The talents of both of them played a significant role in this world of nothingness.

Dirk's talent as an architect was naturally needless to say.

This huge world of nothingness was nothing but ruin.

If it could be built into a glorious world, the landscape would be incomparably magnificent.

He was not such a fool to leave the fields uncultivated.

"In that case, you will be responsible for the construction of the void world."

After saying that, Yunye turned his head and looked at Li.

His talent is to make the black shadows have combat capabilities, in simple terms, to train an army.

For him, this role is no less than that of an architect, or even more powerful.

Although the black shadows he usually summons are of super strength, the energy consumed is the same.

The black shadows in the inner world are all unconscious low-level creatures, and even if they are summoned in the hundreds or thousands, they will not consume too much energy. The black shadows here are most suitable for large-scale wars!

But because they have no independent consciousness, Yunye will not release them for combat.

One is that they need his control, and the other is that their strength is not enough.

But if they are trained by Li, then everything may change dramatically.

"Okay, in that case, I'll leave the training to you."

"You two are the first batch of talents in this world of nothingness. I hope you won't let me down."

Yun Ye said earnestly.

This is a milestone worth commemorating, so it should be more solemn.


The two knelt down respectfully and answered in unison.

Seeing the two people like this, Yunye nodded with satisfaction.

Then he stroked their heads with his little hand.

The next second, a black exquisite little sword entered the bodies of the two people.

"This is the authority I give you."

"Now you have certain permissions to control the void world and the shadow"

"I hope there will be big changes next time I come."

Yunye said gently.

The next moment, he was enveloped by darkness and left the inner world.

Only Li and Dirk were left.

"Then let's get started."

Dilke stood up and said rationally


Li twisted his neck and agreed.

In an instant, the two disappeared from the spot.......

"It turns out that he is the child of my Zoldyck family."

On the peak of Kukulu Mountain, Maha looked at the direction where Yunye left and said to himself.

He saw Yunye's silent heart-pulling action clearly. He was very Zoldyck family-like.

"Finally left"

"I don’t know what kind of turmoil will happen in the outside world."

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Maha smiled and shook his head, then turned and left.

But under the setting sun, his back looked a little lonely.

"Master, I will always wait for you to come back."

In the empty room, Lei Zi lay on the bed where Yun Ye once slept, hugging the pillow and muttering hurriedly......

"Let me go to the Sky Arena first to test my strength."

Yunye sat in the coffee shop, looking at the computer screen in front of him.

With the click of a finger, the location and information of the Sky Arena were all exposed.

It is located in the territory of the Republic of Batocchia.

It is said that it is a place that fighters there yearn for, and it gathers challengers from all over the world.

The Sky Arena has 251 floors and a total height of 991 meters. It is the fourth tallest building in the world.

The tower is full of fighting arenas. The entire Sky Arena is divided into ten floors until the 200th floor. Only those who win can advance to the next floor. There are more than one billion spectators from all over the world every year, and more than four thousand challengers line up at the registration office every day.

This is enough to show how popular the Sky Arena is.

The main reason why Yunye chose it as the first stop is to test his own strength.

When he was at Kukulu Mountain, he was able to challenge all the people he could challenge.

Among them were Zeno and Killua.

Needless to say, Zeno is naturally stronger than before after training.

But he was still defeated in one move in front of him.

The gap between the two sides is really too big.

"I wonder what kind of enemies I will encounter."

Yun Ye muttered to himself.

There are all kinds of people in the arena. Maybe even the Phantom Troupe is hiding there to earn some pocket money or enjoy a luxurious room.

This makes him look forward to the next battle.

"It's time to go."

Yunye stood up, drank the last sip of coffee, put the computer in his bag and left the store.

" Ding Ding Ding"

Just as Yunye was about to leave, there was a sudden noise in his pocket.

He took out the thing inside, which looked like a yo-yo with a hexagram pattern on it.

This was the exclusive radio communicator of the Zoldyck family.


"What's wrong?"

Yun Ye asked in confusion after picking up the communicator.

"Xiaoyun, where have you been? Why did you leave without telling your mother?"

"Come back soon, mom misses you."

Ji Qiu's excited voice came from inside.

It can be seen that his emotions have reached the melting point.

"I can't stay at home forever. Sooner or later I have to go out and gain experience."

Yun Ye said with a headache.

He told everyone he was leaving, but he didn't tell Ji Qiu.

Because he knew that with Ji Qiu's character, she would not let him leave easily. She might even threaten to commit suicide to stay with her.

So Yun Ye simply didn't tell her and quietly left Kukulu Mountain.

But he didn't expect to be discovered after just two steps.


"Ji Qiu, the child has his own life, don't worry too much."

Before Yun Ye could say anything, a stern voice came from the other end.

Although it was a little blurry, he still recognized that it was Shiba's voice.

Sure enough, Shiba's words made���Qiu was speechless and could only keep telling Yunye

"You must be careful when you are outside. People outside are different from those at home. They are all bad people."

"If you really encounter them, just kill them."

"If you are tired one day, come back, mom will always be here."

These words did not make Yunye feel bored, on the contrary, he listened carefully.

Although Ji Qiu was a little long-winded, every word was a word of concern for him.

"I know, I will definitely remember it."

Yun Ye agreed with a smile.

Then he hung up the communicator.

Ji Qiu is worthy of being a member of the Zoldyck family. The first solution he thought of was to kill.

This bloody level is already considered a bad guy in a sense.

"I'm going to kill myself, right?"

Yunye shook his head helplessly.

The breeze from the blue sky and the sunlight hitting Yunye's face made him feel it clearly.

The real adventure starts now.

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