Looking at the air around Feitan being distorted by the crazy burning, Maha's eyes showed a hint of interest.

He wanted to see if Feitan could cause him any harm.


"This old monster has become stronger again."

From a distance, Netero was slightly shocked when he saw the strength that Maha had burst out at this moment.

You know, he had fought with Maha before, so he naturally understood what kind of strength he had.

But the strength he saw now was even stronger than before.

He really couldn't figure out how Maha had made himself stronger.

"Old man, today I will let you witness the true power of the sun."

Feitan, who was suspended in the air, said coldly.

At this moment, he felt that he was the only true god in the world, who could dominate people's lives at will.

The power given by the oath made Feitan sink instantly.

"The sun? Haha."

Facing this moment, Maha's face was still full of calmness.

It seemed that no matter what happened

, he could not have any negative emotions. Feitan hated this kind of expression the most.

He slowly pointed at Maha, and his fingertips instantly condensed a fine golden ray, wrapped in a temperature comparable to that of the sun.

Even the air was pierced through wherever it passed.


The sun's rays shot straight at Maha's chest.

At first, it burned and covered the surroundings at a very fast speed.

But soon, an extreme darkness completely swallowed up the glittering firelight and merged into the darkness again.

"The appetizer is not very tasty.

Maha shook his head.

He seemed very dissatisfied with Feitan's attack.


Facing such ridicule, Feitan's eyes covered with flames became more violent, expressing his current state of anger.


Feitan was suspended in the air, and several small suns instantly rose behind him.

Not only did the number increase, but the power contained was also stronger than the one released at the beginning.

The aura emitted turned this area into a living hell.

Even if the battle was over, this place could not return to its former appearance.

It would only spend forever in the high temperature.

"This is interesting."

Suddenly, the darkness on Maha became more prosperous.

This level of attack was enough for him to take seriously.

"Is there no time?"

Feitan felt it in his heart and knew that the time of the oath had reached its limit.

Less than two minutes had passed since it was used.

But for Feitan, it was enough.

His eyes were focused on Maha below, and the suns behind him all fell to the earth at the same time.

In an instant, a magnificent scene appeared in front of everyone.

Under the black curtain towering in the sky, several small suns fell to the earth.

And the target of the attack was just a short old man who looked extremely fragile.

The strong contrast stimulated their minds.

Everyone's heart was unconsciously lifted up to see the final result.



The moment the sun just touched the ground, it exploded at a high speed, forming a chain reaction, causing the remaining suns to explode together.

The combined power formed a giant mushroom cloud that shot up into the sky.

The heat wave emitted melted everything around it.

Even the earth formed a bottomless pit in this explosion.

For a moment, the same thought appeared in everyone's mind.

Maha is probably in danger.

"Something is wrong, why is his mind so strong?

Suddenly, Geno realized something was wrong.

Whether it was Wojin, Xiake or Qiduo, even if they burst out with powerful mind when they made the oath, they were not as strong as Feitan.

This kind of extraordinary power is really hard to understand.

"He is from the Yaoyang race."

Suddenly, Netero on the side started to explain.

The Yaoyang race and the Kuruta race are both special humans. They all have unique abilities and are extremely rare.

For example, the Kuruta race's fiery red eyes can burst out with powerful power when their emotions fluctuate.

The ability of the Yaoyang race is to activate the sun!

They are born to communicate with the sun.

And they can activate the mind by offering sacrifices and praising the sun.

But this road is extremely dangerous, and very few people can really successfully obtain the mind ability through this road.

Most people are burned to death by the flames during the activation process.

Those who successfully survive are called.

Sons of the Sun!

They are different from ordinary people with mind abilities.

Both their energy and abilities are unique.

And when they activate their mind abilities, they also get a chance.

The opportunity to ask for help from the sun.

Once they ask for help, they can get the help of the sun and gain extraordinary power!

This is why Feitan is so powerful.

He is the one in a million son of the sun!

""I see."

Hearing the explanation, Zeno suddenly understood.

It seems that the Phantom Troupe is really lucky to have picked up a special person like Feitan.

While the others were still discussing, only Linie was nervously looking at the battlefield in the distance.

"Old man, you should be dead now."

Feitan looked at the bottomless pit with a smile.

At the same time, his strength was rapidly fading.

Almost every second, a body part was withering and failing.

If it happened to an ordinary person, he might be afraid, confused, or relieved.

But in Feitan, he was satisfied!

This was a way of showing off his victory in the battle.

""Boy, I admit that your move is very powerful."

Suddenly, a voice came into Feitan's ears, and he froze in place.

Looking closely, a black figure slowly emerged from the deep pit and came to him.

Maha had a smile on his face, and there was no injury on his body.

It was as if the explosion just now was just an illusion.

Even Feitan himself began to doubt whether he was dreaming.

The attack released by gathering all the strength of the body did not even hurt Maha.

An emotion called despair brewed in Feitan's heart, but he quickly extinguished it.

He slowly looked at Maha, his eyes full of endless resentment.

"I can't rest in peace until you go to hell."

Feitan's words sounded like the impotent rage before his death.

But Maha could clearly sense that Feitan was not joking at the moment.

He still had a trump card!

Just as Maha was about to say something, the scene around him suddenly changed dramatically.

Feitan, who was standing in place, suddenly had tears of blood in his eyes.

But his face was filled with a weird smile.

This was the last ability that Feitan activated.

【Hell is others]!

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