Yunye slashed out with a seemingly slow, but actually swift, blade.

The moment he swung out, the blade energy rushed towards Meruem's huge body, and the world seemed as bright as day.


In an instant, Meruem was perfectly split in half, gushing out green sticky blood.

Countless pairs of eyes seemed to be shedding tears of blood because of pain.

If ordinary people saw this scene, I'm afraid their sanity would drop drastically.

"I will actually lose."

At the last moment, Meruem's eyes regained clarity and he stared blankly at Yunye.

Then he was swept into countless pieces by the terrifying wind.

Thus, a generation of ant kings fell.


"Is this Xiaoyun's strength?"

Shiba's eyes widened in disbelief.

He never knew his son was so strong that he could kill the arrogant Meruem with just one blow.

""You've become stronger again."

Netero stood aside and laughed.

The stronger Yunye became, the happier he was.

This gave them a lot more possibilities and a sense of security when they went to the Dark Continent.

"You are worthy of being the boss."

Gra closed his mouth wide open in shock and praised loudly.

"I still have a long way to go."

Leike held the blade tightly, and his respect for Yunye increased.

The beauty of this blade conquered everyone present.

"it is finally over"

"Oh, where's Gon?

Killua slumped on the ground and looked around.

From the beginning till now, he had never seen Gon.


Hearing Xiaojie, everyone fell silent at the same time, and their eyes unconsciously looked in one direction.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Xiaojie?

Seeing this, Killua's heart skipped a beat.

Following the gaze of the crowd, he saw a dark skeleton lying quietly on the ground.

It was unknown whether he was dead or alive!

A silent fear instantly enveloped Killua's heart.

"Impossible, impossible."

Killa shook his head in denial, but his heart still drove him forward.

He couldn't accept that his best friend would fall into this state.

With every step he took, his heart became more and more tormented.

Until finally, he really came in front of the black bones, and stood there in a daze, watching quietly.

Although it was unrecognizable, the aura on the body would not lie.

It was exactly the aura of Xiaojie.

"How could it be possible?

Killua's pupils darkened instantly, and he looked at Xiaojie in disbelief.

His body trembled as he touched Xiaojie's cheek. His skin was like the bark of a thousand-year-old tree, dry and prickly.

A tear slowly fell on Xiaojie's face, but he remained unmoved and kept his eyes closed.

The whole place was as silent as death.

""Xiao Qi."

Silva looked at Killua with a serious face.

As his own child, he was still worried that Killua would do irrational things because of sadness.

""Jin, what are you going to do?"

Netero asked curiously.

Jin had no expression on his face and walked slowly forward.

"Are you Xiaojie's friend?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of him."

Jin squatted down and stroked Xiaojie, his voice full of depression.

Hearing this, Killua suddenly turned his head to look at Jin, unconsciously clenching his fists

"You know he's been looking for you, but you still choose to hide"

""You are such a person, you are such a person!"

Killua finally didn't say it.

No matter what he said now, he couldn't save Xiaojie's fate.

Just when Killua was a little desperate, a hand covered his hair and rubbed it.

"It's okay, I'm your brother here."

The gentle voice was like the dawn that broke through the despair in Killua's heart.

Looking up, Yunye was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Brother, do you really have a solution?"

Kiya asked anxiously.

Even Jin turned his head to look at Yunye.

"Of course, you can find the answer even without me."

"It's just that the procedure is a little more complicated."

Yun Ye nodded gently.

"You wouldn't."

Jin obviously thought of the answer.

That was the bug-like Naniga.

The wishing mechanism could easily pull Xiaojie back from hell.

"Mine is of course simpler."

Yunye said with a smile.

Under the gaze of the crowd, his hands gradually released a holy light. The shadow of the six-winged angel slowly appeared from behind, with his hands clasped together and a compassionate look on his face.

The moment Yunye touched it, the six-winged angel seemed to feel the terrifying dark power, slowly opened his gentle eyes, and also stretched out his hands to touch Xiaojie's dry cheek.

In an instant, the light shone, as if dispelling all the darkness in the world.

Countless white feathers fell from the sky, symbolizing healing.


What followed was endless darkness.

During the treatment, countless darkness burst out from Xiaojie's dry body and rushed straight into the sky.

A sense of depression suddenly filled the entire occasion.

Killua, who was closest, even stopped breathing for a short time.

After about a few minutes, the darkness gradually disappeared, replaced by Xiaojie who was intact.

He had no clothes on his body, like a newborn baby.

The dark energy on his body had been dispelled

"Thank you."

Jin covered Xiaojie with his clothes and said softly to Yunye. Yunye waved his hand and said,"We are all in the same boat, there is no need to distinguish so clearly."

"Just treat it as a practice in advance."

After heading to the Dark Continent, there will definitely be more of these kinds of things.

"Where am I?"

Xiaojie slowly opened his eyes, still shining with golden light.

""Xiaojie, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Killua hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

He was relieved when he learned that there was no discomfort.

Seeing the harmonious scene, everyone nodded with relief.

"" Where's Kate?"

The first thing Xiao Jie asked after waking up.

His eyes were full of hope, hoping that everyone could put an end to his slight expectation.

"Kate is fine.

Killua said confidently.

He still didn't know that Kate had been stabbed in the heart by the ant king and injected with venom.

What responded to him was another silence.

"No way."

Killua smiled reluctantly.

He looked around and finally found Kate in the corner.


Killua was silent and said nothing.

"Is it still like this?"

Xiao Jie said with a disappointed look on his face.

The atmosphere became gloomy again.

"Although Kate looks dead, she can still be cured.

Yunye spoke again.

This sentence made Xiaojie look up suddenly and stared at

"Is this really possible, Yunye?"

"You are not lying to me, are you?"

Xiaojie's eyes, which had lost their luster, once again shone with dazzling golden light.

Yunye nodded.

"Of course, I can prove it to you right now."

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