Nobunaga's face was no longer serious, but full of comfort.

The feeling of gaining power is really addictive.

"Let me try the power of the oath."

Jin followed suit and attacked.

Various abilities appeared in his hands and he quickly attacked Nobunaga.

But the result this time was obviously different from the last time.

Nobunaga, who had gained great power, kept dodging the attacks, and his face looked extremely relaxed. It was completely different from the black and blue look he had just had.

"But this won't work."

Nobunaga's mouth curled up into a smile.

He tightly grasped the long sword in his hand and quickly retreated, bursting with amazing energy from his whole body.

【Shura's Inspiration】

The next second, black lines appeared on Nobunaga's body and even on his face, delicate and regular.

Even his eyes, which were clearly black and white, were completely covered in black.

Weird and powerful.


Exhaling a breath of black air, Nobunaga stared straight at the golden

"Is this the power of the oath?"

Jin felt Nobunaga's power at this moment. He had a new understanding of the oath in his heart.

He knew that if he didn't take it seriously, he might make a mistake and regret it forever.

"It's so cool, so cool!"

Nobunaga's state at this time is completely different from before.

His originally serious face is full of arrogance and enjoyment.

It can be seen that the power of the oath has also released the deepest darkness of human nature.

"I want to kill."

As he said this, Nobunaga's eyes quickly locked onto the golden


In an instant, Nobunaga burst out with a dark aura all over his body, and rushed towards Jin.


In a flash, Nobunaga suddenly appeared in front of Jin, drew out his long sword and chopped without hesitation.


The black sword energy immediately slashed Jin's body.

Made him fly backwards uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Nobunaga continued to move forward, slashing madly, as if to return all the previous pain.

The archaeologists were full of tension when they saw this scene.

Jin, as their captain, was also the backbone of the entire team.

If he was not in the team, it would sooner or later fall apart.


Finally, after giving the last blow, Nobunaga retreated to the original place panting.

Even though he released his nature, he still maintained his previous caution.

Even if he had already determined Jin's death in his heart, he still needed to observe it.

Sure enough, just after the slashing, a hand appeared from the ruins and grabbed the surrounding stones.


Jin supported the stone and pulled his body out. He casually dusted off his body and looked at Nobunaga again.

"How can you be okay? How is it possible?"

Nobunaga's face was full of disbelief.

"Of course it will be fine, after all, you haven't been attacking me all along."

Jin smiled���

At the same time, a thin layer of skin shed from his body, which looked to be in tatters.

This was also an ability he learned from others.

【[Golden Cicada Escapes]!

This ability has no other functions, but it is extremely powerful in saving lives.

It can use Qi to form a layer of skin on the surface of the skin that others cannot see, which can withstand an attack.

"Oh, I still have time."

Nobunaga didn't believe it and attacked again.

But this time, Jin didn't continue to be beaten.

Because he got most of the information he wanted to know during the beating just now.

So there was no reason to continue to be beaten.

"It's time to end it."

Jin burst out with unprecedented energy.

From the beginning, he was not serious.


Before Nobunaga could make a move, Jin had already arrived in front of him.

【[Drilling the Heart]

In an instant, Jin's hand appeared like a drill, and hit Nobunaga's chest hard.


At the moment of the attack, a large mouthful of blood gushed out of Nobunaga's mouth.

He looked at his hollowed-out chest in confusion.

A broken heart was still beating weakly.

With just one strike, Jin resolved the battle.

"Do you have any stronger moves?"

Jin retreated to his original position and looked at Nobunaga quietly.

The reason why he did not take action was naturally to see if Nobunaga had any more cards.

But unfortunately, Nobunaga took a last look at Jin and fell down with hatred in his eyes.

He did not even close his eyes before he died, which was enough to show his hatred for Jin.

"Gone just like that?"

Jin was somewhat puzzled.

According to his deduction, Nobunaga should not die so soon. After waiting for a while and seeing no movement, Jin slowly stepped forward to check.

When he was about ten meters away, Nobunaga's eyes suddenly showed a gleam of light.

Seeing this, Jin immediately stepped back and made a defensive move.

Strangely, Nobunaga stood up and stood there without moving, his face full of dullness.

This series of strange things made Jin not act rashly.

Suddenly, Nobunaga raised his head and looked at Jin, with a weird smile on his face.

He seemed to feel no pain, and slowly took out the broken heart from his chest and sent it to the sky.


Suddenly, an extremely pure breath of darkness emerged from his body.

【[Shura is coming]!

The next moment, a crack appeared in the sky.

While everyone was still confused, the heart in Nobunaga's hand quickly flew into the crack.

At the same time, a blood-red figure appeared from the crack and quickly possessed Nobunaga's body.


An extremely huge momentum swept around, even blowing down the house.

"This is the magic realm!"

Jin frowned and looked at the crack above.

The hunter world is fantasy and mysterious, full of all kinds of unknown things.

Monsters, rare animals, treasures, secret treasures, magic realms, secret realms.

All these symbolize the unknown, which makes people obsessed with it!

The crack also vaguely reveals the scene of another space.

Corpses are everywhere, and blood flows like a river!

This is Jin's first impression.

It can be seen that this magic realm is more dangerous than imagined.

��Looking forward again, Nobunaga has undergone a huge change.

His whole body is blood red, and his whole body is full of strong muscles. There are two black horns on his head. What is particularly noticeable is the arrow-shaped tail behind him.

It can be said that Nobunaga is no longer a human being.

He is a complete Shura!


Nobunaga stared at Jin with bloodshot eyes, as if confirming his target. He exuded an extremely strong sense of oppression.

People dared not move at all, and could only stand there and wait for death.

"The strength is very strong."

Facing Nobunaga at this time, Jin quickly determined the terrifying strength of the other party.

""Gubi Bara."

Nobunaga suddenly spoke to Jin in a language he couldn't understand.

Although Jin didn't understand, he could tell the answer from Nobunaga's eyes.

He had confirmed that Jin was the target to be solved.

After locking the target, Nobunaga's face showed a cruel smile.

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