"First, you must not have any disrespect for the leader."

"Second, do not swear in front of the guide."

"Third, you cannot eat monster meat in front of the guide."

"Fourth, leaders love quietness."

"Fifth, you must not look back after you leave."

Netero slowly said the five rules.

Although it was a little strange, everyone still silently remembered these rules in their hearts.

"What will happen if I accidentally break the rules?

Pariston asked doubtfully.

But his smiling face showed that he was not innocent.

Netero looked at him deeply and said

"Then you will experience what it means to be fearful beyond death."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Being fearful beyond death was enough to make everyone afraid to act rashly.

"I have some meat here, do you want some?"

Yunye handed Pariston a piece of cooked meat without fear of trouble.

He wanted to see how strong the leader was.

This would also help him figure out how dangerous the Dark Continent was.

"No, thank you.

Pariston smiled reluctantly and shook his head. He quietly retreated behind the crowd and stopped talking.

He did like to cause trouble, but he would not put himself in danger for the sake of trouble.

If he really went, he would not be a clown, but a fool.

"If you don't like his, I have some here too."

Jin said jokingly.

This farce was just a disturbance of the whole incident.

Under Netero's leadership, everyone finally came to the front of the gate.

""Why are there people there?"

Shiba asked in confusion.

Looking ahead, a large group of people had gathered in front of the gate, seemingly waiting for something.

At a glance, there were about thirty people.

"These are the people I found."

Netero said with a smile.

It turned out that these people were the thirty Nen users he had gathered from human society.

Each of them had unique abilities and could play a vital role in the next expedition.


The leading man saw Netero and immediately stepped forward to greet him respectfully.

"Dick, what's going on?"

Netero asked, looking at the door.

"The guide has appeared, and we can go in and negotiate now."

Dick answered quickly.

The reason Netero asked them to come early was to observe the figure of the guide.

"Very good, let's go in."

Netero nodded slightly and led everyone to the front door.

Yunye looked up and felt that this door was somewhat familiar.

"It looks like the Gate of Hell, doesn't it?"

Maha said with a smile.

Yes, the Gate of Hell was copied based on the gate in front of us.

This also proves that someone from the Zoldyck family had been here.


No wonder it looks so familiar.

"Everyone, please pay attention. We are going in."

Netero said seriously, slowly putting his palm on the door.


As Netero's muscles bulged, with a loud bang, the door was completely pushed open.

The true appearance inside was revealed.

The endless blue ocean looked quiet and peaceful under the sunlight.

It seemed that danger had become a strange word here.

But everyone present understood how dangerous the world outside the wall was.

Even the seemingly calm ocean hides dangerous creatures that are enough to destroy human society.

It can be said that if it were not for the guide and the protection of the wall, mankind would have disappeared in the long river of history.

Everyone was looking at the ocean curiously, only Netero looked ahead with a serious look.

The next moment, a dark figure appeared in front of everyone. A standing black goat!

This was Yunye's first impression of the guide.

The appearance of the black goat, however, stood up like a human.

Covered with black hair, it looked extremely ominous.

No matter how you look at it, you can't tell that the creature in front of you is a creature that specifically protects humans.

"Why are you here again?"

A deep voice came from the guide's mouth.

This phenomenon shocked many people present.

The creatures in front of them could actually speak, and it was a language they were familiar with!

This horrifying scene even made many people feel scared.

But for Yunye, it was nothing.

After all, as a guide in human society, he naturally had to learn human language to communicate.

This phenomenon has also appeared before.

For example, the bluffing crows and fierce foxes in the Lost Melody Wetland.

They also have the ability to speak human language and have magical powers.

"Yes, we want to enter the Dark Continent."

Netero said the purpose of this trip.

After that, he took out a dried lizard from his chest.

""Not bad, really good."

The moment he saw the dried lizard, the guide's eyes lit up. He came to Netero like a ghost, snatched the dried lizard away, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Instantly, the guide's face showed a humane happiness.

"I want you to go in, but you still have to do what you have to do."

The guide finished his last bite and said leisurely.

To enter the Dark Continent, you need to meet the conditions.

This is one of the reasons why so few people can go to the Dark Continent.

""Okay, let's get started."

Netero nodded solemnly.

Obviously, he was very clear about this condition.

""Very good, come on."

The leader quickly condensed a pitch-black energy ball in his palm.

Netero stepped forward first, covered it with his hand, and activated the energy in his body.

Suddenly, the originally pitch-black energy ball burst into dazzling golden light.

The original pitch-black color completely turned into golden yellow.

""Okay, you go over there."

The guide pointed to the empty space behind him that seemed to be specially prepared.

The conditions for entering the Dark Continent are very simple.

Possessing the ability of mind.

This is why Netero did not explain it in advance.

Those who can come here are the strongest among ten thousand, and they have already mastered the ability of mind.

Soon, dozens of people stood on the empty space.

"Is it my turn?"

Looking around, Yunye was the only one who had not been tested.

He slowly stepped forward and covered the dark green energy ball with his hand.


The guide seemed to have observed something from Yunye, but he did not speak. He still stared at the energy ball in his palm quietly.

The next second, in front of everyone's eyes, Yunye activated the Qi in his body.

In an instant, the energy ball burst out with a terrifying black light, even dyeing the sky black.

Everything around seemed to fall into endless darkness.

No one expected this result, only the guide's eyes revealed a faint shock.

"This force..."

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