Although there are only five people, each of them is an important presence that cannot be ignored.

Qualitative change is also important

"Only five people?"

Netero understood the strength of the few people, but the number was still too small.

Facing the unknown and mysterious dark continent, five people were obviously not enough.

"Now, do you know where Jin is?"

Yunye asked with a smile.

"Alas, I still can’t hide it from you."

"He is currently exploring a ruin in the ancient Ganyu Kingdom."

"You also know his identity."

Netero sighed and slowly told the information he knew.

As a relic hunter, Jin naturally spent a long time searching for and exploring relics.

This also led to his habit of being elusive. People who were not well-informed could not find his whereabouts at all.

"Ancient Ganyu Kingdom?"

Yun Ye muttered the name.

It is said that there are many underground ruins hidden in the ancient Ganyu Kingdom. It is the favorite country of ruins hunters. A lot of historical information has been excavated from it.

Needless to say, there are too many valuable treasures to count.

It is understandable that Jin chose to go to this place.

"One gold is not enough"

"We need another enemy of his."

Yunye named the second person.

It was Pariston who was against Jin!

Hearing this introduction, Netero narrowed his eyes and was a little shocked.

He didn't expect Yunye's information network to be so powerful that he could even find out the relationship between Pariston and Jin.

"I'll tell him later."

Netero nodded in agreement.

He has always recognized Pariston's ability.

"I can get a few more people here."

"As for the rest, the president needs to solve it personally."

Yun Ye stood up and said meaningfully.

It's not enough to have combat power alone, and some scapegoats are needed to ensure emergency situations.

There is no other way, this is the era of the survival of the fittest!

"I understand."

Netero has lived for so many years, and he obviously understands what Yunye means.

He has come all the way to the present, and he is now the president. How could he be a simple person?

"Besides, there is something else I want to ask you."

Yun Ye looked at Netero seriously.

"Do you know the creature in the depths of the cursed sea?"

As soon as these words came out, Netero frowned and his body tensed up.

"It's out?!"


Netero denied immediately.

If that creature really came out, they wouldn't be sitting here peacefully now.

"You really know.

Seeing Netero's expression, Yunye was sure that he had asked the right question.

"Looks like you found out"

"I don't know much about that creature, I just know it comes from a place called Endless Sea in the Dark Continent."

"I don't know why it was sealed there."

"At that time, 35 two-star hunters from the Hunter Association went to fight together, but without exception, they all died there."

"This also indirectly caused the Hunter Association to suffer a heavy blow."

"And the news I got was only one"

"There is a stone tablet in front of the creature, which may contain information about the Dark Continent."

"But because that creature was so strong, we didn't act rashly."

Netero solemnly told the information about that creature.

As Yunye guessed, it really came from the Dark Continent!

"Is this the stone tablet you are talking about?"

The shadow behind him moved quickly, and a dark purple stone tablet emerged.

Seeing this stone tablet, Netero's eyes widened, his eyes full of horror.

"This is the stone tablet. How did you get it?

Netero hurried forward and asked in a hurry.

This thing that so many hunters sacrificed but still failed to obtain appeared in front of him.

"I took it while he was sleeping."

Yunye said with a relaxed look.

Apart from waking up the creature, nothing else happened.

But this shocked Netero greatly.

Although it sounds simple, it is actually very difficult to do.

The pressure deep in the sea alone is unbearable, not to mention escaping under the eyes of the creature.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Netero was silent for a while, then said slowly

"It's just a piece of cake"

"And there's no text on it."

"It is a map from the Dark Continent.

Yunye explained the function of the stone tablet.

Netero couldn't help but take a closer look and found that the words on it did look like some kind of mark.

"It seems that we need to prepare well."

After reading this map, Netero understood the importance of this exploration.

This time, it is no longer a small fight.

It is to really go deep into the dark continent and open up a new way of survival for mankind!

If the exploration is really completed, then they will be the pioneers of human society!

"President, don't be too happy."

"This map is incomplete."

Just when Netero was still excited, a basin of cold water was poured on his head.

That's right, after Yunye's continuous observation and deduction, he found that this map was incomplete.

According to reasoning, in addition to the existing stone tablets, another stone tablet needs to be found.

In this way, a complete map can be assembled.

Yunye already has a clear clue about the news of the other stone tablet.

It is likely in Jin's hands!

According to what Yunye knows now, Jin once found a stone tablet about the Dark Continent in a ruins called Luluka.

This is also one of the reasons why he wants to go to the Dark Continent!

"It seems that you already have the answer."

Seeing that Yunye did not continue to speak, Netero understood instantly.

His inner level of Yunye rose again.

From this moment on, he would no longer regard Yunye as a powerful child.

Instead, he regarded him as a truly intelligent trader!

"Do you know that you need the correct answer?"

"If everything is ok, I will leave first."

After saying that, Yunye disappeared from the spot.

The black shadow and Alluka also disappeared with him.

In the office, Netero looked at the direction where Yunye left, his eyes flashing with an unknown light.




In the ward, Killua shouted with full energy. He didn't look injured at all.

After all, in the Zoldyck family, getting hurt has become a normal and even a habit.

"Killua, do you want to go home?"

Yunye sat down and asked softly.

If you don't go home to see it this time, you may never see it again.

The Zoldyck family is already weak, and this time five people were dispatched, and each of them is a pillar, which can be said to be a big mobilization.

"What's wrong, brother?

Killua realized that something was wrong and asked in confusion.

"Nothing, just asking."

Yun Ye didn't say it in the end.

Anyway, Killua himself didn't really want to go back.

"Next time, I will go to the ancient Ganyu Kingdom. If you want to contact me, I can use the radio."

"If you don't want to go back, then don't go back. No one will do anything to you."

"Grow up well, Killua."

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