Hearing this, Yunye showed a hint of interest.

Although he didn't know what Pandora's Box was and what effect it had, the item that Dong Fulisi had spent his entire life looking for couldn't be trash.

The things contained in it were definitely beyond everyone's imagination!

"In order to find this thing, he set out there when he was twelve years old."

"Hasn't come back till now"

"And what is certain is that he is still alive now!"

Jin's eyes were somewhat yearning.

He set out for the Dark Continent at the age of twelve, and even the peerless king of the ancient Ganyu Kingdom could not match him.

The most bizarre thing is that Dong is still alive now!

About three hundred years have passed since ancient times.

Even Netero dare not exaggerate that he can live so long.

Even if he really lives for so long, his own strength will drop to the freezing point, which can be seen from Netero's current state.

This is enough to show that Dong found the treasure in the Dark Continent, which not only extended his life���, and maintained its strength

"It can't be."

Yun Ye instantly thought of something.

That is Nitolomi, which is regarded as one of the five great hopes!

The ultimate longevity thing exists in the swamp southeast of the lake.

The swamp also has the sound of hell bells, which is a place that explorers dare not set foot in.

If this is true, it also indirectly proves that Dong has solved the problem of the sound of hell bells.

"You will understand it later."

Yun Ye shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

These things are just guesses after all. If you want to know the truth, you need to ask the person himself.

He always believes that he will definitely meet Dong in the near future.

With this idea in mind, Yun Ye gradually fell asleep.


"This is it."

Looking at the town in front of him, Jin said with certainty.

""I see."

Yunye nodded. He looked up and saw the World Tree standing in the center.

As expected of the fulcrum of the world, the top of the tree even penetrated the clouds, and at a glance, it was impossible to see where the end was.

"Do you want to go up?"

When they arrived at the ticket office, the uncle asked curiously.

"That's right, we want to see what the top of the World Tree looks like."

Yun Ye said bluntly

"This button is for rescue. If you can't hold on any longer, you can press it and wait for rescue."

"But I want to remind you that every year, tens of thousands of people die in the World Tree."

"If you insist, you can set off now."

After saying that, the uncle stopped talking.

It's hard to persuade a ghost who wants to die. No matter how much you say to someone who really wants to go up, it won't stop them from moving forward.

""Thank you, uncle. Let's go."

As he spoke, Yunye came to the World Tree.

Just a piece of bark was several dozen meters high, which was really daunting.

"Let me show you first."

Jin consciously stepped forward and began to climb.

There is no fancy method, the most powerful method is often the simplest method.

""What a trouble."

Yunye shook his head.

Then a black shadow slowly attached to his body.

In an instant, a wing formed by Qi extended from his back.

With a slight flap, a gust of wind was raised.

"I'll wait for you up there."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yunye flapped his wings and flew up into the wind.

In a flash, he disappeared from sight.

This scene even stunned the uncle next to him.

Even though he was well-informed and saw different climbing methods every day, it was the first time he saw such a simple and crude method.

"It's really amazing."

Jin shook his head helplessly and continued to climb up.

But the speed was much faster than before.

"It's really high."

Flying upward against the wind, Yunye could feel the temperature and air around him dropping rapidly.

Every time he reached a peak, he would change state.

After flying for about five minutes, Yunye finally broke through the layers of clouds and arrived at the top of the tree.

At first glance, he saw the sunset and the vast plain sea.

As long as your eyesight is good enough, you can see anywhere you want here.

""Gaga, ga."

Suddenly, a cry attracted Yunye's attention.

Five large young birds of different colors were staring at Yunye blankly.

After seeing Yunye's wings, the cry became even louder.

It can be seen that they have regarded Yunye as their mother.

"Sure enough, there is a bird's nest."

Yun Ye landed slowly.

As soon as he stepped into the bird's nest, the young birds rushed over.

The soft hair instantly wrapped Yun Ye up.

""Okay, okay, go play by yourself."

Yunye waved his hand to disperse them.

I thought he would release pressure to warn them, but who knew they would retreat obediently. Their cute appearance is really lovable.

After admiring the sunset for about half an hour, Jin finally climbed up.

"Here I come again!"

Jin stood on the bird's nest and shouted to the distance.

This is his free and easy attitude.

Even after going through untold hardships, he still feels emotional after seeing the real results.

"What do you think of this world tree?"

Jin asked with a smile

"Very high."

Yun Ye gave a very pertinent evaluation

"In fact, this world tree has stopped growing."

"To be precise, we are in a world tree sapling."

"The real world tree takes root in the mountains, absorbs magma, and breaks through the atmosphere"

"There are countless dangerous creatures around."

Jin's eyes were blurred, and he was imagining his own world tree.

Seeing Yunye looking ahead, his smile became even more intense.

"How about it? It's beautiful, right?"

"When I was young, I often came here to see the world"

"I think I can dig up all the truth"

"So I did it."

Jin said with a smile while sitting on the edge of the Bird's Nest.

At this moment, his temperament has returned to the high-spirited state when he first met

"It seems that you are still crawling forward on the road to your dream."

Yun Ye said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's start confirming."

Jin stretched and said to Yunye


After saying that, a dark purple stone tablet emerged from behind Yunye.

As always, it was filled with a dark aura, as if it was tainted with ominousness.

The two looked carefully and compared the appearance of the World Tree.

"Similar, but not completely confirmed"

"We need to find the answer based on the surrounding geography."

Yun Ye looked around, and the appearance of the map gradually appeared in his mind.

According to some subtle expressions on the map, there are continuous mountains in front of the World Tree, which looks like a dog.

Although there are mountains in front of us, we can't see the whole appearance with our eyes alone.

"I'll go up and take a look."

Yunye's wings flapped again, breaking through the sky and overlooking the earth.

With just one glance, all the geographical features came into view.

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