Looking at the person in front of him, Yunye smiled knowingly

"Yes, it's been a long time since we last met. You've gotten older."

Faced with the teasing, Jin casually stroked his long-unshaved beard.

"I heard that you found anything in the underground ruins.

Yunye asked curiously.

As far as he knew, Jin would never shoot an arrow without an arrow. Everything he did had a purpose.

"I was there for about six months and I did discover some things"

"Especially the last tomb, a breakthrough was made."

Jin did not hide the information he knew.

After all, he and Yunye had been together for two years, and the trust between them was still very strong.

"Tell me about it."

Yunye lay on the bed and looked at Jin lazily.

"The ruins I discovered are the most magnificent underground ruins in the ancient Ganyu Kingdom."

"Along the way, our team discovered many rare and precious funeral objects, each of which is priceless."

"It took us nearly five months just to collect these burial objects!"

"Then I spent a month going deeper and finally found the tombstone on the last day."

"There are ancient characters carved on it that do not belong to this era."

At this point, Jin paused for a moment.

Then his tone became serious.

"After comparison, we found that it was the tomb of the ancient king of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom!"

"The tombstone records his legendary life."

"About 300 years ago, he led a group of guardians to explore the Dark Continent for a year and finally brought back a crown."

"Later, under his management, the ancient Ganyu Kingdom gradually became stronger and stronger, and now it has become a V5-level country."

When these words came out, Yunye was very surprised.

I didn't expect that the ancient Ganyu Kingdom had such a history. No wonder this country was so weak and could still stand firm in V5.

It is probably relying on the remaining power of this king.

As for the guardian mentioned above, it is most likely the current Nen ability user, but with a different name.

It can be seen that the inheritance of Nen is very long.


The world library in Yunye's mind flipped quickly.

Soon, all the information about this aspect rushed out.

The ancient Ganyu Kingdom used the inheritance system. When the current king reached the age of sixty, the throne would automatically pass to his son who was related to him by blood.

And the way of inheritance was to inherit the crown!

""Why, are you interested in the crown?"

Seeing Yunye thinking, Jin asked with a smile.

The crown of the king of a country has become a topic of conversation for the two of them at this moment.

"Aren't you curious about the crown that the king brought from the Dark Continent?"

Yunye asked with a chuckle.

"Of course I'm curious."

Jin didn't hide his thoughts at all.

As a relic hunter, he was naturally interested in this kind of ancient treasure, not to mention something related to the Dark Continent.

"It should be fine to bring it for viewing."

Yun Ye said hesitantly.

"I don't think there's any problem with that."

Jin immediately agreed.

The two hit it off and immediately decided to 'borrow' the crown to study it.

"By the way, you must have something to ask me, tell me."

Jin stretched his stiff body and asked

"Netero and I are planning to explore the Dark Continent, and we want to find you to go with us."

Yun Ye said slowly. The stretched Jin paused for a moment.

These words were like a depth charge to him, and they caused a lot of waves.


Jin's face turned serious and he asked in a serious voice.

You know, he had wanted to go to the Dark Continent for a long time, but he had not set out because of Netero's restrictions and the three conditions he set.

"It couldn't be more true. Currently, there are..."

Yunye told Jin all the people who were going to go, including the top-secret information about Naniga.

"I didn't expect that your Zoldyck family still hides such a monster."

Jin's eyes could not hide the shock.

Others might not understand, but for the resourceful Jin, he knew exactly what Naniga meant.

As long as it was used well, it would definitely play an extremely important role.

"How about joining?"

"If you don't join now, you may not have the chance later."

Yun Ye didn't brag.

If Jin suddenly wanted to go after they set out, no one would be willing to go back and take him with them.

"I join."

Jin didn't even hesitate, and chose to agree.

Even if the three conditions he set were not met, the opportunity was rare.

Jin knew clearly that if he didn't make a choice, he would have no chance in the future.

After all, everyone was smart, and what they had to deal with was the bloody reality.

"Very good, I would like to remind you that your mortal enemy may also come."

As soon as these words came out, a dark smile instantly appeared in Jin's mind.

"Will this guy come too? That might make things interesting."

Jin smiled.

He never took Pariston seriously, just like the president was willing to keep him by his side.

The trouble he created would only make people feel happy.

"Okay, I've finished talking nonsense, now it's time to get down to business."

Yun Ye stopped talking nonsense.

This surprised Jin, who was about to leave.

What he just said was nonsense.

The shadow behind him moved quickly, and the dark purple stone tablet emerged and entered Jin's field of vision.

"You should know this stone tablet."

Yun Ye asked while stroking the stone tablet.

"Where are you from?"

Jin's reaction was exactly the same as Netero's, and he hurried forward to ask

"I got it by chance."

Yunye did not explain too much.

The horror of that creature was enough to make Jin feel desperate.

Even Netero's resolute eyes could not help but reveal a sense of fear when he talked about that creature.

"Well, I did find such a monument."

"Based on my observations over the past few months, this is a map, but I don't know where it leads to."

Jin is indeed an all-round player, and he discovered the clues on the stone tablet just like Yunye.

"Where is that stone tablet?"

Yun Ye put the stone tablet away and asked

"I have been taken to a secret place."

"I guess you already know it, it's in Greed Island."

Jin slowly said the location of the stone tablet.

It was in the game he was studying.

Greed Island!


For Jin, the safest place is in the game he developed, Greed Island.

In it, he is the creator god, so he can naturally preserve the stone tablet well and prevent it from being taken away by others.

"Let's go now."

"Don't worry."

Yun Ye interrupted Jin's operation.

Since he was now in the ancient Ganyu Kingdom, he naturally had to choose the principle of proximity.

"Let’s borrow the crown first!"

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