The next second, the shadows of the two people kept flashing in the huge prison.

Only the sparks caused by the friction of the blades could be vaguely seen.

Ding Ding Ding!

It was hard to imagine how much power Kuroro had obtained to be on par with Yunye, who had practiced for twelve years.

"He is a genius, what a pity."

Netero said with some regret.

He had the same idea as Yunye. If Kuroro was used under his own banner, the value it would bring would be extremely huge.

"It seems that he doesn't know how expensive the price of this contract is."

Maha said softly while watching the battle on the battlefield.

Because everything was too urgent, Kuroro didn't even see what the price he had to pay for his power was.

On the battlefield, the battle had lasted for half an hour.

It seemed that someone did this on purpose, causing the battle to never end.

""It's so refreshing, so refreshing!"

Yunye kept fighting back with the trident in his hand.

His face was filled with incomparable joy.

It had been a long time since he had fought so happily.

Except for the fight with Jade, he had no chance to exert his full strength in the other fights.

Often, a little effort would resolve the whole battle.

Compared to Yunye's joy, Kuroro's situation was not so good.

"Too powerful."

The more they fought, the deeper Kuroro's understanding of Yunye became.

That terrifying power was truly despairing.

If he hadn't had the contract, he might have been beaten to death now.

But he never regretted it. Anyway, he would die whether he used it or not.

That's right, after this battle, Kuroro deeply understood that the price of this contract would be very harsh.

It is very likely that he would use his life as the payment to complete the contract.

In this case, he might as well have a hearty battle directly, so that it would not be in vain to use the contract.


Finally, after an hour of fighting, this sword duel ended. The collision is over.

Kuroro's body is covered with wounds, and some of them can even see the white bones in the flesh and blood, revealing a cold light.

Even if the power of the contract is used, Yunye's assassination skills are not to be underestimated.

The accumulation of those four years has truly brought the assassination skills to the top.

After a month of special training, he successfully improved the assassination skills to the ultimate form.

This is the limit that can be achieved now.

If he can find more books on assassination later, he can improve further.

However, the current assassination skills are enough for Yunye to dominate the human society.

Even in the dangerous Dark Continent, he still has the strength to fight!

"Is it true that strength alone is not enough?"

Kuroro knew where his flaws were.

But this could not be made up for in a short time.

On the other side, Yunye stood there easily.

Except for a little dust and some damage on his clothes, the rest was not damaged.

He was very satisfied with this battle.

"I'll give you time to catch up"

"Come on."

Yunye stood there and watched Kuroro's operation quietly.

He wanted to make him understand that any conspiracy and tricks were useless in front of real power!


Hearing this, Kuroro smiled.

He stretched out his hand towards the book, and a powerful aura suddenly burst out from his body.

"You are so powerful."

"It makes me feel desperate."

Chuloro did not choose to use his mind ability.

As if he was inspired, he said to Yunye

"This kid is going to do something bad."

Jin stood there and looked at Kuroro.

Sure enough, the next second, countless shackles appeared out of thin air and surrounded Kuroro.

"So I decided"

"Use my life to avenge my family."

Kuroro's eyes were as dark as ink, staring at the distant Yunye.

In an instant, the surrounding chains suddenly passed through Kuroro's body and entered his body.

This is a contract made with life!

Kuroro chose to fight to the death!

"You guys are all ruthless people in this group."

"Unfortunately, none of us here are merciful."

Yunye said with a smile.

Everyone standing in the open space had their hands stained with blood.

Simple people would not appear here at all.

Even the innocent-looking Xiaojie would burst out his intelligence at the critical moment.

He even used the oath just to kill the enemy.

A typical wise fool.

Not to mention Maha Zoldyck who killed more than 6 million people.

Compared with these people, the brigade still seemed very immature.

This place has become a slaughterhouse for old monsters.

Having said that, Kuroro could no longer hear any sound.

All his thoughts were bewitched by the surging power.

""The oath is indeed the most magical thing in the world."

Kuroro's steady voice came from a distance.

He still looked the same as before, but his temperament had changed greatly.

Especially the power that was enough to despise everything!

"What kind of oath did he make that gave him such a powerful force?"

Jin quickly realized that something was wrong.

A oath made with life would not give such a terrifying power. Just looking at the other members would make it clear.

But now Kuroro was obviously beyond common sense. His power was enough to scare people from the bottom of their hearts.

It was like the gaze of a natural enemy!

"Your oath is different from others."

Yun Ye naturally noticed that something was wrong with Kuroro.

He was able to burst out with such a powerful force. Maybe he had added some seasoning to it.

"Of course the power of the oath is not that strong."

"But have you forgotten that I still have this?"

Kuroro took out the familiar parchment scroll.

The double bonus of the contract and the oath created such a powerful force.

Since we are going to die anyway, we might as well go crazy!

No matter how many kinds of contracts there are, Kuroro is no longer afraid of them.

"He is a complete lunatic."

Biyangde rarely commented.

He knew that the people in the brigade were crazy, but he didn't expect them to be so crazy.

But this intelligence did give Kuroro a lot of power, allowing him to confront Yunye.

"Accept the final baptism."

Kuroro threw the Bian knife in his hand into the ruins behind him, facing Yunye.

He wanted to have a physical confrontation with Yunye!

"A real fight between men?"

"I accept it."

Yunye did not doubt Kuroro's motives.

As I said before, in front of real power, all conspiracies and tricks are a joke!

Yunye also threw the trident in his hand and waved at Kuroro.

"Come here."

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