
Endless energy burst out from Yunye's body, infecting the entire sky.

The terrifying pressure swept across the battlefield, and for a moment Meruem felt like kneeling down.

This was the emperor's punishment on the king!

"How could I kneel down?

Meruem tensed his muscles and endured the pressure. He looked at Yunye with cold eyes and came to him in just a moment.

"I am the strongest!"

Meruem punched Yunye in the face.

The powerful force even made Killua, who was watching from a distance, feel a palpitation.

Even though the person being attacked was not him,


Yunye smiled slightly, and countless black shadows attached to his body.

【[Immobilization Technique]

In an instant, the fist stopped in front of Yunye, just a few millimeters away.

Looking behind him, a black shadow was quietly standing on Meruem's shadow, completing the conditions of the immobilization technique.

"Why can't I move!"

Meruem frowned and looked at his fist.

He found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of this state.

At this moment, Meruem really became a fish on the chopping board.

"So strange"

"This body structure is really worth studying."

Yun Ye looked at Meruem's body.

If such a huge body is used for food, can it increase the tolerance of everyone?

Questions arose in his mind, and the experiment was immediately carried out.

"What's going on?"

For some reason, Meruem felt a chill in his heart.

The next moment, he knew the answer.

"Let's try it first."

Yun Ye pulled out the knife from Lai Ke and slowly cut off a piece of meat.

Then he started cooking in front of everyone. After a while, the aroma drifted into everyone's nose, making them swallow their saliva.

"Who wants to try it first?"

Yun Ye turned around and looked at everyone.

Who wants to be the first to try it?

"I'll do it!"

Gera drooled and immediately raised his hand to signal.

He took the barbecue lightly and stuffed it into his mouth.

In an instant, his eyes couldn't help but widen, making everyone present feel nervous.

"It's so delicious."

Gra shed tears of happiness while eating.

At the same time, his skin surface couldn't help but surge with energy, which was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"My anger increased"

"My physical strength has also become stronger."

Gra clenched his fists, feeling the changes at this moment.

"Did it work?"

A smile appeared on Yunye's lips.

Meruem's flesh and blood, strengthened by the power of the oath, was at its peak at this moment, and it was the best time to eat it.

If you miss it, you will not be able to enjoy such a delicacy.

"Is there anyone else who wants to try it?"

Yunye looked at the people who were eager to try it.

In a short while, Meruem was disassembled into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and the sealing technique preserved the most delicious and energetic state.

"I was actually eaten by a human.

Meruem looked at the people feasting on the food in confusion.

It had always eaten humans, but it never thought that one day it would be eaten by a human.

"Damn it!"

Meruem struggled madly with bloodshot eyes.

Unexpectedly, it actually broke through a little obstacle.

It can be seen that the power of the oath is stronger than imagined.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business."

Yunye collected the flesh and blood into the other world and stepped back a few steps.


There was a shattering sound, and Meruem successfully broke through the restraints of the immobilization spell and regained his freedom.

""Everyone must die!"

Meruem roared madly.

Seeing this, Lecter took the initiative to take Killua away from here.

"This is not good."

Maha said calmly.

"Let me do it. I haven't taken action for a long time.

Yunye relaxed his muscles.

The popping beans sounded like firecrackers.

"You will pay for your actions.

Meruem stared at Yunye with cold eyes.

It seemed as if he wanted to chop him into pieces, eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Come on, don't let me look down on you."

Yunye made the opening move of Tai Chi.

With a sonic boom, Yunye quickly came to Meruem and kicked it in the face.


The huge body shot towards the crumbling palace like a cannonball, and directly destroyed the huge palace and turned it into a pile of ruins.

Seeing this, Yunye did not take it lightly.

He condensed his Qi into a long sword, came to Meruem and chopped it down one by one.

Each knife could cut off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Even at this moment, Yunye still did not forget his mission to fleece the sheep.


Meruem's eyes were red, and he let out the most primitive roar. The huge blood-red gas swept up the dust within a radius of one kilometer.

Its body shape changed again, and its originally huge body became bloated. Countless pairs of eyes grew on the surface of its skin and stared at Yunye.

Two small hands stretched out from Meruem's ugly head, like tentacles.

This was the most extreme anger!

"Really, they turned their backs on him after just a few attempts of fleecing him." Although he was helpless, Yunye still retreated to the back.

Seeing this, countless black tentacles grew out from behind Meruem and attacked Yunye, wriggling constantly in the process.


Yunye made a disgusted expression.

He swung his long knife and cut off the tentacles one by one, and put them into the other world.

These tentacles will be kept for people who hate them to eat in the future.

Seeing this scene, Meruem drove his huge body to run over here.

Every step he took left a deep footprint on the ground.

If scientists were to see it, they would probably think that a new species had been born.

"Don't come over here."

Seeing a mountain of flesh running towards him, Yunye quickly retreated.

It's been so long, it's time to end the battle.

【[Six Gates of Dunjia]

Instantly, the surging Qi attached to the acupuncture points all over Yunye's body and stimulated them.

His originally pure white skin instantly turned red, and continued to emit hot steam.

His strength continued to climb.


Meruem had lost his mind at this moment and continued to rush forward.

"Deep stimulation."

The next moment, the Qi penetrated deep into the acupuncture points and began to stimulate.

The steam that was volatile became more fierce, and soon formed white clouds in the sky.

The strength increased several times.

An unprecedented force poured into Yunye's body.


At this moment, even though Meruem was irrational, his survival instinct still urged him to keep retreating.

But it was too late.

In this state, Yunye slowly formed a scabbard with his left hand.

He casually used the knife to take a breeze.

【[Heaven-cutting sword technique]!

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