Yunye gave a final smile and disappeared into the ward.

The breeze outside the window blew, moving the pure white curtains, making Killua more awake than ever before.

"Then go home and have a look"


On the other side, Yunye is already on his way to the ancient Ganyu Kingdom.

He doesn't know yet that his words have put the plot back on track.

Killua still takes a group of friends to Kukuru Mountain for training.

"Boss, is there any good food where we are going?"

Gra asked curiously on the combat helicopter.

"I don't know if there is food, but there are still many blacksmith shops."

Yun Ye said with a smile while operating the helicopter.

The ancient Ganyu Kingdom is a well-known mineral country.

Many underground ruins have also created a rich variety of minerals, and the main function of minerals is naturally to make weapons.

This made Lai Ke's eyes light up as he sharpened his knife, and his eyes suddenly showed an expression of expectation.

"Don't worry, there is still a long way to go."

The ancient Ganyu Kingdom is located in the western continent, which is very far away from Yunye's current location.

Even if the combat helicopter uses its full speed, it will take three days and two nights.

Along the way, Yunye saw the ecological evolution, from wilderness to jungle, from desert to ocean.

These scenery are also the reason why he chose to go by helicopter.

"We are almost there."

Looking towards the city covered by wasteland. As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but yellow mud.

Countless earthen houses are crisscrossed everywhere.

People here walk barefoot on the scorching earth, wearing light gauze clothes to prevent themselves from fainting due to the heat.

It is a very strong contrast with the extravagant Youke Xin.

"It's really special."

Walking on the street, a constant stream of people are wandering around the market to buy.

Most of the vendors mainly sell minerals, and the rest sell food and daily necessities.

As for luxury goods, they don't exist here.

Due to the geographical environment and the country's particularity, no big boss would choose to develop business here.

So even though this is the center of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom, it still looks no different from a slum.

From this point of view, it is hard to imagine that the ancient Ganyu Kingdom is actually one of the v5 countries.

"You two go first."

Looking at the two people beside him who were ready to move, Yunye did not stop them.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two of them disappeared from the spot in an instant and walked towards the place they were interested in.


Yunye shook his head helplessly and continued to walk forward.

The market was unusually lively, and many vendors were working hard to introduce their products.

"Dear guests, come and have a look. This is an antique freshly unearthed from the Kakyi Ruins. It is a rare treasure."

"Come and have a look, Felt metal ore is now only sold for 300,000 rings, don’t miss it!"

"The specialty food of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom, the red oil fruit, is sweet and fresh, very delicious!"

Along the way, Yunye heard a lot of new things that only existed in books.

"It's quite delicious."

After taking a bite of the red oil fruit, the juice inside seemed to flow out like it was free.

Compared with ordinary fruits, this is indeed delicious.

Coming to a secret place, Yunye gently snapped his fingers.

In an instant, countless black shadows emerged from the shadows on all sides, standing in front of him in an orderly manner, waiting for orders.

"Find him."

With one order, all the shadows moved out.

"I wonder if you have left yet."

Yunye thought.

The person he was looking for was Jin.

According to Netero's specific hint, he was at the place where Yunye was currently.

This was also the reason why Yunye came here.

During this time, Yunye continued to go to the market to buy things he liked.


In an underground ruin

"Jin, I found a tombstone!"

A thin man pointed at the deep grave and shouted

""Have you found it? That's great."

Jin stood up with a smile on his face.

Behind him, many of his companions also smiled at the discovery.

Suddenly, Jin seemed to have a feeling, and his whole body tensed up and entered a state of alert.

The companions around him saw this scene and understood it, and they were alert around them without leaving any trace.

For a moment, the originally cheerful underground ruins became serious, and even the sound of falling rocks could be clearly heard.

"How to return..."

Just as someone was asking questions, a figure appeared in the shadowy areas around them.

Soon, countless black shadows looked at the living people with empty eyes.

"This is it!"

Seeing these shadows, Jin understood instantly.

After all, he and Yunye had been together for two years, and they were very familiar with each other.

As for the shadows in front of him, he naturally understood that Yunye was looking for him.

"It's okay, don't worry."

"My friend is looking for me."

Jin's words comforted everyone present.

But they still looked at the shadows with caution.

People always unconsciously have fear and vigilance towards unknown creatures.

"Go back and tell Xiaoyun that I will meet him soon."

Jin said quickly.

As for how to find Yunye, he naturally has his own way.

Sure enough, after saying these words, the originally dense black shadows instantly poured into the black shadows and disappeared.

The crowded underground ruins became empty again, as if nothing had happened.

""Jin, was it your friend who was looking for you just now?"

The companion asked in disbelief.

He could sense that the strength of these shadows was not weak, not to mention that there were so many of them. As soon as he said this, the others also looked at Jin.

Hearing the question, Jin smiled and told the story.


"Will he come to see me?"

After receiving the news from the black shadow, Yunye leisurely drank a sip of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom brand boiled water.

Since Jindu said so, he would naturally wait.

Looking at the sky getting darker, Yunye stood up and swallowed the parasol with his shadow, and walked slowly towards the town.

He found the most luxurious hotel and checked in directly.

He didn't care how much money it cost.

Now, his assets have reached 100 billion ringgits, which is enough for ten lifetimes.

At this time, Gra and Leke returned with a lot of things.

They have bought what they like.

"Let's go and get ready to welcome the guests."

As soon as I entered the room, I saw a figure waiting on a chair.

His bright eyes stared at Yunye and said slowly

"Long time no see, Xiaoyun."

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