The way he fled made it hard to imagine that he was the chief disciple of the Yunyin School.

"Well, it's time for us to rest."

Yunye said as he looked at the sky which was gradually getting darker.

He got up and went to the guest room which had already been tidied by Lai Ke.

He sat cross-legged on the bed and his mind began to calm down.

Although there were some changes during his visit to Yunyin School, he finally settled down. He will be practicing here for a long time in the future.

He just didn't know what the main teaching principle of Yunyin School would be.

"By the way, I have learned a new move today, but I haven't read it yet."

Yun Ye thought of the latest move he had evolved.

He looked in his mind and consulted books.

The created books were placed on a separate bookshelf.

This was a place specially used to store Yun Ye's newly learned books, which was very convenient for searching and reading.

Yun Ye used his will to touch it lightly.

In an instant, the huge memory was repeatedly rehearsed in his mind. In just a moment, all the essence was perfectly absorbed.


" Huh."���Yunye took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

He stood up and demonstrated all the moves that existed only in his mind without any difference.

For a person like Yunye who has almost reached the maximum level of physical skills, no matter what strange moves they are, he can master them and use them in an instant.

"It's really powerful."

After using the moves, Yunye couldn't help but sigh.

This is different from the moves taught by Maha, but they have a common goal.


Every move is a move condensed to kill the enemy.

The angle is tricky and the attack is vicious!

No matter who it is, if they take a set, they will be either dead or crippled.

"This should be classified as a part of assassination training, called the killing technique!"

Yun Ye gave it a name.

A move born for killing!

It can also be used as a branch of assassination training, constantly modifying and strengthening it.

"I wonder what I will learn in tomorrow's class."

Yun Ye's eyes became sharp.

He was looking forward to tomorrow's class.

But thinking is thinking, daily practice is indispensable.

The Supreme Visualization Diagram and the Mind Ability Practice Method are running in the body.


Something is wrong, one-fifteen out of ten is wrong.

Yun Ye clearly felt that his cultivation speed had increased!

Although it was very small, it was still a surprising news.

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

If you practice like this for a long time, you will definitely achieve excellent results.

"This house is indeed not simple."

Yun Ye thought.

This is the house he selected with all his knowledge.

It gathers the essence of heaven and earth, and the spirit of all things.

It is a rare blessed place.

He still remembered that Liu Yin said that this was the place where the founder of Yun Yin School once lived.

It turned out to be the right choice.

At the same time, Leike and Gra in the room also noticed this feeling, and fell into ecstasy, unwilling to waste any time


Cultivation makes people forget about time. In just a blink of an eye, the sunlight shines in through the window.

"It's so comfortable."

Yunye stretched lazily.

Last night's practice made him feel unprecedented comfort and joy. He was getting closer and closer to unlocking the next ability!

"Boss, Tingyin is here.

Suddenly, Gra's voice sounded outside the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Tingyin sitting quietly in the room, waiting for Yunye to arrive.

"Sorry for the waitting"

"Have you had breakfast?"

Yunye said with a chuckle.

Seeing Tingyin shook his head, Yunye immediately acted like a chef.

Soon, exquisite and nutritious meals were pushed onto the table.

Tingyin once again showed his nature as a foodie, with saliva flowing down the corners of his mouth.

As Yunye started, a different kind of war began on the table.

Laike even felt a sense of sweeping away everything.

After feasting, the three followed Tingyin to Yuntai, a place dedicated to learning and training.

"It's really simple."

Along the way, Yunye saw many disciples cooking with fire.

Even washing clothes was done by the river with their own skills.

Looking around, there was nothing modern, just like the closed-door policy of NGL.

"Only in such an environment can one's mind be as stable as possible."

Ting Yin explained immediately.

Under the bustling city is a violent undercurrent. Only by returning to the basics can one realize a trace of truth.

"So that's it."

Yunye nodded in agreement.

As the conversation continued, they soon arrived at Yuntai.

At a glance, Yunye understood why it was called this name.

The surroundings were covered with clouds and mist, and it looked gray and hazy, and I didn't know the way home.

"Follow me"

"If you relax for a moment, you will get lost here.

Ting Yin said solemnly.

"I understand."

Yun Ye agreed.

If you want to go in, you have to take the prescribed route, which is to prevent outsiders from entering here.

But Yun Ye only analyzed it a little and already knew the operating rules.

Even without Tingyin leading the team, you can walk in as if walking on flat ground.

But it is better to be quiet under the eaves.

Following Tingyin, the group soon arrived inside the Yuntai.

Looking around, countless disciples were practicing their learned moves on wooden stakes in the square.

In the center, there was a huge white gym, with three floors in total, corresponding to different directions.

"That is the Cloud Palace, a place for study."

"You will all be training there for a long time in the future."

Tingyin pointed to the Cloud Hall in the center and said

"Is that a new disciple? He looks so small."

"I can feel that the two people behind the child are very powerful. They may be from a big family and come here to gild themselves."

"What can a child learn?"

When the disciples in training saw Yunye and his group, they began to discuss.

The words between the lines were full of comments about Yunye.



Suddenly, a violent aura burst out from Laike and Gra, enveloping them like Saiyans.

Their eyes swept across those gossipers, as if giving the most severe warning.


Yunye said softly.

The next second, the two returned to normal. They followed behind Yunye quietly.

Seeing this, Tingyin became more curious about Yunye.

What kind of person would make two strong men willing to follow him?

But before he could think about it, he had already arrived at the Cloud Hall.

The interior of the Cloud Hall was as plain as the outside. In every room, there were disciples receiving instruction from their teachers.

"Still teaching Nen ability?"

Yunye muttered to himself.

He saw a teacher teaching how to use the circle.

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