In the remaining time, the two made a series of plans.

The king's palace was heavily guarded and heavily guarded, and there were many Nen users guarding the depths.

In order to sneak in safely and borrow things without being discovered, they naturally had to plan well.

In a short while, Yunye and Jin's wisdom condensed a perfect plan and route.

""Let's go now without further delay."

Looking at the night outside the window, Yunye decided to set out now.

It was a dark and windy night, and it was the right time to borrow.

There was no better time than now.


Jin nodded in agreement.

As for Leke and Gra, they were responsible for keeping watch outside the palace and providing assistance.

If they were discovered, they could get the news in time and slip away.

Anyway, with their strength, there was no way to stop them from leaving.


After making the decision, the few people disappeared in an instant.

Even though it was already night, the bustling market was still very lively, with a constant stream of people.

If someone looked carefully above their heads at this time, they would find several figures running towards the king's palace at a very fast speed.

"There are indeed a lot of people guarding the place."

When Yunye came to the periphery, he took a closer look.

He found that there were countless soldiers patrolling back and forth just outside the wall, holding the latest developed guns in their hands, always paying attention to the surroundings.

But this also made him more certain that the king of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom was in the palace at this moment.

""Go according to the original plan."

Jin whispered and ran away again. After receiving the order, Leke and Gra guarded the two sides of the palace respectively. If there was any movement, they would inform the two in a unique way.

"It's my turn to perform."

Yun Ye was able to blend into the inner world, so he naturally became the first choice to explore the interior.

As night fell, everything he saw was covered by shadows.

For Yun Ye, this was heaven.

Night was his home court.

Without any hesitation, his body directly blended into the shadows and entered the inner world. He easily entered the heavily guarded palace, as if he had entered an unmanned area.

He went straight to the inside of the palace, slowly emerged his head and looked around.

Looking around, all kinds of luxurious interiors were available, highlighting the rich appearance, which made people admire that it was worthy of being a palace of a country.

On the high platform, a throne made of pure gold was standing quietly on it.

Since it was already night, the king was resting at the moment, and no one came here

"Isn't it here?"

Yunye carefully sensed it and found that the crown was not here.

After telling Jin in a unique way, he integrated into the inner world again and jumped straight into the depths of the palace.

Not long after, Yunye felt several strong auras hiding around waiting for an opportunity to move.

It can be seen that this should be the place where the king lives, otherwise there would not be so many strong people staring at this place.

Thinking of this, Yunye slowly approached the house.

Passing by a telepath who was observing the surroundings, he came straight into the house.

"Xinzi, how long do you think we can last?"

"The erosion brought by the crown is getting worse and worse. I'm afraid Hill can't bear it."

On the bed, the king said to the woman beside him with a worried look. Xinzi is the wife of the current king, and Hill is the next generation king.

"It seems there is something inside."

After hearing the conversation between the two, even a fool could tell that something was wrong.

From the fragmentary information, Yunye speculated that although the crown brought by the Dark Continent could provide help, it also required a price.

Just like restrictions and oaths, if you want to gain power, you must set corresponding restrictions. The erosion that the king mentioned is most likely the price of use, and this price has become more and more serious with the changes of the times.

Until now, the king began to worry whether the prince who was about to inherit could bear it.

"Hill will definitely be able to make it through."

Xinzi could only continue to comfort the king.

Once the prince could not bear it, the ancient Ganyu Kingdom would be faced with an unprecedented catastrophe!

"You two can talk first, I will take the crown first."

Hidden in the inner world, Yunye looked at various places in the room.

Finally, he set his sights on a corner.

What surprised Yunye was that there were hundreds of places to hide in the whole room, and each one was very secretive and ordinary people could not find it at all.

It can be seen how much the king values his crown.

Fortunately, Yunye's mental strength is strong enough, otherwise it may take some time to find it.

When the king and the other were still in love, Yunye had quietly groped over.

"Are there really any restrictions?"

I came to the mezzanine, which was covered with layers of mind lines.

If anyone touched it, the surrounding mind users would get the information and rush in directly.

Although Yunye could easily deal with them, the purpose of coming here secretly was to avoid making things complicated.

"A trifling trick."

Yunye slowly condensed a talisman in his hand.

Sealing technique!

In an instant, the entire mezzanine was deprived of time, space and other powers, and everything was completely sealed.

Yunye took the crown in his hand through the layers of thought lines as if he was taking something out of a bag.

After a careful look, the crown was golden in color, with an exquisite and luxurious appearance, inlaid with circles of rubies, which was very consistent with the elegant and luxurious temperament of the royal family.

But what really caught Yunye's attention was the dark aura emanating from it.

Even without Jin's information, this aura alone could easily deduce the origin of the crown.

"It's time to leave."

Without stopping for too long, Yunye casually put a red oil fruit in it and left here in a swagger. He soon met up with Jin who was lying in ambush nearby.

"Have you got it yet?"

Jin looked at Yun Ye in front of him with surprise.

He obviously didn't expect that he had got it in just a few minutes.

"That's right."

Yunye slowly took out the crown.

The aura it exuded confirmed its authenticity.

"Is this the crown that has kept the ancient Ganyu Kingdom standing forever?"

Jin looked at the crown curiously.

"You should know the function of the crown, right?"

Yun Ye asked directly.

For a key item that drives the entire ancient Ganyu Kingdom, it is impossible that the tombstone only mentioned it carelessly. There must be a lot of words about the crown.

"I do know."

At this point, Jin no longer hides

"This crown is called Guilty Crown"

"Any king who wears this crown can see the sins of others and enforce judgment."

"The more serious the sins, the more cruel the punishment will be."

"With this characteristic, the ancient Ganyu Kingdom continued to rise"

"But there is a side effect of using the crown, that is, every time it is used, the pain received by the next heir when inheriting it will increase!"

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