Linnie's calm voice came from underground.


With a loud noise, a big hole appeared in the ground in an instant.

Linnie's figure quickly jumped out from it and appeared in front of everyone.

Looking closely, the surface of her skin was stained with a layer of dazzling golden light.

It seemed to be protecting her from any harm.

This is the ability of [The Cage of the Immortal].

In a short period of time, the golden body is activated, immune to all damage and negative effects.

It was with this ability that Linnie successfully blocked Qiduo's all-out attack.

This also completely broke Qiduo's thoughts.

She looked at everyone and smiled bitterly, and then her whole body turned into black dry bones, and fell to the ground with a bang.

It is hard to imagine that this dry skeleton was a beautiful woman when she was alive.

At the same time, the needle demon, which had no power to support it, also collapsed rapidly at this moment, turning into infinite dark energy and dissipating in the air.

Leaving an indelible black curtain for Meteor Street.

People who live here are destined to be shrouded in darkness and will never be able to look up at the sun in their lives.

"Is Qiduo dead too?"

Faced with the death of his companion, Feitan seemed extremely calm.

He looked at the short old man opposite him with a sinister look, without a trace of pity or respect in his eyes.

There was only infinite murderous intent!

"Oh, that look is scary."

"It's a good talent, what a pity."

Maha shook his head with regret.

Feitan, who is full of murderous aura, is very suitable to be a killer.

"It won't be a pity if you die."

Feitan said coldly, swinging the long sword in his hand.

He jumped forward, came to Maha at a very fast speed, and cut off with a knife without mercy.

He vowed to take off Maha's head.

"You are still too young."

Maha sighed, took out the short knife and gently pressed it against his chest.


The sound of the weapons rubbing against each other rang out.

Bright sparks bloomed between the blades, which looked extremely beautiful.

But the eyes behind the blades were filled with coldness.

The next second, Feitan opened his eyes slightly and swung the knife at Maha at high speed.

In the short three seconds, he had already swung more than a dozen knives.

""It's really tough."

Feitan made the last cut and retreated violently.

Maha easily blocked all the previous dozen cuts.

No matter how unexpected or cruel the cuts were,

Feitan's fear of Maha's danger level rose wildly.


Staring at Maha, Feitan did not speak, but decisively released his Qi.


The next moment, Feitan rushed out again, this time his speed was obviously faster than the last time.

In a flash, he appeared behind Maha and stabbed him in the chest with a knife.

His cruelty reached its extreme at this moment.


Feitan stared at the blocked long knife with wide eyes. Maha seemed to have eyes behind him, and he stretched the short knife behind him without even looking, blocking the attack accurately.

Faced with this situation, Feitan reacted quickly and changed his body shape again.

Countless phantoms appeared in front of Maha, making it difficult to tell where Feitan was.

Clang clang clang!

Three more attacks, but they were all blocked by Maha.

From beginning to end, Maha did not use Qi, and even took the initiative to attack.

The gap between the two was vividly demonstrated at this moment!

""Damn it!"

Feitan cursed in his heart.

As he continued to resist, his anger was rising little by little.

Until this moment, the anger almost overflowed from his chest and exploded.

Finally, after the 372nd knife attack failed, Feitan's emotions completely erupted at this moment.

"Old man, let me take you to hell for a tour."

Feitan smiled, but there was no warmth on his face.

It only made people feel infinite coldness and rage.

As he spoke, a surging aura burst out from Feitan's body.

【The Unforgivable Sin】

Instantly, Feitan's clothes changed dramatically.

From the leather clothes at the beginning, he changed into a special outfit that covered his whole body, with only his eyes exposed.

This was to avoid any influence in the next moves.

Feitan showed his eyes and looked at Maha calmly, slowly using his ability.

The next moment, Feitan's long sword was instantly covered with a large piece of flame, which was burning violently.

The high temperature even caused the air to be visibly distorted. Once you are attacked, the injury is minor, and the feeling of the wound being burned by the flames is the most torturous.

"It's really scary."

Maha watched all this with a smile.

Even now, he was not panicked at all.

He held a short knife in his hand, and a layer of dark aura appeared on the surface of his skin.

"Old man, take a good look at this world."

Feitan looked at Maha coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

"I am standing here, can you hurt me at all?"

Maha stood there quietly.

This was the biggest mockery of Feitan.

The moment he heard this, Feitan had already appeared in front of Maha and chopped down with a knife.


The sound of the burning flames was still lingering in his ears.


There was a loud noise, stirring up the dust around

"How, is it possible?

Feitan frowned as he watched the scene in front of him.

He saw that the blade he was so proud of was actually against Maha's shoulder, without cutting into it at all.

The originally burning flame had been extinguished by Maha's Qi and no longer existed.

It was as if the knife in his hand was just a magician's prop.

It was just a facade!

"Why aren't you moving?"

Maha's voice was like a bell, instantly awakening Feitan from his daze.

He quickly pulled out his knife and stepped back dozens of steps.

No matter what, the fact has already happened.

No matter how magical it is, it must be accepted now.

"There is no other way. It seems that we can only ask the sun for help."

Feitan's tone was a little helpless, and he looked at Maha with a rare look of pity.

As he spoke, he began to touch Maha nonsensically.

Once Maha used the blade to block, he immediately stepped forward and was willing to be attacked by the blade.

After a few minutes of back and forth, Feitan's body had several wounds of various sizes.

The blood flowing out even soaked his clothes.

Seeing this scene, Feitan smiled.


"Sun, please help me punish the evildoers!"

Then, Feitan activated his mind ability.

【Burned by the scorching sun]!

The next second, a small sun gradually condensed and expanded behind Feitan.

In just a few seconds, it had grown to hundreds of meters.

The temperature it emitted had melted everything around it, turning it into a pool of mud and indescribable things.

This is Feitan's strongest ability.

He created a small sun with his mind and used [Unforgivable Sinner] to protect himself from the scorching sun.

The power of the sun depends on the degree of injury.

This is why Feitan made such a strange move just now.

"This is really troublesome. I didn’t want to use Nen at first."

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