The leader did not say the next words.

The dark force covering the sky was fleeting and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

The light returned and everyone looked towards Yunye's position again.

"Can I go over now?"

Yunye asked doubtfully.

For some reason, he always felt a sense of closeness from the black goat.

"That's all."

The guide said in a rare gentle tone.

"Then let's go."

Netero took one last look at the leader and walked forward without looking back.

One of the rules is that you must not look back after you go out.

The others naturally knew this rule and walked forward one after another.

Some people even unconsciously quickened their pace, wanting to leave here as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a voice called Yunye


The moment he heard the voice, Netero suddenly stopped and glanced at Yunye beside him. He used his eyes to communicate with him frantically, asking him not to look back.

"It's okay, you can look back at me."

The leader seemed to understand something and said again.

But his figure became more and more low and fierce.

"I'm fine."

Yunye gave Netero a look and turned his head slowly.

He could feel that the guide would not hurt him because he really had something to tell him.

When he turned his head, he understood why there was a rule that he could not turn back.

The guide was no longer the same as before, and his muscles all over his body showed strange swelling.

His head turned 360 degrees and stared at Yunye quietly.

Deep in his eyes, there was uncontrollable ferocity and murderous intent.

But the guide was still trying his best to suppress this nature.

"You must go to the final place to find Pandora's Box"

"There's a guardian waiting for you."


After saying that, the guide used his last bit of rationality to turn around and not look at Yunye.

The next moment, Netero turned around quickly, picked up Yunye, and fled madly into the distance.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly followed and burst out with all their strength.

Soon they arrived at the edge of the wall.

At the same time, the gate suddenly erupted with extremely manic dark energy.

This power is so strong that even if you are far away, you can still feel the oppression, which makes people feel breathless.

But soon, this power disappeared without a trace, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

Yunye stared at the gate quietly, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

The final place.

The guardian.

Pandora's box.

These are the three key words that the guide said to him.

I don't know why the guide would say such words to him alone.

But the only thing he can understand is that all the answers need to be found in the dark continent.

"I am not good at solving puzzles."

Yun Ye had a slight headache.

Netero didn't say anything.

He also heard what the guide said just now..

"Let's go."

Maha said leisurely as he came to the beach.

Looking forward, the sun above his head shone on the sea, making it sparkling and extremely beautiful.

The soft sea breeze brushed across his face, and a comfortable feeling came over him.

Maha quietly experienced all this.

Because he knew that this moment might be his most leisurely time.


Netero didn't say anything in the end.

He looked at a slightly fat middle-aged man among the thirty people.

"Phil, it's time for you to take action."

After saying that, Phil stepped forward consciously.

The energy in his body suddenly released.

【[The Steel Beast of the Deep Sea]!

As his mind power was activated, all the energy in his body gradually condensed into the outline of a large ship, floating on the sea.

When everyone looked at it, they could immediately understand why it was called the Steel Beast.

The entire ship is made of hard steel and is equipped with many lethal weapons.

Even if there are sea creatures that want to attack, they can be killed in an instant.

Although it looks huge and very heavy, it can still stand firmly on the sea.

It can be said that Finny's mind power is specially born for the ocean.

This is why Netero chose him.

Looking at the behemoth in front of them, everyone couldn't help but praise Netero's decision.

As expected, he has been to the Dark Continent, and his considerations are thoughtful.

Without hesitation, everyone came to the Steel Beast one after another.

Standing on the deck, Yunye looked out at the endless ocean.

If not unexpectedly, they will spend a long time on the ocean.

"What's wrong? Are you starting to miss home?"

Jin stood aside, feeling the sea breeze, with a smile on his face.

"A little bit, after all, I have lived there for such a long time."

Yun Ye admitted straightforwardly.

After all, he had been on that continent since he was born, and the current situation was equivalent to leaving his hometown and going to a big city.

Many memories were also carried on this land.

""Wait a moment."

Jin said meaningfully.

Yun Ye, who was standing by, naturally understood what Jin meant.

The melancholy now was only temporary. After adapting to the Dark Continent for a period of time, this longing would completely disappear.

Because they were surrounded by danger at all times.

After all, from ancient times to the present, the Dark Continent had been growing wildly, and there was no so-called system or national jurisdiction.

What you could encounter in it depended entirely on your luck.

"Cherish every moment of peace"

"This is the only way to relax your mind."

Maha came to my side and said

"Forget it, let's let Alluka come out and take a look while it's still safe."

As he said that, the shadow behind Yunye began to move.

The next moment, Leke came out holding a sleeping Alluka, followed by Gra.

Because Alluka's strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary child, he was not allowed to appear on the surface.

Keeping him in the inner world is also for his safety.

After all, no one knows when a creature will suddenly appear and kill the fragile Alluka with one claw.

Fortunately, Alluka has a natural affinity for the inner world.

And in order for him to live better in it, Yunye specially created a lot of entertainment facilities in it for him to relieve his fatigue.

This is much more comfortable than being in the Dark Continent.

"Where is this place?"

Suddenly seeing the light, Alluka rubbed his eyes and asked in confusion.

After seeing the endless ocean in front of him, his eyes became visibly excited.

""Wow, what a blue ocean!"

Alluka shouted loudly while leaning against the fence.

He had been trapped in the Zoldyck family and rarely saw the ocean.

Even if he saw it, it was polluted by unknown fuel.

It was nothing like the completely pristine ocean like this one.

So clean, so gentle.


"There seems to be something."

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