"Is this the place?"

Yun Ye muttered to himself as he looked at the towering tower in front of him.

This was the first time he felt insignificant.

The Sky Arena was more impressive to watch than to hear.

Looking at the door, people kept entering to start the competition or sign up.

Some came for money.

It is said that reaching the 190th floor will give you about 200 million Jie Ni, which is enough for an ordinary person to live a carefree life for several lifetimes.

Others came for fame. There will be no more Jie Ni rewards from the 200th floor onwards.

Only those who fight for honor will continue to choose to compete.

The last 230 to 250 floors of the Sky Arena have a unique building owner on each floor.

It represents supreme glory!

In addition, there are some special people.

They come here just to live in the personal rooms provided by the Sky Arena.

From the 100th to the 190th floor, everyone will have their own room.

From the 200th floor onwards, it will become a luxurious single room.

So those people will do everything they can to stay in their class.

Because once they fall, the room will be taken back..

"Let's make a small profit first."

Yun Ye stretched his muscles and bones, his eyes full of confidence.

He had been training for so long just for this moment.

"Just a little brat, you dare to come here to challenge me"

"You'd better go home and find your mother to drink milk."

The person next to him seemed to have heard Yunye's words and said with a mocking face.

His hands were still gesturing the action of drinking milk.

But the next second, he froze in place, his pupils dilated as if he was extremely frightened.

Yunye's originally blue pupils turned extremely dark at this moment, and his whole body exuded a fascinating breath.

With just one glance, the man felt that his head seemed to have been chopped off and fell to the ground.

Even the sound of it falling to the ground echoed clearly in his ears.

This terrifying feeling made him stay where he was and dared not move.

It was not until Yunye entered the Sky Arena that this feeling slowly dissipated.

"You little jerk, you really think I'm easy to bully."

Yun Ye walked into the hall cursing and saw the lady who was registering. He ran over and said bluntly

"I want to sign up."

This slightly childish voice startled the registration lady.

"Do you want to sign up? Do you know where this is?"

"Little boy, you should go home quickly. It's too dangerous here."

The lady at the registration desk thought Yunye was some kid who came to make trouble, so she waved her hand to chase him away.

But the next second, Yunye took out a hunter's license from his backpack.

This was what Maha gave him before he left.

The original words were

"This thing is useless to me now."

"But it is very useful to you, take it first."

So he took it.

Because he knew the role of the hunter's license.

It has the world's top anti-counterfeiting function, which makes it impossible to forge.

It can enter prohibited areas. It can enter 90% of countries that are generally prohibited from entering, and 75% of restricted areas.

It can be used as collateral. The money from selling it can ensure that your descendants will not worry about food and clothing for 8 generations, and it can also be used as collateral to borrow a high amount of loans. It can use public facilities for free. It can use 95% of public facilities for free, and of course, it can also use computer websites without spending a dime.

These are not the most important.

The most important thing is that it represents an identity. It is a symbol that proves your strength!

"Kids, not everything is possible......."

"This is...?"

"Three stars, three stars hunter license!"

The moment she saw the license clearly, the registration lady was so shocked that she even trembled when she spoke.

She has worked here for many years and knows a lot of things.

Naturally, she also understands the meaning of three stars hunter.

The title of top hunter is conferred to no more than 10 people in the world.

Achieving a historic discovery or creating a world-class feat is an absolute requirement to become a three-star hunter.

Normally, even one-star hunters are rare, but today I saw a world-class three-star hunter.

"What! Three Star Hunter?"

"Is it true that a person of this level would come here?"

"My god, this is the first time I see a living three-star hunter."

This scene was also seen by many people, and they began to discuss it.

The registration lady did not hesitate and pressed the hidden button on her thigh.

Within three minutes, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked over quickly.

"Hello, I am the person in charge of Sky Arena, Xike"

"Welcome to participate in the competition. We will register you right away."

Siker was indeed the person in charge. He quickly took control of the situation.

Then he did it smoothly.

It took only a minute to submit Yunye's information.

"Keep the things."

After everything was done, Xike respectfully returned the license.

"Thank you."

Yun Ye put the card away and said with a chuckle.

"I'd like to ask you, where did you get this hunter's license?"

Xike asked hesitantly.

Yunye did not hide it at all.

"It's mine."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Only a group of people were left with their eyes wide open in shock.

According to the information, they came to the competition site.

As soon as they entered the venue, they heard a cheer that shook the earth.

"Come on, you are the best!"

"Where are my underwear?"

"Don't lose, I'm putting all my money on you!"

Looking around, the whole place was packed.

The big screen in the center was broadcasting the information on the ring.

Since it hadn't started yet, Yun Ye simply sat down and watched for a while.

"Next, please welcome contestant Yunye to the stage!"

"His competitor is Bit, who is known as the master of grip strength!"

The passionate voice of the announcer echoed in the competition venue.

"Is it my turn?"

Yunye yawned in boredom and walked slowly from the preparation seat to the ring.

Looking forward, a strong man with a green cockscomb who looked like a sumo wrestler came up.

After seeing Yunye, his hands creaked, as if he wanted to crush him.

""Oh, it's green, it has a unique taste."

Yunye chuckled and praised.

But in Bit's eyes, it was a naked mockery.

"I hate it when people talk about my hair."

"Even if you are a child, I will not forgive you. Die!"

As if his pain point was touched, Bit rushed towards Yunye like crazy.

From a distance, he looked as fierce as a bull.

If he was really hit, a broken sternum would be a small matter.

"Is it really too weak?"

Yun Ye shook his head helplessly.

In his eyes, the speed seemed to be slowed down countless times, clearly.

He slightly turned his body and easily dodged the powerful blow.

But the next second, Bit actually started to rotate, changed his position and rushed towards Yun Ye again.

The two of them went back and forth.

For a moment, the fighting arena seemed to have turned into a bullfighting ring.


Faced with this kind of attack that does not cause any harm at all, Yunye is obviously tired of it.

When Bit rushed over, he gently turned sideways and pressed a finger gently on his neck. In an instant, Bit's eyes lost their luster and he lay heavily on the ground.

His huge body raised countless dust.

The first game.


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