This is exactly what Kuroro added when making the doll.

At this moment, a chain reaction was triggered, and an unprecedented move broke out.

"Are you going to play Mission Impossible with me here?"

Looking at the meat mountain in front of him that was about to explode, Yunye suddenly laughed.

Kuroro is indeed a talent. If he can be used by him, it would be a great blessing in life.

Superb IQ, ruthless means, stable emotions, outstanding abilities, handsome face.

As long as two of them are added together, they are enough to become a king bomb. But these five characteristics all appear in one person.

Completely created a rare leader of a generation.

Before Yunye could continue to think, the flesh in front had activated the explosion program and began to expand rapidly.

Seeing this, Yunye did not take any measures.

His face was unusually calm.

It seemed that he had given up struggling and quietly waited for death to come.

But the more this happened, the more cautious Kuroro was.

Because he knew that a dying person would never have such a mentality.

Either crazy, or regretful, or indulgent, or resentful.

Calmness is the most precious quality at the moment of death.

Kuroro did not continue to think, but quickly flipped through the book in his hand.

【[Space Barrier]

The next moment, a square space enveloped Kuroro, forming the strongest barrier.

In order to ensure his most basic safety.

Looking forward, in just a few seconds, the meat mountain expanded to almost fill the entire space.


The huge afterglow of the explosion enveloped the entire prison.

Various body parts flew everywhere due to the explosion.

The turbulence caused by the explosion completely destroyed the surrounding houses.

Everyone was curious about the situation inside.

After a long time, the afterglow still did not dissipate, and smoke filled the entire prison.

But a figure gradually emerged.


Kuroro spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the opposite side calmly.

The previous attack directly blew through his [Space Barrier].

Fortunately, the barrier was strong enough to help him offset most of the damage.

But the remaining power still hurt him.

It can be said that this move hurts the enemy by a thousand and hurts himself by eight hundred.

But in his eyes, it's all worth it.

To kill the enemy, you have to use any means!

Mercy in battle is the most ridiculous thing in this world.

"The smoke is so thick that it hurts my eyes."

A complaining voice came from the smoke.

A gust of wind blew away the smoke in the prison.

Yunye was revealed to be unscathed, without any damage to his body.

At this moment, countless emotions appeared on Kuroro's face, and finally it came down to calmness.

"Do you know what is the most precious thing besides beautiful treasures and books covering countless knowledge?"

Kuroro said to himself, not caring about the strange looks of the crowd.

He did not give an answer, but looked at Yunye calmly.

Without continuing to use his mind ability, Kuroro slowly pulled out a dagger from his waist.

It was a brand created by the murderous devil Bian Nidoron more than a hundred years ago.

Bian's knife!

Under the strange appearance, there is an extremely sharp blade. No matter how hard the object is, as long as it is cut by the Bian's knife, it will be cut into as easily as mud. It really achieved the point of cutting iron like mud.

"Are you ready to start a battle between men?"

Yunye said with a smile.

He slowly condensed the Qi in his palm.

The next second, a long sword made of Qi appeared in his hand.

The two stood there without moving, just staring at each other.


In an instant, the two jumped forward at the same time.


The two swords collided, rubbing against each other and producing endless sparks.

They both saw each other's eyes in the firelight.

Deep and calm.

This was Yunye's first impression of Kuroro's eyes. It was very consistent with his temperament and personality.

"Your eyes are very calm."

Kuroro said while exerting force on his hands.

He saw infinite calmness in Yunye's eyes.

It seemed that no matter what happened, it could not affect his state of mind.

This is an invincible self-confidence.

Only those who are truly strong and can ignore everything can have such emotions.

For a moment, Kuroro regretted his decision.

But the next second, it was completely annihilated by his heart.

As long as it is something he chooses, Kuroro will never regret it. All he can do now is to keep facing it!

"You're not bad either."

Yunye smiled.

He exerted force on his hands and pushed Kuroro behind him. At the same time, he jumped forward.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Countless blacksmithing sounds echoed in the prison.

"Xiaoyun's strength is really not simple"

"It seems that our safety level will be improved in this expedition."Seeing the current situation, Netero gave his own evaluation.

The others nodded in agreement.

They thought the same.

Only Linie and Maha did not participate in the discussion, still watching the battlefield carefully.

Looking closely, Kuroro was beaten back step by step.

If the whole prison was not so large, he might have been directly pressed into a corner and beaten.

"The overall physical fitness gap is too huge."

Although Kuroro was being beaten, he still calmly analyzed his own disadvantages and the opponent's advantages.

After the early Tai Shang Visualization Diagram, Yun Ye had already improved his body to an extremely strong level.

And now with the Taichu Cultivation Technique.

Now Yun Ye's physique can be described as terrifying.


After knowing the answer, Kuroro burst out with a powerful attack and attacked directly.

At the same time, he flipped through the book with one hand.

"Found it."

Soon, a smile appeared on Kuroro's lips.

【[Short-term contract]

A contract page will appear. You can sign the contract by writing what you want on it.

The price will be kept forever and can be redeemed in a safe period.

But if you break the contract, the end is doomed to be death!

The next second, an ancient parchment scroll appeared in front of Kuroro.

He quickly wrote some words and signed the contract.

In an instant, the parchment scroll turned into a golden light and escaped into his body.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of drums came out of Kuroro's body.

From a distance, his muscles were expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Becoming strong and powerful.


Seeing this, Yunye couldn't help but wonder how many abilities Kuroro still had hidden.

Is there a time when he is at the end of his rope?

But before he could think about it any further, Kuroro had already rushed over.


The two blades collided again, but this time the process was obviously different.

Kuroro, who had obtained the power of the contract, was actually on par with Yunye, and they were evenly matched.

The two blades collided fiercely, and the two looked at each other, and began a real competition!

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