He was referring to the two people behind Yunye, Leke and Gra.

This was the first time Maha had seen them.

"They are my partners and the first choice to go to the Dark Continent together."

Yun Ye explained the identities of the two people.

At the same time, he told Maha about what he had gained during this period, including the map of the Dark Continent.

""You are growing so fast."

Maha said with satisfaction.

To be able to achieve such results in such a short period of time, such talent is rare in the whole world.

"Do you know why I didn't name you according to the family rules?"

Maha suddenly said.

In response, Yunye shook his head.

The names of the Zoldyck family have been named according to the rules for generations, such as Killua's name.

But when it comes to Yunye, it becomes a unique case.

"Because from the first moment I saw you I knew you represented freedom and exploration"

"The Zoldyck family can't trap you or stop you from moving forward."

Maha slowly explained the reason.

From the first time he saw the aura blooming from Yunye, he had a premonition that this child's future was destined to be extraordinary.

In order to free Yunye from restrictions, Maha took the lead in breaking the rules.

Until now, Maha is sure that his original choice was not wrong.

"I didn't expect that I would have such a story."

Yun Ye was a little surprised.

He thought that this name was chosen by Maha out of inspiration, but he didn't expect that the meaning behind it was so unusual.

"Since you are ready, when should we set off?

Maha asked.

"Let's wait a little longer."

Yun Ye didn't plan to set off right away.

First, he needed to give Netero some time to gather people and prepare.

Second, he had to wait for a while to see what the research and development results of NGL were. If successful, it would be of great help to this expedition.

In addition, he had to seize every opportunity to improve his own strength and make the most basic preparations for the crisis that would occur next.

"Well, everything went according to your plan."

Maha didn't say much.

He chose to believe Yunye

"If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

After saying that, Yunye disappeared from the spot.

Only Maha was left fishing on the silent plain.

His eyes changed rapidly, and no one knew what he was thinking.


Yunye Residence

"From today on, I will give you two special training until we set off."

Yun Ye looked at the two people in front of him and said.

Their current strength is very strong compared to human society.

But facing the treacherous dark continent, they are still a little weak.

"Really? I can't wait any longer."

"I will definitely study hard."

The two were very excited.

The feeling of being strong can make people addicted, especially those who were weak before.

The plan was completed, and the three of them were immersed in training in the following time.

In the process of training the two, Yunye's own strength was also improving crazily.

This was all due to his supreme comprehension and sixteen hours of training every day.

Although this operation of training and sleeping, sleeping and training is a bit anti-human, it is just right for them.

The state lasted for about a few months until Jin's letter, and the training was completely over.


Lai Ke pushed open the long-sealed Yellow Springs Gate with both hands.

This time, he pushed open all the gates easily, and his strength had reached another peak.

"It's my turn."

Gra couldn't wait to step forward, and pushed forward with his muscles tensed.


In a few seconds, the gate of the underworld was pushed open again.

This scene stunned the surrounding tourists.

"What did Jin write to me?"

Yunye opened Jin's letter and read it carefully.

It clearly stated that Jin had completed the exploration of the underground ruins and would report to NGL soon.

If there was anything else or he needed to leave, he could always contact him.

This was all the information in the letter.

Calculating the current time, the story of the Chimera Ant should have started long ago.

Thinking of this, Yunye took out a phone from the shadows.

"Beep beep beep..."

"Hello, who is this?"

A lively voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, President, it's me."

"Where are you now?"

Yun Ye asked directly.

We are all in the same boat, so there is no need to hide anything.

"I am on my way to NGL now."

"Something extremely bad happened over there and I need to fix it."

"According to the report, creatures from the Dark Continent appeared.

Netero told Yunye all the information truthfully.

Yunye did not choose to stop it, so just like the original plot, the ant king was born.

Along with him were the ant king's three guards.

"NGL? I'll go there later."

Yun Ye's words were like a reassurance, making Netero laugh.

"If you can come, I will be relieved."

After talking nonsense for a while, Yunye hung up the phone.

"Let's go, let's go to NGL."

Yun Ye called out to the two people who were still pushing the Yellow Spring Gate to keep up.

Soon, he completely disappeared from people's sight.


"Are you here so soon?"

Jin looked into the distance, with golden light flashing in his eyes.

"You are talking about that."

Zai Yiluo asked curiously.

He naturally knew about Jin's identity.

After seeing Yunye's recommendation letter, Zai Yiluo was even more confident in him.

"Jin, how come you have aged again after such a long time?"

Yun Ye's teasing voice sounded.

Seeing the person coming, Zai Yiluo's expression instantly became meticulous as if it was a conditioned reflex.

"Lord, welcome to your presence"

"Well, how is the development of the mechanical ball going? Has the password been cracked?"

Yun Ye asked doubtfully.

"After the entire laboratory's scientific researchers worked together to crack it, they successfully retrieved the top-secret information inside after spending two months."

Speaking of this, Zai Yiluo's face was full of confidence.

As he said at the beginning, it was only a matter of time to crack the mechanical ball.

Now it has indeed proved this point.

"Get the information inside, we have made rapid progress in technology"

"Today we have successfully produced a large number of high-tech products"

"Among them are military robots that can fight."

Zaiyi Luo said with a serious expression what he had gained in the past few months.

It can be said that after the upgrade of the mechanical ball, NGL's technology tree has been upgraded from the original level 4 to level 10. It has truly completed a qualitative change.

For Zaiyi Luo, becoming V5 is only a matter of time.

More importantly, it includes but is not limited to top secrets in science and technology.

"Lord, in the process of researching information, we discovered a lot of information about unknown creatures."

"These organisms do not exist in the biobank."

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