"The results are in!"

"Congratulations to Yunye for defeating the one-star hunter Lai Ke and becoming the owner of the 230th floor!"

"This is the youngest OP in the history of Sky Arena!"

"Let's cheer for him!"

The announcer's scream-like voice echoed throughout the venue.

"This kid is so amazing. He is only a few years old but he has defeated a one-star hunter. He is a hunter!"

"Yes, this child is destined to be a monster. Whose child is he from?"

"He has become the host at this age, so his potential in the future is immeasurable."

There was a commotion in the audience, and everyone expressed their opinions.

But without exception, the theme was all about Yunye.

At this time, Yunye had returned to his own room.

The luxurious room that belonged to the host.

Looking around, none of them were cheap items, and all of them were luxury treasures that made people jealous.

It was indeed a room that made the host crazy.

It can be seen that the financial strength of the Sky Arena is very terrifying.


Yun Ye sighed as he lay on the soft sofa.

Turning on the TV, he was watching a news report about Meteor Street.

"The mobs on Meteor Street have already endangered the surrounding countries. Where will their footsteps extend to?"

"We will continue to follow up and report for you."

On the TV, the host said seriously.

On the small screen next to him, the scene of Meteor Street was being broadcast.

Suddenly, a figure caught Yunye's attention.

The gray hedgehog had long hair, a fierce face, and was wearing bear skin clothes and boots.

At this time, he was wandering among the mob and no one knew what he was doing.

""Wo Jin."

Yunye slowly said two words.

Even though the Phantom Troupe was still in a very awkward state, he still recognized it at a glance.

Everyone in the troupe has their own characteristics.

For example, Feitan's shortness and Nobunaga's disdainful expression

"Has it reached this point?"

"It seems that the schedule needs to be changed."

Yun Ye looked at the news on TV thoughtfully.

The preparation period between the hosts is 90 days.

Although you can choose any time period to fight, it is unknown whether the enemy wants to fight you.

Even if they want to, they have to give it to you.

And now there are obviously more important things to do.

"It seems that the upgrade needs to be put on hold for now."

"Let's go to Meteor Street first."

Yunye made a goal.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, the houses with lights stretched out into the distance like an ant nest until they could no longer be seen.

This feeling of mastering the world is intoxicating.

No wonder many people like to stand on a high place and look down on the world.

He returned to the bed and sat cross-legged to start practicing.

The Supreme Visualization Diagram and the Mind Ability Training Technique were running at a very fast speed.

The Qi in the body began to increase continuously.

""Knock, knock, knock."

Just as Yun Ye was still practicing, there was a knock on the door.

"Who will come at this time?"

"Is Hisoka here again?"

Yun Ye was a little confused.

The only person who could disturb him during this time was this reckless guy named Hisoka.


When he opened the door, he saw Lai Ke standing outside with a thick bandage wrapped around his chest.

"What can I do for you?"

Yun Ye asked with some surprise.

"I just want to tell you that our battle is far from over."

After saying that, he wanted to leave, but was stopped by Yunye.

"Rather than having such a small experience here, it is better to hang out with me."

"I can show you a bigger world."

Yun Ye said slowly.

He felt that although Lai Ke's strength was a little weak, his potential was infinite. It can be seen from his wind-like mind ability that

"Me? Are you talking about me?"

Hearing this, Leike was stunned.

He never thought that Yunye would want to take him in as his younger brother.

But just as he was about to refuse, he saw a shocking scene.

A black shadow appeared beside Yunye, and his appearance and the telepathic power he exuded were exactly the same as his.

Even the knife in his hand was exactly the same.

It was as if the person in front of him was his clone.

"You have to cherish this opportunity, or you may not have it later."

After saying that, Yunye showed the hunter license in his hand.

Three-star hunter!

The moment he saw it, Leike's eyes widened and his mouth slightly opened in disbelief.

As a hunter, he could best understand the value of a three-star hunter.

That was a world-class boss. He was also the representative of the Hunter Association!

"You, you are a three-star hunter?!"

Lai Ke asked in disbelief.

"I am not, but someone is."

Yun Ye hinted by shaking the license in his hand.

Although he is not, it does not mean that the person behind him is not.

It can be seen from the license in his hand.

No one would hand over even a one-star hunter license, let alone a three-star hunter license.

"Let me think about it."

Laike calmed down.

The impact of what Yunye showed him made him confused for a while, and he couldn't tell east from west.

"It's okay, I can wait for you."

Yun Ye leaned against the door frame leisurely and drank the coffee in his hand.

The scene fell into silence.

Lai Ke's expression was struggling, as if he was arguing with another self.

""You go back and think about it slowly."

Yunye said after taking the last sip of coffee.

It was already early morning.

He was still a child, and what he needed most was to go to bed early.

He didn't have time to wait for someone who was hesitant.

Yunye slowly closed the door and prepared to go to bed.

But a rough hand blocked the door.

"Wait, I'm willing to follow you."

Hearing the voice, Yunye opened the door as if he had expected it.

"Why not do this earlier? Wait for me at the entrance of the hall tomorrow morning."

Yun Ye said quickly, and then closed the door again.

This made Lai Ke feel cheated for a moment.

But since he had made a choice, he should abide by it to the end.

Lai Ke always believed that he was a man who kept his promises.

He stayed for a while, and finally turned around and left.

In the room, Yun Ye lay on the bed and slowly closed his eyes.

It is not a wise move for a person to fight alone.

"Oh, can I summon Li and Dirk?

Suddenly, Yunye had a strange idea.

The two of them were in the other world and were also under his jurisdiction.

Theoretically, they could be summoned.

Without hesitation, he got off the bed and began to release his mind power.

He saw the shadow behind him slowly moving.

The next second, two figures appeared in the room.

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