I saw countless beautifully built houses on the empty land. There were countless black shadows living in them.

I thought I had strayed into a wealthy country.

The bloated environment was cleverly resolved by these houses.

Looking further away, there were countless black shadows building their own homes. What surprised Yunye even more was the huge black palace in the sky.

On the walls were carved rows of strange creatures that he had never seen or even heard of.

Dirk also came to his side at this time.

"What is that creature on it?"

Yunye pointed at the carving and asked.

"That was the pattern provided by Mr. Li. According to his words, he didn't know why he knew it."

Dilke answered truthfully.

Although it was a bit confusing, Yunye still understood it.

These carvings were all provided by Li.

With curiosity, he went straight to the black palace.

It was as spacious as a church, and all kinds of gorgeous interior decorations rendered the palace.

Located in the deepest center was a noble throne waiting for its owner.

Yunye sat on it without hesitation.

In an instant, the whole inner world seemed to have changed. Whether it was working or resting, the black shadows collectively looked towards the palace above their heads.

It seemed that there was what everyone expected.

""Not bad."

Yun Ye praised softly.

It seems that the original choice was not wrong.

Dirk's construction ability is far beyond his imagination.

""Where is Li?"

Yun Ye asked.

From the moment he arrived, he had never seen Li.

"He is training the army."

"After learning of your arrival, Master, I have rushed here as fast as I can."

Speak of the devil and he will appear.

The next second, Li walked into the palace and knelt on one knee in front of Yunye.

"I have trained all my troops and am waiting for the Lord's command."

"Okay, I'll go with you to see it."

Following them, I saw endless black shadows practicing the moves taught by Li in an orderly manner.

Each strike was fast, fierce and accurate, and each move was deadly.

Yunye knew it was not simple at a glance.

The killing skills they showed were similar to the assassination techniques of the Zoldyck family.

It seems that Li is indeed related to the Fuli family.

"Very good, you didn't disappoint me."

"Next, you can rest for a while and wait for my order.

Yun Ye did not force the two to continue working.

He still understood the principle of combining work and rest.


Both of them agreed.

Yunye nodded and disappeared into the other world in an instant.

Back in the room, Yunye stuffed all these things into the storage room that Dirk mentioned.


Suddenly, the phone in the room rang.

I picked up the phone and a sweet voice came out.

"Please invite contestant Yunye to the ring to compete"

"I understand."

After saying that, Yunye turned off the phone, put on his clothes and went to the elevator.

Unexpectedly, Xi Suo was also waiting for the elevator.

"What a coincidence."

Xi Suo said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, what a coincidence."

Yun Ye said gently, as if he was coaxing a three-year-old child.

"Those who take the elevator, please come up."

Yunye got on the elevator quickly.

But Xi Suo quickly followed.

For a moment, the whole elevator was silent.

Yunye could clearly feel a burning gaze staring at him.

If it were an ordinary person, he might not pay attention, but Yunye was not an ordinary person.

He turned his head and looked at Xi Suo.

As long as I am not embarrassed, then others will be embarrassed.

But until the elevator arrived, no one turned their heads.

Yunye walked out of the elevator first, leaving a handsome back.

"This time's ring competition is our popular contestant, Yunye!"

"The one fighting against him was the host who had been silent for a long time on the 230th floor."

"One-star hunter, Laike!"

As soon as I entered the venue, the excited voice of the announcer came over.

The effect of this voice was very good, causing the audience on the stage to scream and shout

"Is he a hunter?"

Yunye was a little interested in this opponent.

The Sky Arena is still at its peak, and it can even attract hunters.

Lai Ke is one of them.

When he arrived at the ring, Lai Ke was already waiting there.

Scars remained on his weathered face, his flowing robe fluttered without wind, and he held a sheathed long sword tightly in his hand.

Just by his appearance, he could tell that he was a veteran warrior.


Seeing the visitor, Laike said politely

"Hello too."

Yunye said awkwardly.

He hadn't encountered such a polite enemy in a long time.

The usual battles were either life-and-death or foul language.

Politeness was already a thing of the past.

"Then let’s get started"

"I have already felt that you are a very strong opponent."

Leike didn't waste any words and pulled out the long sword in his hand.

The energy in his body burst out immediately, attached to his body and the blade.

The momentum emanating from his body is indeed worthy of the identity of a hunter.

"I'm a little excited."

The long-lost rival made Yunye's adrenaline soar.

An amazing amount of energy also burst out from his body.

On the ring, the energy of the two formed a strong confrontation, setting off a series of strong winds.


In an instant, they collided.

The clash of knife and claws echoed on the ring like the sound of iron hammering.

The audience on the stage watched this shocking battle attentively.

This is not an experience that can be bought with money.

""You are really strong."

After the clash, Lai Ke looked at the dented blade with a look of shock in his eyes.

This was the first time he had seen an opponent who could cause damage to his blade.

"You're not bad either."

Yunye said lightly.

Leike's sword attack was indeed impeccable, but for someone like him who had received special training from Maha, he was still far behind!

"Thank you."

After saying that, power suddenly burst out from around Lai Ke.

He turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Yun Ye.

Holding a sharp blade, he was ready to kill.

He came in front of Yun Ye and curled up to make a gesture of drawing his sword to cut.


Instantly, a white light flashed.

The knife energy slashed past fiercely, almost splitting the ring in half.

Even so, Lai Ke did not dare to relax at all.

Yun Ye disappeared!

Disappeared from his sight.

He dared to guarantee that his previous attack definitely did not hit

"Still need to practice."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in my ear.

Although Lai Ke had reacted quickly and attacked backwards, Yun Ye still seized the opportunity.

A claw pierced into his chest fiercely, and blood immediately splattered on the ring.

The emergency personnel in the audience saw this scene and hurriedly went up to drag Lai Ke onto the stretcher

"You are very strong, but next time I meet you, I will definitely win."

A smile appeared on the corner of Laike's mouth. After saying the last sentence, blood spurted out of his mouth and he completely lost consciousness.

"I'll wait for you."

Yunye whispered to the departing Lek.

Then he turned and left.

One-star hunter, defeated!

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