fast speed in the rail car.

The strong inertia rolled the car directly, and the people flew out with it.

Seeing this scene, Yunye smiled.

"Great, I finally caught up."

Xiao Jie sighed after surviving the disaster.

"Really, I'm all dirty."

Killua looked at his dirty appearance with an unhappy face.

Leorio and Kurapika didn't know what they had been through. They were so tired that they leaned against the wall and gasped.

Although there was no obstruction from Dongba, they still encountered obstacles and almost failed to pass the level.

"Congratulations to candidate No. 102 for clearing the Trap Tower!"

"Congratulations to candidate No. 103 for clearing the Trap Tower!"


Xiaojie and others passed the customs and announced that they appeared in response

"The time has expired and this test is over."

"Those who fail to pass the level will be considered eliminated!"

"Candidates who have passed the test, please go to the rest area and wait for the next test to begin."

The broadcast announced the end of this test.

Everyone in the hall finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

Suddenly, a platform rose in the middle of the hall.

The figure of the invigilator slowly appeared.

He first glanced at the leisurely Yunye, then turned to the crowd and said

"Hello everyone, I am your invigilator for this exam."

"Congratulations on passing this test. Please follow me to the next test location."

After saying that, the invigilator walked towards the door.

Seeing this, everyone followed him and soon arrived at a coast.

A huge ship was docked at the shore, waiting quietly.

Seeing the candidates coming, the ship stretched out a wooden board for them to board.

After everyone boarded the ship, the hull began to move and slowly set off towards the target location.

"Phew, I can finally take a break."

"I am so tired."

Leorio sat on the deck half dead, enjoying the sea breeze.

Even though the scenery outside was very beautiful and pleasant, it still did not stop him from resting.

But before he could rest for long, the ship that was originally in operation suddenly stopped.

"What happened?"

The candidates stood up alertly and found themselves in a sea area.

There were damaged shipwrecks all around, some of which were even sunk to the bottom of the sea and had been corroded beyond recognition.

It seemed as if this place had experienced an unprecedented shipwreck.

"What does it mean!"

"Could this be the location of the fourth test?"

"Here? What can be tested here?"

Many people expressed their opinions and looked at the invigilator, wanting to ask for an answer.

"This is not my place."

The invigilator smiled and shrugged, looking at the two elderly people behind him.

One of the old ladies slowly said

"According to rumors, countless ships that passed by here sank to the bottom of the sea due to some force, so this place is also called the cursed sea."

"On the other hand, it is also filled with many precious treasures."

"It takes three days to get to the next location"

"You need to fight for the right to use the room during this period."

"You need to search for treasures here and exchange them with us in exchange for the key to the room."

"The higher the value of the treasure, the more luxurious the room"

"But if the treasure you are searching for is not valuable, you are not entitled to stay in the room."

"The monsters under the sea are very scary, especially at night."

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