With a cry of surprise, everyone looked at Yunye who had been standing behind them with surprised eyes.

"After so many years, I finally see you."

The gambling king stepped forward with tears in his eyes and held Yunye's hand.

It was as if he was meeting an old friend who had not seen each other for many years. It made people feel relieved.

"Yes, it seems that what I said at the beginning worked for you."

"Now he can rely on himself to become the gambling king, not bad, not bad."

Yun Ye nodded in appreciation.

He always had the greatest respect for those who rose through their own efforts. He thought that he would be devastated after the gambling king's authority was eliminated, but he didn't expect that he would work hard and become the gambling king by relying on his own strength!

"I still rely on your guidance."

The gambling king scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

"Is this the God of Gamblers? He is so young."

"This is a player, how did he become the god of gambling?"

"It seems that Greed Island has a new strong opponent this time."

Many people were whispering around, including many players.

Since the tycoon started to recruit players, the number of people on Greed Island has increased dramatically, resulting in players being seen everywhere.

Of course, the competition has naturally become more intense. For example, the bomb demon that has been terrified recently.

As the boss for Xiaojie to train, its strength is enough to control all the players.

It can be said to be so terrifying.

"Brother, you are actually the God of Gamblers!"

Hearing this title and the look of worship of the gambling king, Killua's face was instantly covered with shock.

It's okay to put a bounty on the number one player, but now there's a God of Gamblers.

How many other identities do you have that we don't know about?

"They just said that. I didn't say I was the God of Gamblers."

Yun Ye was helpless about this.

He just won once against the King of Gamblers. How could he become the God of Gamblers?

Just like the bounty list, he had no idea.

"Brother Yunye is really amazing."

Xiaojie looked at Yunye with shining eyes.

This made Jin, who was standing beside him, feel a little uncomfortable for some reason.

How could his own son start worshipping others when he didn't worship his father anymore?

""Okay, Killua, you're here to play, aren't you?"

Yunye changed the subject and looked at Killua.

Hearing this, Killua immediately got excited and pulled Xiaojie to run towards the slot machines inside.


Just as Yunye was about to do something, an excited cat's cry attracted his attention.

Turning his head, he saw a fat cat standing and looking at him with tears in his eyes.

""Ah, Dingdang!"

Yunye shouted in surprise.

He almost forgot that he had left Dingdang here to collect treasures.

This collection took four years, which really caught the cat off guard.


Hearing her name, Dingdang rushed forward into Yunye's arms.

The meows continued to ring, telling of the hardships of these years.

In this situation, Yunye could only stroke the cat's head to comfort it.

"Is this the A-level card Dingdang?"

Jin saw Dingdang's appearance and instantly knew its origin.

It was one of the cards of Greed Island.

"Come, Dingdang, let me see what you have collected over the years."

Yun Ye put Dingdang on the ground and began to take out its dimensional treasure bag.

When he stirred it with his hands, he felt that it was blocked by countless things.

It can be seen how many things Dingdang has collected over the years, and the dimensional treasure bag that is said to have infinite space is full.

With a casual pull, a designated card was taken out.

A-level card - Palm Tyrannosaurus!

A very rare card

"Even this can be collected, doesn't it mean..."

Yunye looked at the treasure bag and fell into deep thought.

Since even the A-level designated cards can be collected, it means that Dingdang's collection limit does not exist.

Even if it is only an A-level card, it can still collect things of the same level or even higher.

In order to verify the conjecture, Yunye continued to reach into the treasure bag.

Soon, countless treasures and cards were taken out, with D~B-level cards occupying the majority and A-level occupying a small part.

The most precious of them is.

S-level card-Substitute Armor!

S-level card-Shield of Faith!

Two S-level rare cards were actually collected by Dingdang with an A-level card.

This once again shows the diversity of cards, and different ways of playing can create different results.

"Have you even discovered this mechanism?"

Jin looked at Yunye with some surprise.

The number of people who knew about this mechanism was definitely small.

Because most players tend to collect Dingdang as a designated card and will not easily choose to use it.

After all, once used, it will not be able to change back to a designated card.

"Thank you for your hard work over the years."

Yun Ye said to Ding Dang gently.

Although these things are very precious, they were collected bit by bit by Ding Dang in the past four years.

Only the cat knows the hardship.


Dingdang nodded hard, determined to collect more treasures and give them to Yunye.

From then on, the idea of collecting treasures in his heart became more profound.

"Do you have anything else to say to Xiaojie?"

"If I don't tell you now, I may not have the chance later."

Yun Ye turned and looked at Jin and said.

After all, no one knows what will happen next.

"Wait a minute before leaving. I want to teach Xiaojie how to use Nen."

Jin finally remembered his father's responsibility and decided to leave Xiaojie with his own memories.


Yun Ye agreed immediately, as he also had something to deal with.

The two of them parted ways and walked in different directions.

""Let me see where you are."

Yunye began to locate the direction in his mind. He soon determined the location.

Looking behind him, Leke and Gra were still competing with each other.

He ignored them and directly merged into the inner world and jumped towards the southeast.

It took only half an hour to reach the journey of thousands of miles.

Looking forward, a familiar figure was killing all around.

Countless monsters surrounded him. He looked around calmly, and suddenly a terrifying aura burst out of his body, sweeping across the entire wilderness.

In an instant, time seemed to stop, and all the monsters fell to the ground with a bang, turning into cards.

After he used his aura to gather all the cards, he walked towards Masha Dora.

"As expected of the Sect Master."

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye couldn't help but sigh.

The one who killed thousands instantly was the Sect Master of Yunyin School - Liu Yin.

This was the first time Yun Ye saw Liu Yin really take action, and his strength was as strong as he thought.

""Master, long time no see."

Yunye appeared in front of Liuyin with a smile on his face.


Seeing Yunye, Liuyin was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

"You haven't been back to Yunyin for a long time. How are you doing recently?"

Yunyin's voice was still serious, but the concern in it was still inadvertently radiated.

"I've been going through a lot recently."

"I came to you this time because I have something to tell you."

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