After hearing Jin's explanation, Yunye finally understood something.

No wonder the extremely poor Guganyu Kingdom could become a V5-level country.

Once the representatives of other countries disagree, the king of Guganyu Kingdom might go all out and directly use the crown to judge the representatives.

You know, anyone who can reach this position has blood on his hands.

If the trial is really carried out, the punishment will be extremely horrible. It may be the same as Naniga's punishment, directly compressed into a thin rope. It can be said that the entire Guganyu Kingdom is driven by the king alone. One person ascends to immortality, and the chickens and dogs are also immortal!

"The crown has been in use for three hundred years, and the accumulated pain until today is absolutely terrifying."

Yun Ye instantly understood why the king was so worried just now.

He had endured the pain before, so he naturally understood how difficult it was to get through it.

Moreover, after sixty years of changes, the accumulated pain of the crown itself has become even more severe.

It is hard to imagine whether the next prince can successfully inherit it.

"Time is running out, let's get started now."

Looking at the dark night, Jin immediately decided to start researching

""Why, do you want to wear it?"

Yun Ye asked curiously.

He really wanted to see how terrible the pain would be if he put it on, and whether it would kill him in an instant.

"Of course not."

Jin smiled mysteriously and took out a card from his pocket.

It was the Greed Island card!


Able to summon an ordinary human to resist damage, perform experiments, etc.

"As expected.

Yunye had expected this.

As the creator, Jin would definitely prepare some special cards for him, waiting for them to come into play at the critical moment.

"Want one? I can give you one."

Jin smiled and shook the card in his hand.

But Yunye shook his head.

If he wanted it, he could just go to Greed Island and use the administrator's authority to make it.

After all, what's yours is mine. If you can make it, then the cloned Jin can also make it.


Jin didn't care and used the card directly.

The next moment, an ordinary person appeared in front of the two of them. He was very ordinary from head to toe, and was a level that would not be noticed in the crowd.

"I'm going to start."

Jin slowly put the crown on his head.

Then, he slowly said

"Temporary coronation."

Instantly, the crown burst into a dazzling black light, filled with desire, violence, pain, greed and many other factors.

Waves of malice emanated, making people feel palpitations.

The coronation ceremony officially began!


Suddenly, the scapegoat covered his head with a distorted and ferocious expression, and pounded his head on the ground frantically.

His facial features began to spurt blood frantically, as if it was free.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The continuous hammering sound soon made a small crater in the ground.

This was just the beginning of the coronation ceremony!

"It's really scary."

Looking at the scapegoat hammering his head on the ground, Jin couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Time passed, and after half an hour, the coronation ceremony was still not over.

At this time, the scapegoat's eyes were dull and his face was covered with blood stains.

"The scapegoat is dead.

As soon as the words fell, the scapegoat suddenly turned into a ball of air and dissipated in the air.


As the scapegoat disappeared, the crown symbolizing pain also fell to the ground.

"He has already died. Something has restricted his death, making the scapegoat suffer all the time."

Yun Ye clearly sensed that the scapegoat had died a few minutes ago.

But there was still a force holding back his life and even his soul, causing the scapegoat to continue suffering.

Only after the coronation ceremony was completely over did the scapegoat let go and let him die freely.

He couldn't live, and couldn't die!

This kind of insane trait is worthy of being a product of the Dark Continent.

"It seems that we should not use these things excessively after we obtain them."

Jin came to a conclusion immediately.

It can be used, but not excessively.

After all, the crown has become so terrifying after three hundred years of changes.

"Side effects?"

Yun Ye muttered in a low voice.

The hunter world emphasizes equal exchange. No matter what you want to get, you must pay a certain price.

This is the fairest rule.

"Continue to the next experiment."

Jin continued to take out a card from his pocket.

He was indeed moved by the scene just now.

But the road to success must be paved with countless dead bones.

This is an inevitable result.


Yunye did not obstruct.

In the remaining time, the two continued to experiment with the crown.

Finally, at dawn, they finally came up with several rules.

1. Even if someone has taken the pain instead, the pain of the next heir will not be reduced.

2. The crown cannot be destroyed in any form.

3. Even if there is no bloodline restriction, the crown can still be inherited, and the restrictions are not yet known.

4. The energy consumed by using the crown is most likely the essence of life, which is why the throne must be inherited at the age of sixty.

"There is still no manpower."

Jin shook his head.

Because the scapegoat could not bear the pain, the experimental results that could be obtained were very rare.

To truly understand its characteristics, the user's cooperation is required.

For example, the king who can use the crown or the next heir!

"Let's stop here today. We'll have a chance to study it later." The sun was already breaking and the king was about to wake up.

""Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Jin handed the crown to Yunye.

The next moment, Yunye disappeared into the shadows and went straight to the king's room.

"You go out first."

In the room, the king had already woken up and told Xinzi to go out first.

The importance of the crown forced him to be so cautious that he could not even trust the person he loved the most.

He slowly came to the mezzanine where the crown was stored.


Yunye put the crown in and broke the seal.

At that moment, the king opened the interlayer and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the crown was still inside.

"We will meet again if we are lucky."

Yun Ye glanced at the king and quickly left the palace to meet Jin.

"Shall we go there now?"

Jin looked at Yunye and asked.

The place they were going to was naturally the Greed Island where the stone tablet was hidden.

Yunye thought about it and smiled.

"Have you ever experienced the feeling of surprise?

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