Maha sighed slightly.

As he spoke, the weak energy in his body burst out wildly at this moment.

【[Eternal Night]

In an instant, Maha's body was covered by darkness, forming a unique cloak.

Everything around him was shrouded in darkness, and no light could be seen at all.

It formed a sharp contrast with the scorching sun in front of him.

"No matter what ability you have, you can't escape the sun's rays."

Feitan mocked confidently.

He thought that everything Maha did was in vain.

"Ignorant people always have an inexplicable self-confidence"

"You should be more humble."

Maha said in a long tone, as if a junior was teaching a senior.

This sentence seemed to hurt Feitan's deepest heart, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"The dead are not worthy of preaching."

As he spoke, the rising sun fell towards Maha's position.

The scorching sun radiated a temperature that was enough to melt everything and descended into the world.

Everything in sight was melted away.

This state of not distinguishing between friend and foe made everyone present retreat to the safe zone.

Only Maha still stood there, watching the farce with an unusually calm look.

Finally, a few seconds later, the sun completely set.


The moment it touched the earth, a huge mushroom cloud of fire rose. A huge heat wave swept across a radius of ten miles.

Everything at the center of the sun had been melted away, and there was no intact place. Even though the attack was over, the center circle was still very hot, and it was not an area that ordinary people or even ordinary psychic users could reach.

In the distance, Zeno and Silva stared at Maha's position closely.

"Is great-grandfather okay?"

"It should be fine."

The two of them said with a hint of uncertainty.

Since Zeno was born, they had rarely seen Maha take action, not to mention the younger Silva.

So they only knew that Maha was very strong, but they didn't know where his limit was.

Maybe he was very strong, or maybe his strength had become fragile with age.

In short, all the answers will be revealed at this moment.

"It's a good thing for him to let him melt"

"If there weren't so many strong men, I would have peeled off his skin and roasted his flesh with flames."

Under the firelight, Feitan's eyes were full of cruelty and evil.

He might be the second strongest person in the Phantom Troupe, as can be seen from the sun he released.

But in terms of the degree of evil, he is definitely at the top.

He is heartless and has no blood or tears. These words are not just talk.

Once you fall into Feitan's hands, your fate will be even worse than falling into the hands of others.

After half an hour of roasting, the original center circle has been covered with thick ash.

The air is filled with a pungent smell of fireworks.

Just as Feitan calmed down and prepared to leave to help others, a terrifying murderous aura enveloped him.

He couldn't move, and he didn't dare to move!

This feeling seemed as if death would fall on his head in the next second.

An invisible sickle was silently placed on Feitan's neck.

"Boy, where do you want to go?"

Maha's emotionless voice sounded.

It was like the countdown of the god of death.

Hearing this, Feitan immediately retracted his foot that was about to stretch out, and looked at the extreme darkness in the depths with a sinister look.

Maha, wearing a pitch-black cloak, stood still and stared.

The time around seemed to have stopped at this moment.


The vast energy was released.

But it was not from Maha, but from Feitan in the distance.

The moment he saw that Maha was safe and sound, he decisively made a vow.

Without the slightest hesitation, he placed a bet on his life.

Feitan clearly understood that the attack just now was his most powerful move.

If even this didn't work, then he had only one way left, which was to make a vow.

"You are really suitable to be a killer."

Maha looked at Feitan with admiration.

A killer must be so decisive to last long on the road of assassination.

The slightest hesitation may lead him into an abyss of no return.

"You go to hell with me, old man."

"I will take care of you over there."

Feitan smiled evilly.

From the moment he made the vow, he never thought that he could go back alive.

"Haha, you should explore the way first."

"It may take me a long time to get there."

As soon as the words fell, a long sword suddenly appeared in front of Maha, slashing wildly.

In an instant, hundreds of swords were swung out.

The more he attacked, the faster Feitan became.

Until the end, even the shadow did not appear, only the faint clanging sound in the air continued to echo.

It can be seen that Feitan's improvement is very great, which has raised his strength to a higher level.


Maha laughed as he blocked the attack.

As Feitan's attack speed increased, his blocking speed also reached another level.

Surprisingly, no matter how fast Feitan's attack speed was, Maha would still take it all in, just like at the beginning of the battle.

"Is this the only power of the oath?"

After a while, Maha suddenly said.

There was no more sharp scrutiny in his eyes, but an unprecedented murderous aura.

Feitan, who was closest to him, was obviously stunned at this moment.

For a moment, he seemed to see corpses all over the mountains and towering mountains stained red with blood.

On the top of the mountain, Maha sat on the rock in a daze, looking at the setting sun in the distance.

The impact of this scene made Feitan feel cold all over!

But fortunately, he himself was not a good bird. He had killed at least 5,000 people.

So he recovered in just a moment.���Quickly retreat to the back

"It's time to end it."

Maha's eyes were filled with murderous intent at this moment.

He wanted to kill Feitan.

His intention was that simple.

"Are you not going to continue testing me?"

Looking at the familiar murderous aura, Feitan understood that Maha was no longer on the defensive.

To him, this was a signal.

A signal to fight to the death!

【[Sun Incarnation]

Feitan decisively used his telepathic ability with his last bit of strength.

In an instant, his special clothing was completely burned up and turned into nothing.

Instead, endless flames quickly climbed to every corner of Feitan's body.

His eyes were covered by dazzling golden light.

The aura on his body reached its peak at this moment!

From a distance, Feitan looked like a real fire man!

A complete alien!

"Haha, is this your last bit of strength?"

"I hope you can make me happy."

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