Just when Mingyin was relieved, an emotionless voice made him fall to the bottom again. He even showed an expression of extreme fear on his face.

Although Yunye didn't know what the punishment room was, it was probably similar to the torture room of the Zoldyck family.

"Let's go."

Liu Yin came to the front of the mountain and used his mind power to touch the void.

In an instant, a continuous gym came into view.

Looking at the mist from a distance, it was as if you were in a paradise and it was intoxicating.

Looking closely, many disciples were working hard to practice their moves inside.

With just one glance, Yunye could find hundreds of flaws in it!

In his mind, the World Library was optimizing these moves, iterating and updating every second.

Finally, a perfect move was formed.

Before Yunye had time to take a closer look, Liu Yin on the side had already stepped in.

With their entry, this rather spectacular gym disappeared in this prosperous jungle.

As if it had never appeared.

"It's so comfortable."

As soon as he entered, Yunye felt a refreshing feeling.

The air quality here is several times better than outside.

"You can choose any place to live as long as there is no one there."

Liu Yin looked at Yun Ye and said

"There is such a good thing."

Yunye didn't hesitate and looked at the many houses in front of him.

He quickly started brainstorming and detected the most suitable place.

Everything in front of him began to show various labels and was screened in different ways.

In just a moment, Yunye's eyes locked on a house.

Although it looked a little shabby, it gathered the right time, right place and right people inside, and it was the best place to live.

"This is it!"

Liu Yin followed his gaze and his expression under the mask became more serious.

"I want to live in this house."

Yun Ye expressed his intention

"You really know how to choose. That is where the founder of Yunyinliu once lived."

"But I promised you at the beginning that you can live anywhere you want."

Ryuin finally agreed.

Since he has said it, he must keep his promise.

As a ninja, he needs to keep his promise.


Yunye said with a chuckle.

He winked at the two people beside him.

Leke and Gra understood instantly and went into the house to clean up and put away daily necessities.

Soon, a brand new room was cleaned out.

Even though it was still relatively simple, it was much cleaner and tidier than before.

"Do you want to come in and sit down?"

Yun Ye said with a smile.

It seemed as if he was the owner of this place.

"No, I have something else to do."

"Someone will arrange your future affairs later."

Liu Yin shook his head and refused. After saying the last sentence, he disappeared from the spot.

At the last moment, Yun Ye keenly felt the vibration of space.

Because he also has the ability to travel through space, his sense of space is hundreds of times more acute than that of ordinary people.

"It's really not simple."

Yun Ye said in his heart.

When he entered the room, Laike was sitting quietly on the wooden floor to recuperate.

And Gra seemed to be running around like a child, touching this and looking at that from time to time.

"Boss, is it time to eat? I'm hungry.

After walking for a while, Gra stroked his stomach and said with a cross face.

This made Yunye, who was reading a book, realize that it was time for dinner.

"Take that thing out."

Yunye stood up and said.

Hearing that thing, Gra immediately became serious and took out a square device from his backpack.

This is a brand new item that Yunye assembled using parts with his knowledge.

Induction cooker!

The three of them sat around the table. Laike was responsible for bringing up various grilled meats, and Gra was responsible for operating the induction cooker.

Yunye turned into a food hunter to operate it.

Slices of colorful pork were placed on the induction cooker.

The sizzling sound immediately came into the ears, and the fragrance instantly filled the surrounding area.

With the last precious condiment added, a fine barbecue feast was completed!

Gra, who was standing aside, drooled as he watched.

"Then let's eat."

Yun Ye gave an order.

The two people beside him quickly moved their chopsticks and couldn't wait to put the barbecue into their mouths.

At the same time, a figure came to the door.

He was also wearing black and practicing kung fu, but he had a Tengu mask on his face.

"This fragrance."

Even though I was wearing a mask, my nose still smelled it vividly.

As soon as I stepped into the house, I was greeted by two vigilant eyes.

"Who are you?"

Gera said with narrowed eyes.

The quiet Laike secretly grasped the hilt of the knife, ready to fight at any time.

For a moment, the situation became tense, filled with the smell of gunpowder and fragrance.

"You are sent by the leader of Liuyin Sect, right?"

Yunye said softly.

In an instant, the two returned to eating, not paying attention to what was happening outside.


"I am the sect master's eldest disciple."

"Listen to the hidden"

"The sect leader sent me to arrange for you all."

Ting Yin said his name and purpose.

The scene was serious, but the saliva at the corner of his mouth dripped onto the ground unexpectedly.

"Let's eat some together. There's plenty more."

"The three of us can't finish it."

Yun Ye gently invited Ting Yin to eat together.

Hearing this, Ting Yin wanted to refuse, but his disobedient stomach made him sit down.

He moved the Tengu mask upwards, revealing only a mouth dripping with saliva.

He picked up the chopsticks and stuffed the piece of barbecue in front of him into his mouth.

"It's so delicious!"

The wonderful taste instantly invaded the taste buds, making Ting Yin couldn't help but praise.

Unconsciously, a crystal tear flowed from the corner of his eye. He had never eaten such a delicious meal in his life.

Seeing this scene, Gra seemed to recall something and shared the barbecue in front of him with him.

"It's okay, there's still plenty."

Yun Ye put another batch of barbecue on the table.

Fortunately, he brought enough before leaving, otherwise, with the bottomless pit of four people, they would probably finish it all in one night.

"I'm stuffed!"

"Me too"

"Thank you for the treat."

Tingyin and Ge La both lay down and burped.

Laike consciously cleaned up the mess on the table. Yunye drank tea and looked at Tingyin who was lying on the ground with a satisfied look on his face.

"You are here to arrange our future affairs, right?"

This made Ting Yin sober up immediately, and he sat up, looking a little embarrassed.

"Yes, I have been entrusted by the Sect Master to take charge of your future arrangements."

"Tomorrow I will take you to Yuntai, where disciples study and practice."

Tingyin told me about tomorrow's schedule. Yunye had no objection to such an arrangement.

After all, it was not his territory, so it was better to listen to other people's opinions.

"Thank you for your hospitality"

"Then I'll leave first, and I'll come over tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Ting Yin quickly left the room.

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