The text above clearly shows the number of kills Maha has won.

In response to Feitan's question, Hell gave a very humane explanation.

The blood-red text appeared before his eyes again.

【The number of kills includes but is not limited to humans.

This explanation is clear and concise.

It directly shows that Maha has killed creatures other than humans.

There are as many as six million!

If it were placed in human society, killing so many monsters would definitely cause a huge sensation.

But the strange thing is that no news has ever mentioned this.

This shows that Maha’s killing was not caused by human society.

Then there is only one place that can withstand such a huge number.

The Dark Continent!

The number is six million, and they are dangerous creatures from the Dark Continent.

This is enough to show how extreme Maha’s strength has reached.

No wonder he can be calm no matter what he encounters.

It turns out that during the time of killing in the Dark Continent, his heart had long been as cold as a blade.

"Have I killed so many?"

"It seems that this number will continue to grow."

Maha said with a smile.

He himself did not know that he had killed so many creatures.

He only knew that he was always in action.

All the crimes were judged and the trial was about to begin.

The chains that were originally wrapped around Maha quickly disappeared, turning into a ball of black air and disappearing into the air.

This announced Maha's acquittal!

Feitan was not so lucky.

The shackles continued to deepen his confinement, and the body that was still slowly withering also stopped completely at this moment, and continued to drag towards the depths.

From now on, he will endure inhuman pain forever.

Before leaving, Feitan's eyes were still fixed on Maha.

"You will come back to accompany me, I always believe"

"You smell like me."

After saying that, Feitan completely disappeared from the land.

These words did not stir up any waves in Maha.

He turned to look at the tall black figure in front of him and slowly bowed to him.

But the black figure just looked at him deeply and disappeared on the spot.

Unconsciously, the surrounding scene changed again and returned to the appearance of Meteor Street.

There was no trace of hell around, as if everything just now was just a dream.

When everyone saw Maha come out intact, their hanging hearts finally fell.

Fortunately, the worst result did not happen.

No one expected Feitan to be so cruel that he would drag Maha into the water even at the risk of his soul.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Linnie watched from afar, her frown loosened, revealing a touch of kindness.

She slowly took back her energy.

At the same time, her tender skin turned back to its old appearance.

Everything will eventually return to normal.

"Is this over here too?"

Jin muttered slowly.

He turned his gaze to the opposite side.

"You, if you want to fight, you better be serious."

Nobunaga held the blade, his brows never relaxed. He was always facing Jin seriously.

"Looks like I have to finish it quickly too."

Jin completely ignored Nobunaga.


The next moment, Nobunaga stepped on his feet and came in front of Jin, slashing with the long sword in his hand.

The speed was so fast that it only took a moment to reach Jin's neck.

"If only Xiaojie was here."

Jin said helplessly.

Looking at the long sword that was rushing towards him, he slightly turned his body and easily dodged the attack.

Looking at the dodged attack, Nobunaga seemed to have expected it. He turned the blade directly and chopped it straight at Jin's waist.

The powerful force made a sound of breaking through the air.


The next moment, a powerful energy burst out from Jin's body, causing Nobunaga's original attack trajectory to have a slight deviation.

Before Nobunaga could adjust, a big hand gently grasped his forearm holding the sword.


With a crisp sound, Nobunaga's forearm was completely crushed by the huge force.


Nobunaga's face was expressionless, and he quickly switched the blade to his other hand.

Without any hesitation, he stabbed Jin's chest again.

Each strike was aimed at the most fatal part, which was enough to show Nobunaga's understanding of human tissue.

""Activate your strongest ability."

Jin kicked Nobunaga away with a side kick, and said kindly.


Hearing this, Nobunaga directly activated the Qi.

Then, he slowly attached the Qi to the blade. He kicked forward, came to Jin and quickly lowered his body. The hand that was originally holding the handle quickly pulled the blade out of the scabbard.

Draw the sword and cut!

A white light flashed, and a few strands of hair fell to the ground.

"That's right."

Jin looked at the hat that fell to the ground and smiled knowingly.

This attack seemed to have lifted his seal.

Soon, Jin used various moves to deal with Nobunaga.

【Ninety-Nine Punch】

【Dislocation Space Fist】

【Explosive Kick】

【Giant God Palm】

All the abilities that can be operated appeared in Jin's hands one by one, and exerted a powerful strength.

Facing such a violent attack, Nobunaga seemed to be extremely exhausted.

Soon, his body was full of wounds, and more than half of his bones were broken, looking extremely tragic.


Jin returned to his original position and took a deep breath.

"It seems that Jin hasn't changed."

Netero looked at these familiar abilities and smiled.

Others may not know, but he knew Jin's special abilities very well.


Jin can use his abnormal learning ability to grasp the essence and trajectory of the other party's abilities.

Just one time can completely copy the other party's abilities.

After so many years, no one knows how many abilities Jin has learned.

But the only thing that can be confirmed is that Jin's strength has reached a peak.

"Do you want to use the oath?"

"I am curious about how powerful the oath can be."

Jin said curiously.

In his eyes, Nobunaga has become a ready-made guinea pig.

Although he has watched other people fight, he still needs to experience it himself to understand the power of the oath more directly.

And now the opportunity is right in front of him. If he doesn't seize it in time, he will be uncomfortable for the rest of his life.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Nobunaga was silent, staring at Jin with sharp eyes.

He exuded an air of unwillingness to admit defeat.

This was the temperament that belonged to a swordsman.

""You have guts."

Jin admitted that he underestimated Nobunaga's will.


Before Jin could continue to say anything, a power that did not belong to him suddenly burst out from Nobunaga's body.


It turned out that what Nobunaga said just now was just to delay Jin.

"What a cautious guy."

Jin immediately became interested.

Sure enough, the people in the Phantom Troupe are not simple.

"Is this the new power?"

"I can’t wait to start swinging the knife."

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