After saying that, Yunye slowly came to Kate.

At first glance, Kate's face was pale, without a trace of blood, her whole body was filled with stiffness, her breathing was stopped, and her heart was not moving.

Anyone who saw her would think she was 100% dead.

But in Yunye's eyes, there was still a lot of room for maneuver.

"Is she in a state of suspended animation?"

Yun Ye noticed it when Kate died.

Kate's life intersects between death and life, which is very strange.

It's like Schrödinger's cat, just waiting for an opportunity to know the answer.

"Revive, my friend."

Yunye's hands released holy light again.

Gently covered Kate's body.

In an instant, the originally pale face instantly became ruddy.

The stiff body was like a thousand-year-old ice encountering magma, and it was softened.

Breathing appeared, and the heart kept beating.

Obviously, Yunye completed the opportunity and successfully resurrected Kate.

These operations were completed thanks to Kate's ability to draw the [Absolute Death Resistance] before she died.

As long as there is a trace of life left, she can be resurrected!

"Am I still alive?"

A very small voice came into his ears.

Kate slowly opened his eyes, full of confusion.

Suddenly, he sat up and looked around.

"Is everyone still alive?"

At this moment, his memory still remained at the stage of being killed by the ant king, and he had no idea what had just happened.


Xiao Jie shouted excitedly, tears falling uncontrollably.

He didn't expect Yun Ye to be able to revive Kate.

This surprise was no less than finding Jin.

"Xiaojie, it seems you are okay."

Kate smiled with relief.

Seeing Xiaojie standing here intact, everything she had done before was not in vain.

Seeing this, everyone around smiled.

Yunye consciously stayed away and let them reminisce about the past.

"Thank you for all you have done."

Jin stood aside and said to Yunye with a serious face.

From Xiaojie to Kate, each of them is very important to him.

Now they have all been rescued by Yunye, and the significance of this is naturally self-evident.

"No, there is no need for this between you and me.

Yunye waved his hand casually.

In the distance, Kate stood up and walked towards this side quickly, bowing.

"Thank you for your help."

This life-saving grace deserves Kate to be so solemn.

"No need, your master has already thanked you."

Yun Ye said with a smile.

The master and the apprentice may be completely different in character, but their behavior is very similar.

They will not act like an ungrateful person.

"Well, the problem has been solved, and we should celebrate our victory."

Netero stroked his white beard and said with a smile.

Everyone has put in a lot of effort in this siege of the ant king, so it is necessary to give him the proper hospitality.

"Really? Then I won't be polite!"

Hearing the reception, Gra said happily.

""Oh, I'm a little embarrassed that I don't do anything."

Maha said with a smile.

But his body kept up with the pace.

As he spoke, everyone slowly walked towards the outside world.

The backs of different sizes represented different times and strengths.

But at this time, they were all walking on the same road.


"This is delicious, and that is also delicious."

Gela said vaguely with food in his mouth.

This banquet was held in the Hunter Association, and it was filled with countless delicacies specially made by gourmet hunters.

Every one of them would be worth snatching if it were carried to the outside world.

But here today, they can be seen everywhere.

This is the highest standard of hospitality of the Hunter Association, which is enough to show how much Netero is attentive.

"Really, Killua, come and try this."

Xiaojie looked at the cake tower in front of him with shining eyes.

He had never seen such a sumptuous and luxurious banquet before, and he felt very fresh everywhere he went.

"There are chocolate balls!"

Kiya saw the chocolate balls used for decoration and drooled instantly.

You know, he loves chocolate balls the most, and he spent all the prize money he got in the Sky Arena on buying them.

""Everyone, the highlight is coming."

Just as everyone was enjoying the food, Netero's energetic voice rang out.

He opened the door and a carefully prepared dish was pushed in.

The fragrance wafting from it instantly covered the huge room.

"This smell is so familiar."

Gela immediately noticed something was wrong.

He came forward to take a closer look, smelled it, and instantly understood what the smell was.

"This is the ant king flesh made by the boss!"

Gera quickly took a piece and ran away.

When everyone heard this, they immediately shifted their attention.

This is a rare treasure that can improve your temperament and physical quality.

In a flash, the food that had just been brought up disappeared, leaving only a white empty plate.

"It's really a treasure."

Shiba swallowed a piece, and his face immediately showed a look of enjoyment.

He could clearly feel a warm current flowing through his lower abdomen.

His temperament and physical quality were improving rapidly.

The others also felt it and expressed their admiration.

"Xiaojie, eat more, this kind of food is rare."

Killa stuffed a large piece of meat to Xiaojie.

Just now, he directly used his telekinesis [Super Speed] to barely grab a large piece.

There was no other way, the people present were all masters, and if he didn't do this, he really wouldn't be able to grab any.

""Haha, not bad, not bad."

Maha tasted the food with a smile.

This feast was destined to be a success, making everyone present feel that the trip was worthwhile.

After the feast, everyone was arranged to rest in the luxurious guest room.

"Next, we will go to the Dark Continent according to the map."

In the room, Yun Ye carefully observed the map in front of him.

After studying it for about half an hour, he finally decided to go to the World Tree to observe it.

Standing in the only World Tree in human society.

If it really doesn't work, he can only go to the Dark Continent to find the starting point of the map.


Hearing Yunye's suggestion, Jin nodded in agreement.

He also felt that they should indeed start from the nearest World Tree.

If they went directly to the World Tree of the Dark Continent and found that it was not the right one, they would have to turn back and start again.

This would greatly increase the danger and time..

"Jin, do you know your grandfather Dong?"

Yun Ye thought of that legendary figure.

He traveled alone to the Dark Continent and created the book [New Century]

"I don't know him very well."

"But I know one thing."

As he said this, Jin's face became more serious than ever before..

"He is looking for something"

"It's called Pandora's Box!"

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