"Don't go there for now. Continue exploring the underground ruins to see if there are any new discoveries."

"We'll go there in a few months."

Hearing this, Jin didn't care. For him, although the matter of the stone tablet was important, exploring the ruins was also important.

Since Yun Ye had said so, he was willing to continue waiting.


Yunye smiled slightly.

The purpose of his delay was to wait for Xiaojie to enter Greed Island in a few months.

When they saw this father they had never met by chance, how would they feel?

It was really exciting.

"Then I will leave first, and contact me when you have made up your mind."

Jin didn't know what Yunye was thinking at this time, so he said goodbye and left.

His companions are still waiting for him in the hotel.

"We should leave too."

Looking at the magnificent palace behind him, Yun Ye turned and left.

When there is a chance, he must kidnap the king and study him carefully.

"Boss, I'm so hungry.��"

Gra patted his flat stomach and said,"

A night of waiting only made him feel hungry.

""Okay, okay, I'll wait for you to go back."

The voices of several people gradually faded away and disappeared on this land.


""Huh, it's almost done."

Yunye slowly opened his eyes and exhaled.

After six months of waiting, the agreed time finally arrived.

The shadows behind him moved frantically, and soon, hundreds of shadows filled the entire room.

"Find him."

The familiar words fell, and the shadow disappeared instantly.

This search was obviously much faster than the last time, and it took only an hour to contact Jin.

At this moment, he was still in the underground ruins and did not leave.

During this period, he explored many ruins one after another, but did not gain much.

The only gain might be some precious burial objects and broken information.

"We are about to set off."

Looking at the two people behind him, Yunye said slowly


Laike put away the whetstone, stood up and waited.


Gra suddenly stuffed the piece of meat in his hand into his mouth.

""Knock, knock, knock."

After waiting for a while, there was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, Jin Feng, who was exhausted, came into view.

The dark underground ruins made him look even more haggard.

"Shall we set off now?"

Jin came in and asked directly

"Well, do you have a game console?"

Yunye looked at Jin and asked.

The game console he brought with him to Greedy Island was still in the room of the Yunyin School.

Considering that the school was still in Greedy Island, he had not taken it with him.

"I don't have one."

Jin said with a little embarrassment.

Although he was one of the producers, he didn't even have a game console.

"But we can enter directly without the game console."

Jin took out four red cards from his pocket.

Administrator Card - Enter.

You can enter Greed Island without a medium.

Although there is no game console, there is something more advanced than a game console.

"Very good, let's go now."

Yun Ye calculated the time, took the card and chose to use it directly.

The next second, the red light covered his body, and with a bang, he was taken out of the room and flew towards Greed Island.

The remaining few people did not hesitate and chose to use it directly.

If someone looked up at this time, they would find that the red meteor was passing quickly in the sky.

Greed Island - Shou Fu Rabbi.


Dust flew, Yun Ye successfully appeared in the range of Greed Island

"Is this the place?"

Yun Ye looked around and instantly realized that he was in Shoufu Rabi.

It was known as a commercial city with a beautiful coastline, but it was secretly ruled by a powerful pirate group.



Bang! There were three loud noises, and the figures of Jin, Leke, and Gra appeared closely behind.

"This is Greed Island.

Jin began to introduce the rules of the game.

"No need, we can play."

Yunye interrupted Jin's introduction.

Then he read out the book and opened the card collection book.

"Have you played it before?"

Jin was a little surprised.

He didn't expect Yunye to know so much about Greed Island.

Looking closely at Yunye's collection of cards, Jin's eyes widened instantly.

"You actually have so many cards!"

In the card collection, a wide variety of cards are neatly inlaid.

Even the extremely rare designated cards have a lot of

"It's just a small scene, don't be so surprised."

Yun Ye waved his hand to tell him not to worry.

If Jin saw that he could still use the administrator privileges, he would explode on the spot.

"Let's go find the stone tablet first."

Yun Ye urged without further ado.

Hearing this, Jin stopped asking questions and walked towards the ocean below.

When he reached the coast, Jin took out a card from the card collection.

Administrator Card - Unlock.

The next moment, the card turned into starlight and flew into the center of the sea.


There was a vibration, and huge waves gradually rose from the sea surface, and a large safe appeared.

Jin used the card again to pave a path and walked straight over.


When the safe was opened, a dark purple stone tablet was quietly standing inside.

It was exactly the same as the stone tablet that Yunye had shown at the beginning!

"That's right, this is it."

Yun Ye took out the stone tablet with a little excitement.

"Are you ready?"

Turning around, Yun Ye asked seriously.

Only after Jin nodded did he slowly close the two stone tablets.


In an instant, a dark purple light flashed by.

Looking again, the two stone tablets were miraculously combined together, without a single gap.

It seemed that it should be like this.

Looking at the contents inside again, it looked like a complete map.


Jin looked at the stone tablet with excitement.

He was looking forward to where the map on the stone tablet would lead to.

What secrets were waiting for them to uncover at the end?

"Okay, it's just a map, don't get so excited."

Yun Ye used shadows to swallow the stone tablet and calm Jin's excitement.

There will be more exciting things later.

"Well, now that the mission is completed, I should leave."

Jin took out the card and wanted to leave.

But a hand suddenly snatched the card away.

"Don't be in such a hurry to leave."

"This is the game you developed yourself. How can you not play it?"

These words surprised Jin.

To be honest, he had never played Greed Island. His impression of it was still when it was successfully developed.

Thinking of this, Jin suddenly had the urge to play it.

"Then I'll play with you for a while."

Seeing Jin agreed, Yunye's mouth curled up a smile.

His mind began to search for Xiaojie's current location.

"Then let's go to the bounty city - Andoqiba!"

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