The old lady's mysterious look made everyone present nervous.

No matter what, this house is settled.

"Damn, now even the room costs money."

Leorio said with an unhappy face.

He regarded money as his life and naturally had strong complaints about this kind of thing.

But fortunately, he did not pay out of his own pocket, but went out to find

"Instead of complaining here, it is better to go down early."

Kurapika took off his clothes calmly and jumped into the sea quickly.

The current situation is that there are more wolves than meat. Who knows how many treasures are hidden in this sea area.

So at this time, of course, the sooner you act, the better.

""Okay, I'll go too!"

Leorio quickly took off his clothes and jumped into the sea to search together.

Seeing this, everyone present stopped hesitating, fearing that they would go too late and not find good treasures.

For a moment, there were only a few people left on the entire deck.


Hisso smiled and stared at the calm sea.

He turned his head to look at Yunye who didn't move, and then jumped into the sea gracefully.

"Let's go too."

Yun Ye said to himself.

The two people behind him nodded and disappeared instantly.

He swam in the sea and began to look for

"This kid's stuff really came in handy."

Yunye turned his head and found that Xiaojie was fishing with a fishing rod.

After a while, he caught a valuable fish.

This is also one of the ways to earn room fees.

Without hesitation, Yunye merged into the darkness and began to look for treasures.

The silent and dark seabed was full of shadows, and he entered it as smoothly as a fish returning to the sea.

Everywhere he went was searched clean, leaving no room.

Yunye kept shuttling between various shadows, and after a while he found many treasures that were enough to mortgage the room fees.

Looking around, many candidates were still trying to find treasures.

Among them was Illumi, who was full of needles.

At this moment, his appearance was still as stiff as a mummy, but the speed of finding treasures was not slow at all.

Looking closely, he already had an expensive ring and gems in his hands.

Enough to provide him with housing.

But he was still looking, just to find more treasures to fill his small treasury

"It's still the same."

Yunye shook his head speechlessly.

Illumi is very obsessed with money. Once money is mentioned, his spirit will change from being listless to full of energy.

Among the family commissions, he is the most diligent.


Suddenly, Yunye keenly sensed a strong breath coming from the depths of the sea.

It was as if a prehistoric beast was sleeping in it, emitting pressure unintentionally.

The location was very far, but he could still clearly sense it.

"Essence bead, here I come."

Yunye's mouth drew a smile.

He immediately merged into the shadows, going against everyone else and heading towards the depths of the sea.

The deeper he went, the more he could feel the powerful pressure.

Similarly, the fish inside also became strange and scary.

And the breath emitted by these fish was no weaker than that of ordinary people.

This is one of the reasons why humans have never been able to fully explore the seabed.

Because they have no idea what kind of terrifying creatures exist in it.

Once forced exploration, it is likely to bring disaster to the entire human society!

"It's getting stronger and stronger."

Yun Ye narrowed his eyes and stared at the depths of the sea.

He could clearly sense that this force was far greater than the ocean overlord, the Demon Whale, that he had encountered before.

This was enough to show the harmfulness of creatures in the deep.

After half an hour of rapid travel, they finally reached the target location.

Yun Ye felt that the pressure on himself had reached an extremely exaggerated level. Even if a heavy tank came, it would be crushed in an instant!


A low roar entered the eardrum, causing Yunye's body to pause.

Pulling past the water plants in front of him and looking forward, he saw a huge eye tightly closed, as if sleeping.

The terrifying pressure emanating from it made people shudder.

Face to face at this moment, Yunye deeply felt that the creature in front of him was definitely not something that human society could defeat, and it didn't even have the power to fight back!

Just one eye was so huge, and I couldn't imagine what its body would be like.

Even Yunye didn't dare to guarantee whether he could defeat it.

According to the standards, the preliminary estimate is S+, or even SS level of danger!

Suddenly, a thought suddenly emerged in his mind.

The creature in front of him might be from the Dark Continent!

If this is true, then how many such extremely dangerous creatures are there in the entire Lake Mobius?

This is an unknown number.

Fortunately, this creature is currently in a dormant state and will not wake up in a short time.

"Let's leave first."

Yunye did not choose to alert the enemy, but chose to leave quietly.

"Hmm? What is that thing?

Suddenly, Yunye saw a dark purple stone tablet in front of the giant eye, which seemed to be engraved with a language different from that of human society.

His intuition told him that he had to get this thing.

After thinking for 0.001 seconds, he held his breath, blended into the shadows, and slowly approached the giant eye.

The closer he got, the more Yunye could feel its hugeness.

At first glance, he couldn't see how big its body was. He could only see a dark mass covering the depths.

In front of it, he was like an ant.

"Don't be impatient."

Yunye forced himself to calm down.

Time passed by bit by bit, and soon he arrived at a position ten meters away from the stone tablet.

Just as Yunye was about to take it down in one fell swoop, the huge eye opened without any warning.

A blood-red eye appeared in front of him, staring at the direction of Yunye.

Although Yunye was hiding in the inner world, he could still be sure that the eyes were staring at him.

Rather than staring at him, it was better to say that they were staring at the shadow where he existed.

The next moment, a terrifying pressure was released.���It even affected the sea area within a radius of 100 miles, making all the fish surrender.

""Let's go!"

Yun Ye frowned and swallowed the stone tablet.

Then he fled to the distance at an unprecedented speed.



A deafening roar pierced through the sea and resounded through the sky.

Almost in an instant, the sea area within a radius of ten miles was completely destroyed, and even the sea water was emptied in an instant.

Although it was quickly filled up, it was enough to show how powerful this creature was.


An unwilling roar followed.

It did not leave the spot to chase after Yun Ye who had already escaped, but stayed where it was, staring at the direction he left.

"Is it imprisoned by something?"

On the far sea, Yunye stepped on the seawater as if walking on flat ground.

He guessed that the reason why the terrifying creature did not chase him was that it was imprisoned by a mysterious strong man to prevent it from harming the world.

That's right, if it was not imprisoned, with such a strong destructive power, it would have cleared out the entire human society long ago.

At that time, only nuclear weapons could fight it.

"I wonder if my Nirvana can fight against it."

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