Yunye spoke slowly.

Hearing that something was wrong, Liuyin nodded and listened quietly.

"You should have heard of the Dark Continent."

Yunye asked

"You mean that place? I do know it."

"Some of the secret techniques of our Kumogakure school were learned from the creatures there."

Ryuuin told the information.

It turned out that most of the mysterious secret techniques of the Kumogakure school were all products of the Dark Continent.

Rather than products, it is better to say that they are skills that the founders have researched based on the abilities of the creatures of the Dark Continent. It was an era when gods fought.

The founder of the Zoldyck family, the founder of the Kumogakure school, the founder of the Fulish family, and the king of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom.

Each of them is a first-class existence when they are singled out, occupying half of the hunter world.

"I would like to invite the Sect Master to explore the Dark Continent with me."

Yun Ye stated his purpose and invited


Liu Yin was a little hesitant.

He still needed to manage the entire Yunyin School and couldn't get away.

More importantly, he knew the Dark Continent, and the degree of danger was well known.

"You can rest assured, Master. We are currently......"

Yunye slowly told Liuyin about our situation.

Whether it was President Netero's personal participation or the strongest person from the Zoldyck family going out, he told Liuyin everything.

As the leader of the sect, he naturally understood the value of these people.

He said this just to give him some sense of security.

"In that case, allow me to make the arrangements."

After hearing this, Liu Yin finally agreed.

Everyone has a natural curiosity about the unknown, even Liu Yin is no exception.

"No problem."

Yun Ye agreed with a smile.

Now they are in the stage of gathering people.

They need to consider everything carefully before they can set off.

If you are careless, you may lose your life.

After all, you don't want to lose your life as soon as you go.

"Then I will solve it now."

Liu Yin has a strong execution ability and decided to go back immediately.

By then, Yun Yin School will usher in a new wave of major changes.

The next sect leader is very likely to be the current senior brother.

Listen to Yin!

"This side has been resolved, I wonder what the situation is like over there."

Yunye looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

I wonder what kind of people Netero will gather to go with him.

The figure merged into the shadows again and disappeared into the vast wilderness.


"Boy, this is not how you use Nian."

""Xiaojie, keep it up."

Arriving at the outskirts of the gambling city, Jin was training Killua and Xiaojie strictly.

Tiny air attached to their skin, foreshadowing their new life.

Compared with ordinary masters, Jin's understanding of mind is obviously much better than theirs.

This time, what kind of evolution will Xiaojie and Killua get?

"Have you solved your problem?"

Jin suddenly said, standing still.

"Well, it's almost done, the next step is to wait."

Yun Ye slowly appeared from behind.

Looking at the two people working hard below, a trace of relief appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What are your plans next?"

Yunye asked, throwing the risk dice in his hand.

"After I train them, I will prepare for the trip to the Dark Continent.

Jin had already made plans for the future.

He always liked to be well prepared before setting off. This sudden invitation was obviously an accident.

"I should also prepare myself."

As he spoke, Yunye's figure slowly disappeared.

He left Greed Island at a very fast speed and headed towards the NGL Republic.

In just a few hours, he appeared in the palace.

Unexpectedly, Zaiyiluo was not here to handle affairs this time.

After a little perception, he found that he was in the laboratory, and he didn't know what he was doing.

He changed his figure again and appeared in the laboratory.

It was still the same as before, with various sophisticated instruments running quickly, and every researcher was anxiously waiting for the results.

In the distance, Zaiyiluo was looking at a report in front of a test bench.

"What are you looking at?"

The familiar voice made Zaiyi Luo put down the report in his hand immediately.

"Lord, I'm looking at research information about chimera ants"

"The number of chimera ants has increased dramatically recently. According to our investigation, a queen ant appeared at the southern end of the Balusa Islands on the Eurubian continent."

"It can reproduce rapidly by devouring energy, and has now bred chimera ants of different shapes and types."

"This is also the reason why chimera ants appear."

"We are now discussing how to capture these chimera ants for further research.

Zai Luo told all the information.

They are planning to implement a capture plan to bring some different chimera ants to the laboratory for research.

"Has it appeared yet?"

Yunye was not surprised by the appearance of the queen ant.

According to the timeline, now is indeed the time for the queen ant to appear.

And according to the report, different chimera ants have appeared, which means that the queen ant has begun the development stage.

"Should we solve it?"

Zai Yiluo asked carefully.

"No, the fittest survive."

Yun Ye did not stop the queen ant from growing.

When the ant king is born, Netero will be able to witness a wonderful battle.

Then he can do a favor and capture the ant king for research.

It's like killing two birds with one stone.

"Don't worry about it, just continue the capture plan."

Yun Ye immediately gave the order.

In response, Zai Yiluo immediately nodded and gave the capture order to the scientific researchers beside him.

Then, Yun Ye set his sights on the two iron eggs neatly placed in front of him.

They were the destructive weapons [Nirvana].

Two were produced in a few months, which was a breakthrough compared to the three produced in the previous four years.

It can be seen that scientific research is growing at an incredible speed.

"I will take these two [Nirvana] first"

"You continue to make them, and wait for my order later."

Yun Ye put away the two iron eggs.

His idea was very pure, to go to various countries of V5 to"borrow" scientific research information, so as to obtain more weapon blueprints.

Just one [Nirvana] is not enough, and it cannot have a strong deterrent effect on other countries.

After all, when he is not there, who knows if V5 will suddenly attack. All the hard work accumulated for a long time will go to waste.

"I will obey the Lord's command."

Zai Luo retreated with a respectful expression.

"Let's go now without further delay."

After leaving the laboratory and looking at the sky which was gradually getting darker, Yunye decided immediately.

Go to V5 to borrow weapon information!

The first stop is the Ochima Federation!

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