Linnie laughed, and Qiduo suddenly felt something was wrong.

A violent energy burst out from Linnie's body, sweeping across the entire venue.

【The Immortal's Visit]

The next moment, Linnie's originally old body became younger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Whether it was strength, skin, or demeanor, they all quickly rejuvenated in this second.

Seeing this scene, Netero sighed slightly.

"It seems that this child is going to be in trouble."

After the transformation was completed, a brand new Linne appeared in front of Qiduo. With orange-yellow hair, a small body, fair skin that was as soft as a baby's, and a cute face.

On his face was the mischievous expression that only children can have.

"Hahaha, Master Linnie is back again!"

Linnie put her hands on her waist and laughed.

This is her ability, she can change her age at will and return to her peak state.

It can be said that Linnie is now the strongest moment of her life.

"Is this true?"

Qiduo looked at the scene in disbelief.

Seeing an old man turn into a child with her own eyes, this visual shock made her feel her head buzzing.

"Can I fight with you now?"

Even though he has become younger, Linnie has not forgotten his previous memories.

Hearing this, Qiduo's expression suddenly became serious.

The next second, a breath appeared on her body and turned into a thin needle in her hand.

【Rid of Holes】

As the mind power was activated, the thin needles in Qiduo's hand suddenly turned into countless needles and flew towards Linne.

The number of needles formed a tight wall of needles, making it impossible to dodge.

Once hit, it would be riddled with holes.

"Be gentle with children."

Linnie pouted and said unsatisfiedly.

Looking at the flying air needles, she slowly placed her hands on her chest.

The next moment, a wall condensed by air appeared in front of her, blocking Linnie tightly behind it.


Countless fine needles were inserted into the air wall frantically.

But no matter how they attacked, they could not break through the air wall, but were firmly imprisoned on it.

Soon, the originally neat air wall was filled with countless air needles, which looked very dense and made people's scalps numb.

"That's it?"

Linnie's mocking voice came from behind the air wall.

She waved her hand casually, removed the air wall, and looked straight at Qiduo.

"Do you have any other tricks? Use them together."

"It doesn't matter even if you use the oath."

Linie advised with great concern.

But in Qiduo's ears, this was tantamount to mockery.

Biting his lower lip, Qiduo's face showed a trace of unwillingness.


Qiduo's ten fingers were entangled with needles and threads.

She kicked off and rushed straight towards Linie, constantly pulling the needle in her hand. She casually drew a line, and the needle seemed to have consciousness and attacked Linie frantically.

The ten fingers intersected, sealing any blind spots.

"That's right."

Linie nodded in appreciation.

Then her hands moved quickly.

In almost an instant, all the needles were caught by her.

Defense is not the only way, taking the initiative to attack can also be

"Damn it!"

Qiduo pulled the needle and thread, trying to forcibly pull the needle out of Linnie's hand.

But no matter how hard she tried, the needle seemed to be welded to Linnie's hand and could not be pulled out at all.

Helplessly, Qiduo could only give up the needle and retreat.

"I don't want things that others don't want either."

Seeing Qiduo choose to leave, Linnie suddenly shot the needle in his hand at her.

The speed was so fast that it only took a moment.


The sound of insertion rang out.

Qiduo looked at the needles on her body in disbelief.

Each one was accurately inserted into the fatal position, making her unable to move at all in a short time.

Not only that, every wound was bleeding.

One is okay, but ten together are very uncomfortable.

In serious cases, she may die directly from excessive blood loss!

"No, I can't die like this."

Qiduo's face was filled with reluctance.

She risked paralysis and forcibly pulled out the needle, and activated her telepathic ability.

【[Mind-based suturing]

Qiduo was seen holding a mind needle and suturing the wounds at an extremely fast speed.

The speed was so fast that a shadow appeared.

In almost an instant, the ten wounds were completely sutured, and no trace of blood flowed out.

After this series of operations, Qiduo became more cautious about Linnie's attack methods.

Now Linnie's attacks were not based on routines at all, and he acted as he pleased, just like a child.

Thinking of this, Qiduo suddenly thought of a way

"I have some candy here, do you want to eat it?"

Qiduo took out a strawberry candy from her pocket and tempted Linie.

Yes, this is the conclusion she came to based on her own thoughts. Sure enough, after seeing this candy, Linie's eyes suddenly lit up.

But she did not accept it immediately.

"Do you think you can buy me off with just one candy? You are so naive."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiduo took out five more candies from her pocket.

As soon as she took them in her hands, a gust of wind blew past her.

The six candies in her hand disappeared.

"Since you have asked me sincerely, Lord Linnie will spare your life."

"You turn yourself in."

Linnie said very honestly.

But this was obviously not the answer that Qiduo wanted.

She wanted to continue bribing, but she had no more candy.

"What, are you not satisfied?"

Linnie asked with some doubt when she saw that Qiduo was unmoved.

This was the greatest help she could give.

"Can you please let me go?"

Qiduo made a request.

As soon as he said this, Linnie paused while eating the candy.


Linie refused directly and quickly ate the last candy.

This answer undoubtedly gave Qiduo a heavy hammer.

"Then I won't be polite."

Qidao held the needle in his hand, his eyes flashed with a sharpness.

It was impossible for him to surrender himself, not in this life.

Judging from the level of crimes committed by the Phantom Troupe, once they were caught, they would at least be sentenced to death. In more serious cases, they might be tortured and tortured to extract some information before they could be killed completely.

Therefore, even if the members of the Troupe died, they could not be caught.

"Death is also a kind of relief.

Linnie's voice was emotionless.

Then, her thoughts burst out completely.

The next second, a large knife with cloud patterns appeared in Linnie's hand, flashing a dazzling cold light.

"I won't die."

Qiduo said with a serious face.

【Needle Demon

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