In an instant, Liuyin's figure disappeared from everyone's sight, replaced by countless blood-red figures.

They surrounded Meruem, looking very strange under the bright moonlight.

"Is this another telepathic ability?

Meruem looked at the shadows around him with disdain.

"You will pay the price for your arrogance."

Calm voices came from all directions, as if they came from the mouths of these phantoms.

They are Liuyin, and they are not Liuyin either.

""My strength is enough to make me arrogant."

Meruem punched the phantom in front of him.


The next second, the fist went straight through the phantom's body without causing any substantial damage.

On the contrary, the phantom used the hidden blade to stab Meruem's chest heavily.

Pieces of green blood dripped from the sky to the ground.

The phantom could actually attack!

This was destined to be an unequal battle.

"Do you need to find the real body?"

Meruem knew the way out instantly.

But it was so difficult to find the real body of Ryuin among the thousands of phantoms.

Before it could think carefully, countless phantoms swarmed over.

You cut and I cut, and soon Meruem's body was covered with scars again.

This almost perverted ability of mind really made it somewhat helpless.

After more than ten minutes of being beaten, Meruem seemed to have discovered something, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Meruem's pupils shrank, and an invisible circle burst out from his body.

The range was so large that it covered the entire battlefield.

"This learning ability is really terrifying."

Zeno couldn't help but sigh.

I didn't expect that not only his fighting skills, but also his learning ability were so outstanding.

It was hard to believe that he could comprehend the use of Madoka under such circumstances.

But Meruem did it, and he was so proficient in it for the first time.

"I have found you."

Meruem fixed his eyes on a corner.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he rushed over with his wings flapping.

He gathered his fists and hit the shadow hard.


This time, the fist did not pass through the phantom, but hit it directly.

A mouthful of blood full of life breath sprayed on Meruem's face, making it feel refreshed.


The huge force made Liuyin fall to the ground uncontrollably, forming a deep pit.

But those blood-red phantoms did not disappear because of Liuyin being hit, but continued to attack Meruem.


Meruem had already found the answer, so he naturally couldn't care about these phantoms.

He flapped his wings again and punched the deep pit several times.

The terrifying force even caused the earth to shake, causing the already shaky palace to fall apart again.


Suddenly, a hidden blade gently inserted into Meruem's heart.

As if afraid that it would not work, Ryuin's hand kept turning, allowing the hidden blade to stir in the heart.

"You, when did you come out?"

Meruem turned around and asked in confusion, not caring about his own injuries at all.

He clearly felt that he had been attacking Liuyin.

"From the beginning to the end, I never said it was me."

Ryuin's voice seemed to contain a smile.

Yes, these operations have always been Meruem's subjective will.

And Ryuin quietly acted as a spectator.

If there were no restrictions, he might have to wait until Meruem relaxed before appearing.

But now it is obviously enough.

""Haha, not bad, not bad."

Meruem smiled in appreciation.

Then he punched Liuyin at a very fast speed.


Liuyin was instantly knocked hundreds of meters away.

But these are no longer important, his mission was successfully completed.

At this moment, Meruem's body was on the verge of death, and death was only a matter of time. Even if it was swallowed, it would take time to digest.

Too much forced growth was already unbearable for it, not to mention that it was so seriously injured.

"Who will go up next? How about a game of rock-paper-scissors?"

Gera said with anticipation.

He put his right hand in front of everyone, eager to try.


Maha agreed with a smile.

Soon, several people started playing rock-paper-scissors.

At this moment, Meruem seemed like a fish hanging on the chopping board, waiting for the last person to slaughter him.

"You guys."

Meruem looked at everyone coldly.

This was the first time he had felt this way since he was born.

From hunter to prey.

No one could bear this contrast.

"I won."Finally, Yunye won the game with scissors.

"Ah, what a pity, I really want to kick it again."

Gela sighed with disappointment.

The beauty of that kick still made him feel unsatisfied. Although the price was a broken leg, it was all worth it.

Just when everyone had made their decision, a huge blast of energy erupted on the battlefield again.

Meruem's eyes were filled with madness, burning his full potential.

The terrifying power of the oath turned into shackles and wrapped around his body.

In contrast, his full strength reached its peak at this moment, reaching an unprecedented strength.

"Are you planning to fight to the death?"

Yunye immediately saw Meruem's purpose.

Even if he was going to die, he would kill everyone here before dying.

And once he killed everyone and devoured the essence of life, he would be able to resist even the power of the oath.

This is also a way to survive, but it is exclusive to Meruem.


Meruem opened his arms to embrace the world, as if feeling the power bestowed upon him by nature.

Then, he looked at everyone coldly, and his originally thin body swelled up, gradually turning into a giant humanoid chimera ant several dozen meters in size.

"I will win."

A dull voice came out of Meruem's mouth.���

It scanned everyone present, its eyes revealing extreme coldness and cruelty.

It was about to start clearing out all those who wanted to kill it.

"Xiao Yunye, can you handle it?"

"If that doesn't work, we can retreat first."

Maha narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the bottomless power of Meruem at the moment.

This is also a good idea, retreat first, and wait until Meruem's time is up, and let him destroy himself without fighting.

But the price is that all civilians within a hundred miles will die.

Even the entire country.

Because no one dares to be sure whether Meruem can be destroyed by using a nuclear bomb at this moment.

"It's okay, let me do it."

Yunye walked forward slowly, his snow-white hair fluttering in the wind.

"You guys are all dead, letting a human kid deal with me?

Meruem laughed at everyone present.

But the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore.

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