Qiduo slowly opened his palm, and countless needles gushed out from it.

Almost instantly, a giant demon evolved from the needles was formed.

The huge body completely covered the petite Linnie.

The dark aura emanating from it made people avoid it like a snake or scorpion.

"What a disgusting smell.

Linnie looked at the troll with disdain.

There was no fear on her face, only infinite disgust.

It was as if she had a natural resistance to darkness.

"Kill her."

Qiduo stood there and commanded the troll.

The next moment, the troll dragged its huge body and rushed towards Linnie.

Every step left a deep footprint on the ground.

If archaeologists came to investigate, they would probably think that some new monster had appeared.


Linnie snorted coldly as he watched the troll approaching.

With a small figure, he jumped into the sky with a big knife in his hand and chopped the troll directly.

In an instant, a sword energy rushed up with an unstoppable momentum.


The sound of a giant falling was heard.

Looking closely, the troll's arm was completely cut off and smashed to the ground, raising countless gravel and dust.

The breathtaking troll seemed so fragile at this moment.

Just one knife revealed its true form!

"How is it possible!"

Seeing this scene, Qiduo's eyes were full of shock.

【The Needle Demon was her last trump card, and she originally thought that she could turn the tables with this ability.

But the shock of reality made it hard for her to accept it.

"No matter what, I must win this time."

Qiduo stared at Linnie with cold eyes, and continued to control the needle demon to attack.

Not only that, the palm of his hand once again gushed out needles, quickly repairing the needle demon's arm that had disappeared.


The needle demon made a strange sound and slapped the petite Linnie fiercely.

Looking closely, the palm formed by the needles was all pointed downward.

This meant that once hit, Linnie would be pierced through the heart by thousands of needles!

This cruel method was really terrifying.

"A mere dark energy dares to fight against me."

To this, Linie was disdainful, and the big knife in his hand burst into dazzling white light.

Countless life essences attached to the blade, adding a layer of powerful buff to it.

This is a typical use of life krypton gold in exchange for strength.

But the effect of this method is also very significant.

Linie jumped into the air with a blade in hand and slashed at the needle demon.

In a few short seconds, Linie had swung no less than ten swords.

Each sword cut off a piece of the needle demon's body tissue.

It can be said that every sword is fatal!

While attacking, he kept dodging the needle demon's attack.

After all, it is really uncomfortable to be pricked by a needle, not to mention so many needles.

The pain it can cause is dozens of times more than that of an ordinary fine needle.

It is a method often used by the brigade to interrogate the enemy.

The pain of ten fingers piercing the heart is enough to get any information they want.

The Phantom Troupe is a truly brutal and ruleless organization!

""Damn it!"

Seeing the Needle Demon being attacked continuously, Qiduo's heart was in great pain.

She stood there without moving at all.

It was not because she was arrogant, but one of the limitations of using [Needle Demon] was that she was forcibly controlled in place.

Therefore, Qiduo would not easily use this ability unless her life was in danger.

Seeing the Needle Demon being dismembered bit by bit, at this speed, Linnie would soon completely separate and destroy the Needle Demon.

"There is no other way."

Suddenly, Qiduo sighed helplessly.

She looked around and memorized the faces of Wojin, the knight, Nobunaga, Feitan, and Kuroro.

Then, her eyes showed a determination she had never seen before.

"I want to protect everyone."

Qiduo's eyes were firm, and a faint aura suddenly emerged from her body.

She slowly closed her eyes, as if she was sketching something.

The next second, her body was sealed by countless shackles, forming an unbreakable barrier.

At the same time, a force several times stronger than Qidu's own rushed into her body.


In an instant, a huge amount of aura burst out from Qidu's body, even sweeping the surrounding dust into a storm.

This was a power that did not belong to her.

"What a bunch of desperate criminals."

In the distance, Geno seriously evaluated the Phantom Troupe.

Even when they encountered powerful enemies, none of them chose to give up or surrender, but chose to make a vow with their lives, and fight to the death with the last strength.

They only had one thought at the moment.


Even if they died, they had to kill the other party completely, leaving a little room for the others to survive.

This might be feasible for other Nen users.

But everyone present was at the top of the world, and just two people together could fight them all.

Not to mention today, all the strong men gathered on the scene.

This was destined to be a crushing battle.

If it weren't for the power of the oath, this battle would have ended long ago.

On the battlefield, the strengthened needle demon burst out with unprecedented power at this time.

The originally huge body rose again, almost breaking through the clouds, and it looked extremely abrupt in the Meteor Street full of bungalows.

Unless you raise your head very high, it is impossible to see the needle demon's head or even his hands.

"It's no use"

"Concentration is the essence."

Linnie was not surprised or shocked by the towering needle demon.

She was just infinitely calm and peaceful.

Even this level of needle demon did not cause Linnie to have the slightest fluctuation.

It is hard to imagine what she saw when she went to the Dark Continent to be so indifferent at this moment.

""Attack, needle demon."

Qiduo quickly controlled the needle demon.

The needle demon quickly swung its huge body to attack Linnie.

The huge palm covered the sky and the sun, and the battlefield was completely covered in a shadow.

The strange thing was that even though the body was huge, the speed did not slow down, but was much faster than before.

Looking at the increasingly large palm slowly covering her pupils, Linnie's heart was calm.

Her body suddenly burst out with amazing energy.

【The Cage of the Immortals]

At the same time, the Needle Demon's palm finally fell.

Bang!!! The entire one kilometer radius of Linne was covered by the Needle Demon's palm. The flat ground collapsed instantly, and countless tiny pinholes appeared on the deep pit, making people feel uncomfortable. Everyone stared at this scene, and the most nervous one was Qiduo. She could clearly feel that her strength was madly draining away. Her arm was gradually withering. If it is not resolved this time, I am afraid there will be no chance in the future. Qiduo kept praying in her heart.

"I will definitely win."

The damaged church in the distance seemed extremely sacred at this moment.

It seemed that Qiduo's prayer had worked, and Linne's figure had not appeared for a long time.

Just when Qiduo breathed a sigh of relief, the ground shook violently.

It was as if the heart was beating.

"Really, it got me so deep."

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