As the telekinesis was activated, everything around turned into a dark blood red.

Countless wronged souls were shouting loudly in various places of punishment, describing their grievances and pains.

The ground beneath his feet was now filled with white bones, and there was a slight cracking sound when he stepped on it lightly.

The big sun above his head also turned red, symbolizing danger.

While Maha was still confused, several black shackles suddenly appeared around him and directly wrapped Feitan up.

But Feitan did not struggle at all, but looked at Maha with a playful look in his eyes.

"Old man, come with me, hahahahahahaha!"

Feitan's crazy laughter filled the entire space.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless shackles appeared again, trying to entangle Maha and drag him into hell.

People outside were surprised to see this scene.

Linnie frowned and looked at the isolated space.

Others might not know, but she could feel the strong smell of darkness and killing from it.

The mixed smell made her feel very uncomfortable.

"It seems that this little guy named Feitan is really going to kill him."

Netero said with a serious look in his eyes.

He knew clearly that Feitan was using his own soul as the final bet, trying to drag Maha down with him.

Regardless of success or failure, Feitan will eventually lose his soul because of the oath. He will not even be able to reincarnate.

Although Netero did not know whether reincarnation existed, Feitan's viciousness was really chilling!

Inside the barrier, Feitan was still laughing and persuading Maha to give up resistance.

"Old man, this is hell!"

"No matter how strong you are, you can't escape the fate of death."

As if agreeing with Feitan's words, the shackles that originally imprisoned Maha became more tight.

""Haha, I told you, it will take a long time for me to come." Even at this level, Maha was not panicked at all.

On the contrary, his eyes were full of curiosity.

Maha did not break free from the shackles, but looked around.

This is a spirit of exploration for unknown creatures.

Looking at the calm Maha, Feitan thought he was just shouting before death and would not believe it at all. He continued to chatter at Maha.

Not long after, the originally silent shackles made a strange sound.


The chain seemed to have received some kind of signal and began to drag the two people deeper.

Soon, the two passed through the heavy punishment venue and came to a large open space.

In front, a tall black figure sat on the blood-red throne, wearing a jet-black robe that made it impossible to see his face.

"Is this the Grim Reaper?"

Maha raised his head slightly and looked at the figure.

At this moment, the interest in his eyes almost overflowed.

Being able to see the Grim Reaper with his own eyes was worth the trip for him.


The black figure spoke in an incomprehensible language.

Then he waved at the two of them.

The next second, an exquisite black and white scale appeared in front of the two of them.

On the left side of the white scale was a pure white feather.

On the right side of the black scale was a heart stained with blood, which was still beating.

Obviously, this was to determine the route of the two of them.

"What kind of thing is worthy of controlling my path?"

At this point, even when facing the god of death who controls death, Feitan still couldn't find any respect on his face.

As a member of the Yaoyang race, he only believed in the sun and praised the sun in his life.

The god of death who ran counter to the sun was not worthy of his respect.


The Grim Reaper stretched out his arm, revealing a skeleton finger, and pointed at Feitan first.

The next second, the scales began to shake slightly.

At the same time, a word made of blood appeared in front of the two.

【The Sinner: Feitan】

【Number of people killed: 12,578】

【Conflict rate: 2%】

【Verdict: Permanently imprisoned in a soul cage, roasted by pure fire]

Among them, the explanation of the conflict rate was also specifically noted.

That is, whether there was an obvious conflict between the murdered and the murderer, which caused the death of the other party.

The extremely low number of 2% completely shows that most of the people killed by Feitan were innocent civilians, and there was no direct conflict with him.

The two parties didn't even know each other!

In this case, Feitan was still bloodthirsty and killed all the people who were in his way.

Among more than 12,000 people, the conflict rate accounted for only 2%!

It is enough to show that Feitan almost killed more than 11,000 innocent people!

This kind of sin is really infuriating.

"Did you just kill so few people?"

"If I had known I would come here, I should have killed another 100,000."

Feitan looked at the number above with some dissatisfaction, and even felt that he had killed too few and wanted to kill more.

This idea was quite explosive in the entire hunter world.

The result on Feitan's side had already appeared, and the scales began to move, slowly coming in front of Maha.


This time the shaking was more violent than before.

The feather on the left almost fell off because of the shaking.

Even the god of death himself had never seen this scene, and he quickly waved at the scales to calm the turbulence.

Finally, after about a minute of silence, the words belonging to Maha slowly appeared in front of him.

【The Sinner: Maha Zoldyck】

【Number of people killed: 8,957】

【Conflict rate: 1%】

【Judgment Result: Enter the lava hell and accept endless melting.

Although the number of people killed was not as high as Feitan, it also reached an extremely terrifying level.

The conflict rate was even more terrifying, reaching an astonishing 1%

"Hahaha, old man, you are so murderous, but you have killed less people than me."

Feitan taunted Maha mercilessly

"I am different from you."

Maha had no intention of explaining.

Almost all of the people he killed were killed because of the commission.

This is also the reason why the conflict rate is so low.

Seeing his final destination, Maha's heart was full of peace.

The results of the two people have already appeared. Just as the God of Death was about to execute, He seemed to suddenly feel something and turned his eyes to Maha's position.

The white skeleton finger pointed at Maha again.

The next second, the blood-red text appeared again.

【The Sinner: Maha Zoldyck】

【Kills: 6,827,580】

【Conflict rate: 98%】

【[Trial Result: Not guilty]

Another new trial.

But at this moment, a drastic change has taken place.

The number of kills this time has reached a terrifying six million!

The conflict rate is as high as 98%.

What is even more shocking is that with such a terrifying number of kills, the verdict is not guilty!

This astonishing data made the Grim Reaper slightly stunned.

Feitan's pupils shrank at the side, and he was speechless.

A number of nearly seven million!

His number of ten thousand is not even a fraction of others.

Suddenly, Feitan seemed to notice something.

"Why not the number of kills?"

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