At the same time, all the answers will be revealed.

"Is that really the case?"

Looking down, the endless mountains formed a dog-like shape.

It was exactly the same as the map.

Without thinking too much, this world tree was the starting point of the map.

"This way, we don't have to go deeper."

Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

It must be a good thing to be able to start from a position that he can control.

After all, everyone likes things that are easy to control.

"So when do we set off?"

Jin asked, looking into the distance.

""It will be in three days."

Yunye set the time.

The moment that will decide the world will take place in three days.

By then, whether human society will take a big step forward or stand still will become a mystery.

""Okay, I'll go get ready first."

Jin nodded in agreement.

He seemed to be thinking about the upcoming trip to the dreamland, and his expression was already somewhat excited.


"I should also make the final preparations."

After saying this, Yunye flapped his wings and fell down.

The people climbing up only saw a black shadow flash by and then nothing could be seen.


Meteor Street.

Yunye strolled along the street, heading towards the luxurious mansion deep inside.


Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Hey, what happened?"

Yunye asked.

"Master, my brother..."

Lei Zi's voice came from the phone, and she immediately explained the purpose of this trip.

Soon, Yun Ye understood what had happened.

"It's really a worry."

Yunye shook his head helplessly.

It turned out that Xiaojie and his group went to a small town to look for Kurapika, and found that his eyes were stolen.

After learning the news, Rei quickly called him.

This was the right thing to do.

If nothing unexpected happens, this person must be the shadow.

It seems that the power of fate still made him take this path.

"It seems I have to wait until later."

Yun Ye took one last look, spread his wings and flew away according to the information on the map.


""Kurapika, don't worry, we will definitely help you get your eyes back."

Xiaojie said indignantly.

The others nodded in agreement.

On the bed, a head of soft golden short hair set off the beautiful face, which looked a little pale at the moment.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Kurapika said softly.

It seems that losing the eye is not a big deal for him.

But everyone present understands Kurapika's obsession with the Red Eyes, so they can't just sit back and watch.

"Okay, just lie down quietly."

Leorio said unhappily.

"You said you could share the perspective of your eyes"

"Try to recall the location of the criminals so that we can find them.

Killua was not anxious, but analyzed calmly.

Now, although Kurapika's eyes disappeared, they can share the user's vision.

"There is a winding river in front of us, rugged mountains, the setting sun is right in front of us, and there are endless plains around us."

Kurapika quickly said a few key locations.

Several people slowly sketched out a picture based on the prompts.

""Okay, let's find the location based on this map."

Killua immediately ordered.

Hearing this, several people split up and ran in different directions.

At this time, Yunye was still on the way.

After searching for about an hour, the information was finally transmitted to everyone's mobile phones.

"Found it!"

This is the message sent by Xiaojie.

With his keen intuition and amazing eyesight, he successfully found the correct location.

Killua and Leorio quickly went over to meet up.

"It should be there.

Killua pointed in a direction.

There stood a huge castle, standing out from the vast plain.

It was obvious that the place was where the criminals gathered.

"Let's go over there now."

Leorio couldn't wait to go forward, but was quickly stopped by Killua.

"Don't be so anxious, we should plan it out carefully."

Influenced by Yunye, Killua will no longer act rashly.

Instead, he will think about things first before making a decision.

"So what should we do?"

Leorio realized his recklessness and calmed down and asked

"Xiaojie and I will go in and test it out. If he doesn't come out in an hour, you can call my brother."

"Let him contact the president to find the nearest hunter for rescue."

Killa said very clearly.

It's very simple. If you encounter something that you can't solve, just call Yunye.

"Okay, I understand."

Leorio knew that this was the only way now, so he didn't hesitate any longer.

After making the decision, Killua and Gon looked at each other and walked towards the castle, leaving Leorio alone waiting there. In the ward on the other side

"Who is it?"

Kurapika, who was resting, suddenly felt a gust of wind.

"Did it still happen?"

Yun Ye's helpless voice sounded

""You are, Yunye?"

Hearing the voice, Kurapika asked in confusion.

At this time, there was still a blank darkness in front of his eyes, and he could not see anything at all.

Yunye did not explain. The black shadow behind him slowly moved, and a pair of petri dishes appeared in his hands.

Inside was a pair of scarlet eyes.

This was exactly what he got from Hisoka at the auction.

Now, it really came in handy.

"why not..."

Before Kurapika could say anything, he felt his eyes getting hot.

Then, everything in front of him was in sight.

"Can I see now?"

Kurapika looked ahead in disbelief, and then stroked his face with his hand.

It was not until a few minutes later that he completely believed that he could see.

"Yunye, it’s you!"

"How did you make me see it?"

Kurapika asked curiously.

"Since you lost your eye, you naturally need to replace it with another one."

Yun Ye said the truth.

"This is, the Fiery Red Eyes!"

Hearing this, Kurapika took a look in the mirror and immediately found the red pupils that had not yet dissipated.

For him, this couldn't be more familiar.

"Thank you."

Kurapika thanked gently.

The fiery red eyes were of no help to Yunye, but he still chose to take it back.

Needless to say, the friendship between them was natural.

"Killua's friends are my friends, no need to worry"

"Oh, where are Xiaojie and the others?

Yunye looked around and found that Xiaojie and the others were nowhere to be seen.

"They're looking for my eyes."

"This is too dangerous, I need to contact them to come back quickly."

Kurapika quickly took out his cell phone and tried to contact

"No thanks."

Yunye looked at the ringing phone and stopped Kurapika.

On the phone, there was a message

"Killua is in danger, quickly contact the surrounding hunters for rescue! [Location]"

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