The black shadow that was originally killed unexpectedly revived the next moment, and its strength was stronger than before.

It took only a few rounds to kill Mr. Puppet.

A crushing fight is about to begin.

Looking at the puppets that kept falling, there was no emotion in Kuroro's eyes.

It seemed that all this had nothing to do with him.

He continued to copy the puppets and attack.

Soon, there were a bunch of mountains made of Mr. Puppet in the whole prison, and none of them looked complete.

Either they were missing an arm or they were headless.

But without exception, they all had no ability to fight.

Kuroro did not continue to copy, and looked at Yunye quietly, which made people feel creepy.

"That's it."

Looking at Kuroro who was unmoved, Yunye thought that everything was not that simple.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful."

Looking at the army he had worked so hard to create being destroyed so easily, Kuroro said with a smile.

The next second, his expression became calm.


"Activate killing mode."

As the command was issued, a broken finger on the puppet mountain suddenly moved.

Suddenly, the mountain was violently shaken, and all the broken puppet parts began to merge rapidly.

Not long after, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone. The figure was fat and huge, with arms and legs all over the body, and countless rotating eyeballs on the face.

No matter how you look at it, it feels very weird.


A sharp voice came out from Mr. Puppet's body, as if mocking the weak black shadow in front of him.

Countless hands on his body stretched out sharp blades.

Wherever he passed, no grass grew. Facing all kinds of sharp blades, the black shadow could not resist at all.

In an instant, the number of black shadows on the entire battlefield began to decrease sharply.

"Can it be combined?"

Seeing such a huge puppet, Yunye's mouth drew a smile.

He knew that Kuroro would never do useless work.

The surface is just his way to deceive people, and the essence is what he really wants to do.

Before Yunye could think more, the puppet had killed all the shadows on the battlefield.

It drove its huge body, swaying left and right and running towards Yunye.

"Really, why do you like such disgusting things?"

Looking at the huge creature that kept approaching, Yunye felt helpless.

The last person who made him so disgusted had been cut into food and was waiting to be tasted.

But the thing in front of him was obviously not edible, nor could it be used as a key material for making weapons.

In short, it was a three-no product, which really made him feel unmotivated.

But it still had to be solved.

Yunye sighed softly, and countless black shadows instantly entered his body.

The cause and effect of all heavens, all come to me!

【The roar of the sea monster]

The next moment, the sound of waves crashing echoed throughout the Meteor Street.

Those who didn't know what was going on thought they had heard it wrong.

But Kuroro obviously didn't think so.

He stared at Yunye calmly.

Sure enough, a deep blue wave enveloped Yunye's entire body, helping him to fly into the air.

A trident condensed by air was held in his hand.

Behind Yunye, there was a faint invisible pressure, filling the entire battlefield.

"I have used this ability, do you still have a chance to reverse it?"

As he said this, Yunye set his sights on Kuroro.

In an instant, a blood-red eye appeared behind him and stared at Kuroro. In just this moment, Kuroro felt his whole body cold and his consciousness blurred, as if something strange was whispering in his ear, constantly impacting his brain.

This is one of the abilities from the sea monster.

Those who look into his eyes will be spiritually polluted. In serious cases, they will become the most loyal believers or the most foolish beggars in the world.

But Kuroro is not an ordinary person. Even though he was spiritually polluted, he still stood straight in the same place and used his will to fight against the foreign invasion.

"I'll start with you."

Yunye ignored Kuroro and focused his attention on the mountain of flesh in front of him.

Perhaps because Kuroro was mentally polluted, the originally calm Mr. Puppet was filled with a murderous aura.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at Yunye, wanting to kill him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Mr. Puppet dragged his huge body towards Yunye.

"Are you in such a hurry to die?"

Yunye stretched out his left hand to his chest.

The next second, a huge wave rushed out from behind him.



The waves hit Mr. Puppet mercilessly, stirring up wide waves.

This blow made Mr. Puppet, who was already unstable, fall to the ground immediately, and smashed a big hole in the place.

The countless hands and legs behind him were directly broken.

Snap! Snap!

Mr. Puppet, who was overwhelmed by killing, stood up at the risk of falling apart.

Due to the scouring of the sea water, the parts in Mr. Puppet's body were seriously affected, and every step he took contained a huge sound.


Even so, Mr. Puppet still ran towards Yunye, vowing to fight to the death!

"Really thick skin."

Looking at the almost intact puppet, Yunye decided to give it a final blow.

【The Old Ones】

Instantly, a phantom of a sea monster appeared behind Yunye, holding a huge trident.

Yunye slowly raised the trident in his hand, and the phantom behind him also made the same move.


Yunye threw the trident heavily.

The speed was so fast that there was even a burst of sound.

At the same time, the phantom of the sea monster behind him also threw the trident in his hand mercilessly.



The trident thrown by Yunye hit Mr. Puppet's head first and embedded deeply.

Before Mr. Puppet could pull it out, another attack came.

This time, it was a giant trident thrown by the sea monster.


The giant trident directly penetrated Mr. Puppet's body, and even the core inside could be vaguely seen.

This blow completely cut off all hope.


Just when everything was resolved, a laugh suddenly came out.

Glancing sideways, Kuroro had somehow gotten rid of the mental pollution and was looking straight at the battlefield.


Kuroro slowly gave the order.

After receiving the order, Mr. Doll burst out his last strength and ran to Yunye with the trident.

With a bang, he fell to the ground.


Kuroro quickly put his two palms with the seal together.

At the same time, a giant sun seal appeared on the front of the dead puppet's body.

A moon seal appeared on the back!

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