Jin thought of the country he had been hearing about before.

NGL had been widely known among the upper class, and no one could ignore NGL, which had risen to the status of a great power in just four years.

You know, every great power has been passed down for countless years to reach its current status.

NGL was like a rising star, making everyone present feel amazed and even afraid!

"Yes, you can think about it."

"But it has to be done as soon as possible, after all, it may not be needed in the future."

Yun Ye's words were very confident.

This was his affirmation of NGL's potential.

Jin also heard the meaning of his words, and couldn't help but be a little whimsical about Yun Ye's idea.

V5 has always been at the top of the world rankings, and what it contains is something that a country cannot catch up with in a thousand years.

How can an NGL that has just developed for four years catch up with others' thousands of years of inheritance?

"I'll join."

Jin smiled and agreed.

He trusted Yunye instead of NGL.

Yunye had created more miracles than him, which made him subconsciously think that he could succeed this time.

With this idea in mind, Jin chose to go crazy once.

Once he chose NGL, it meant that he had chosen a team.

In the future, V5 would no longer extend an olive branch to him, but would ignore his existence and even count him as an enemy.

Facing all this, Jin accepted it calmly.

"You won't regret it."

Yun Ye has 100% confidence in his plan.

After getting those mechanical balls, this confidence has increased countless times.

In the future, Jin will be glad for his choice.

"I will report to NGL when I have time."

Jin picked up the letter of appointment given to him by Yunye and stood up.

He took a last look at the two little ones below, and his figure gradually disappeared from his sight.

For Jin, leaving without saying goodbye is the best farewell.

Xiaojie didn't know that Jin had started a new journey.

It was not until the evening that the two of them finished their training.

"Dad, what are we training next?..."

Xiao Jie shouted excitedly, but saw only Yun Ye standing there.

He was smart and obviously understood that Jin had quietly left.

These days of getting along made him truly experience the father's love, although the time was short.

But Xiao Jie believed that they would meet again in the end.

"This irresponsible guy."

Killua said helplessly.

Which father would abandon his family and children for adventure? Is the charm of this really that great?

"You two, we should go now."

At this time, Yunye was already on his way to the hotel, calling on the two to hurry up.

Laike and Gra appeared beside them without knowing when, holding a large piece of meat that they had not finished eating.

"Got it!"

Killa pulled Xiaojie and hurriedly followed.

Greed Island was still very dangerous late at night.

When they arrived at the hotel, Yunye spent a lot of money to choose the best room to live in.

Looking out the window at the dark night, his body quickly circulated the Taichu Cultivation Technique


"You two should help each other and work hard together."

"We have something else to do, so we'll leave first."

Yun Ye told the two of them and then turned and left.

After crossing mountains and turbulent rivers, they finally arrived at the port over thousands of kilometers.

They walked to the director's castle and knocked on the door.

"Who is it? You knock on the door so early in the morning. You really don't know what's good for you."

A thin man opened the door with a complaining look on his face.

"You, you guys!"

The thin man pointed at the two people with disbelief on his face.

""Chief, they are coming again!"

Finally, the thin man ran away with a frightened face and shouted

"Don't make such a fuss, don't you want to do this anymore?"

The director came out with a big belly and a mouth full of oil.

At first, he didn't care much about Yunye's appearance, but soon, his brain started to work rapidly.

"It's you, kid, you're not dead!"

The director looked at Yun Ye who was intact in surprise.

This statement confirmed that the 10 million J reward in the Bounty City was from the director's hand.

"You seem to want me to die."

"But I don't want you to die."

Yun Ye smiled.

As the person in charge of the boat tickets, the director holds countless cards of departure.

Once he is killed, it will be difficult for such card babies to continue to explode cards in the future.

"Please forgive me, I won't dare to do it again!"

The director obviously misunderstood Yunye's meaning and knelt on the ground humbly begging for mercy.

In order to survive, he chose to give up his dignity.

"If you want to survive, you need to be sincere"

"Lao Deng, give me some cards."

Yun Ye gave him a chance to survive.

Hearing this, the director didn't understand what it meant, but he had plenty of cards.

He kept taking out cards from his small pocket.

Until finally, a full 1,000 cards were handed over to Yun Ye.

This was not the director's limit, but it was enough.

It would be useless to have more.

"The amount you offered me is quite high."

"I didn't realize you were so rich."

Yunye looked surprised.

The director understood what he meant and took out a handful of gold coins from his small pocket and gave them to Yunye.

He didn't stop until he had emptied his pocket.

"Okay, okay, your sincerity is sufficient, I am very satisfied"

"You can continue to offer a reward, I have no objection.

Yun Ye did not stop the director from offering a reward.

If it can add some color to the boring trip, it would be a good choice.

"I dare not."

The director lowered his head quickly, but the gleam in his eyes said it all.

"I'm leaving now, see you next time."

After saying that, Yunye left here slowly.

When he came outside and looked at the blue sky, Yunye felt relaxed and happy.

"Let's go back and see how great-grandfather is doing."

Yun Ye used the boat ticket to fly away from Greed Island.

He appeared again in the hotel of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom.

Where to go, naturally return there.

After simply packing up his luggage, he headed for Kukuru Mountain.

He got on the dear helicopter and completely left the ancient Ganyu Kingdom.

In the sky, the strong wind swept wantonly, but the three people in the cabin did not feel it at all, and even hummed a song.

Finally, after another day and night, they successfully arrived at the lake behind Kukuru Mountain.

Looking down, Maha was sitting on the bench fishing as usual.

He was there whenever he was.


The helicopter landed on the ground and Yunye's figure emerged from it.

"Xiao Yunye, long time no see."

Maha's voice was still old, and his face was full of smiles like a kind elder.

"Who are these two?"

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