Before everyone could react, Nobunaga had already appeared in front of Jin, looking at him carefully.

"The creatures in the demon realm are really scary."

Jin was also observing.

Close-range investigation can directly know the other party's information.

He deeply felt a violent energy from Nobunaga, as if he would tear him apart in the next second.

And according to speculation, Nobunaga's consciousness has dissipated, and he has been replaced by Shura in front of him.

Therefore, he should not be called Nobunaga now.

But Shura!

""Jili Guru."

Shura stopped smiling and punched Jin in the face.


The sound of breaking through the air was heard.

He would definitely be hit at such a close distance, but there was still no panic in Jin's eyes.

"It's so fast, there's no way to dodge it."

Jin came to the conclusion immediately and quickly used his telepathic ability.

【100% Dodge]

The next moment, Shura's fist that was about to attack was miraculously deflected and passed by Jin's face.

It turned out that it was not Jin who was dodging, but the other party!


Shura looked at his fist in confusion.

He didn't understand why the attack that was sure to hit him would deviate.

But the current situation obviously didn't allow him to think so.

【Meteor Fist]

In an instant, Jin's fists were like falling stars, pounding on Shura's body quickly.

Each blow left large and small pits on Shura's body.

It was like the scene after a meteorite fell.

Just as Jin continued to attack, a big red hand grabbed his forearm.

""Foolish cry!"

Shura threw the gold to the ground.


The powerful force directly embedded the gold deeply into the ground.

"Jin, can you win?"

Netero also felt the huge aura of Shura.

This is a genuine creature from the Dark Continent!

The power it possesses is unmatched.

Even if the ant king comes, he will have to consider whether he can beat him.

"It hurts so much."

Jin's voice came slowly from underground.

It was the first time he was so embarrassed.

He pushed his hands against the ground to help his body get out of the deep pit.

"Really, something unexpected happened."

Jin's tone was somewhat helpless.

He had never expected that Nobunaga would use his own life to summon Shura.

I really don't know where he learned this evil magic from.

"It's a problem, and it's hard to solve."

Although he said this, the brilliance in Jin's eyes was still dazzling.

Obviously, he had thought of a solution.

Looking up at the crack above, Jin's mouth drew a smile.

"Let's go back to where we came from."

As he spoke, a small boat slowly condensed in Jin's hand.

【The returning ship]

Condensed the Qi into a ship, forcibly wrapped the enemy, and sent it back to the last location.

The next second, the small boat in Jin's hand grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost in an instant, it grew into a ship hundreds of meters high.

This volume is enough to accommodate countless Shuras.

"Goodbye, I believe we will meet again in the near future."

With Jin's control, the ship quickly wrapped Shura in it and sailed towards the crack above.


Shura pounded the ship frantically, trying to leave here.

But he obviously underestimated the hardness of the ship.

The crazy attack only caused some more cracks on the ship.

This result made him have to watch himself quickly leave here and return to the starting point.

Looking at the crack above, Shura's eyes showed rare fear and terror.

It was hard to imagine what kind of danger was hidden inside.


Finally, the moment Shura entered, the crack closed, as if nothing had ever existed.

Everything Nobunaga had paid for was destroyed at this moment.

"This guy always has a way."

Netero said with a smile while watching this scene.

He didn't expect Jin to end the battle in this way.

But from beginning to end, no one knew what Jin's true ability was.

Maybe he had already used it, but no one noticed it.

Or maybe he hadn't, waiting for the important moment to explode and play a key role.

"Solved, call it a day."

Gin clapped his hands and put the meat on the ground into his backpack.

He took advantage of Shura's inattention and pulled it off. That was why Shura angrily smashed him into the ground.

But it was all worth it.

Jin returned to the empty space where the battle was over and sat leisurely.

So far, Kuroro was the only one left in the Phantom Troupe.

The rest were all dead!

"Everyone, are they all dead?"

Looking at the deaths of the others, Kuroro's face was surprisingly calm.

There was no anger, no resentment, no sadness.

There was only infinite tranquility.

But looking into his eyes, one could see the storm brewing in them, growing like wild grass.

"You've finished reading, it's time for you to go on your way."

Yun Ye said bluntly.

Since your family has left, I can't let you walk alone on the road.

After all, he is a famous philanthropist.

But while speaking, he was also secretly observing Kuroro's every move.

As the leader of the Phantom Troupe, he deserves such caution.

"Every ending is just another beginning"

"Even if I die, I will still appear."

Kuroro's face burst out with unprecedented confidence and arrogance. He was no longer as calm and composed as before.

As he spoke, a vast aura emerged from Kuroro's body.

An exquisite book slowly appeared in his hand.

He flipped a few pages casually.

【Closed Prison】

As the mind power was activated, Kuroro and Yunye were imprisoned in a huge cage at the same time.

The two stood on opposite sides, like an ancient Roman Colosseum.


Yun Ye suddenly found it interesting.

This is similar to Jin's operation.

The only difference is that Jin relies on his extraordinary learning ability, while Kuroro relies on stealing other people's abilities.

【[Fish in a Closed Room]

Transform the Qi into a carnivorous fish that can only move in a closed space.

This fish will swim in the air while attacking the enemy.

And the enemy being bitten will not feel any pain.

The ability of mind is activated.

The next second, several large fish floating in the air and swimming around Kuroro appeared.

The large fish were gray and white, without fish meat, only bones. The sharp fangs flashed coldly under the sunlight, waiting for prey at any time.

After seeing Yunye, they slowly moved towards that side.

"Fish swimming in the air?"

"It is indeed extraordinary today."

Looking at the big fish swimming slowly in front of him, Yunye showed a smile on his face.

"In that case, I won’t hide it anymore."

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