"Maybe I can go look for him when I get out."

An idea suddenly popped up in Yunye's mind.

Then I can check on Wu Xi's situation and go to Youke Xin to have some fun.

"Boss, are we just going to wait like this?"

Gera seemed to be unable to bear the loneliness of the night and said boredly.

Compared to him, Leke seemed calmer, sitting cross-legged on the ground practicing, his face was very stable. He no longer looked painful.

"There are many monsters here, you can challenge and train yourself"

"Remember, keep the cards safe."

Yun Ye made a plan for them.

The wilderness outside the city of Masadora is full of monsters, and cards can be dropped by defeating them.

Those cards can be sold to earn money, and then buy spell cards with auxiliary effects such as attack and defense in the card shop.

Not only can you make money, but you can also train your actual combat ability and experience.

It's really a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

"Great, I haven't fought for a long time."

Gera's eyes were full of fire.

Hearing this, the cultivator Leike also opened his eyes, eager to experience the next battle.

"Then go ahead."

Following Yunye's command, the two of them instantly disappeared from their original position and rushed in opposite directions.

Gradually, they disappeared from Yunye's sight, and no trace was left.

Looking at the time, it was almost early in the morning.

Dawn was when the three of them would gather here.

Yunye did not hesitate, and the shadows behind him began to wriggle violently, and a series of black shadows rushed out from it.

In a moment, they covered the area within a radius of three kilometers.

Against the backdrop of the night, the Shadow Army looked even more mysterious and dangerous.

Anyone who saw the dark mass would break out in a cold sweat.

"Kill at night and return at dawn."

Yunye commanded from the top of the mountains, like an emperor on a noble throne.

With one order, all the shadows merged into the shadows, and a real killing game began.

Roars continued to sound throughout the wilderness.

But soon disappeared in the infinite darkness.

Yunye sat there waiting for the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he continued to practice the Supreme Visualization Diagram and the mind ability practice method.

The qi circulated back and forth in the body.

A silent pressure swept across the wasteland, and all living beings looked in that direction unconsciously.

The sky and the earth rotated, and the sun, the moon and the stars moved.

In a blink of an eye, the light of dawn shone on Yunye.

He slowly opened his eyes, and his dark pupils looked forward, overlooking the long-awaited shadow army below.

Leke and Gra sat aside and waited quietly.

"Boss, there are no monsters on this plain anymore."

Gera stepped forward and handed a thick stack of cards to Yunye. According to a rough calculation, there were about 1,200 cards in total, which was the total number of the two people and the Shadow Legion.

At the price of 50,000 J per card, it could be sold for about 60 million.

This was a considerable fortune, which could ensure that they would not lack money during their time on Greed Island.

"Let's go."

Yunye put the card into the card collection book, stood up and walked towards the prosperous city behind him.

As he left, the Shadow Army also disappeared on the spot and merged into the shadow behind him.



Leke and Gra followed Yunye's pace.

Along the way, they didn't see a single monster, not even a living creature.

This place is quite far from Masadora, in the center of the wasteland, and there are many kinds of monsters everywhere.

But now there is not a single one to be seen, which shows how horrible the massacre last night was.

"This is it."

The group soon arrived at Masadora's card shop.

Looking at the peculiarly shaped house in front of him, Yunye stepped in.

As soon as he entered, he was warmly welcomed.

A fat man hurriedly came to them and began to introduce his products.

There was no doubt that this was the owner of the card shop.

"We are here to sell cards."

Yun Ye said his purpose.

Then he took out a thick stack of cards.

The shopkeeper saw these and did not hesitate to start calculating.

After all, he was an NPC, so he quickly calculated the final selling price.

72.5 million J.

About 10 million more than expected.

It was probably because some of the cards were extremely rare or powerful, so the selling price was also extremely expensive.

"Would you like to buy some cards?" the shopkeeper said reluctantly.

"What's wrong?"

Yun Ye asked curiously.

Logically speaking, shouldn't he just give the money?

"The amount is too huge, and the store doesn't have that much money yet."

The store owner told the real reason.

No one has ever sold so many cards at once, and this move caused the store's finances to collapse directly.

This is the first time such a thing has happened since the game was launched.

"I see. I also want to buy some cards.

Yunye said with a smile.

"OK, you can take whatever card you like."

"To express my apology, I will give you another rare card."

After saying that, the shopkeeper handed the card in his hand to Yunye.

Risk dice B-30.

There are 20 sides of the dice, 1 side is very bad, and 19 sides are very lucky. If you throw a very lucky side, good things will happen.

But if you throw a very bad side, the previous good luck will be completely turned into misfortune!

Good luck is often given to gamblers who dare to fight.

Death is also a natural thing.

""Haha, thank you very much, shopkeeper."

Yunye did not choose to put the card into the collection book, but directly materialized it.

The card turned into an octagonal black dice with a bang.

Various blessings were clearly written on it.

Among them was the most dangerous blood-red one!

Under the shopkeeper's gaze, Yunye threw it casually.

Good luck!

"The luck is not bad."

Yun Ye smiled.

But compared with good luck, he wanted to see what the bad luck would be.

""Shopkeeper, let me see the cards you have here."

Yunye took back the dice and turned to ask the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper directly turned the card list into a virtual screen in front of Yunye.

There were various spell cards on it.

For example, auxiliary cards such as Peep, Perspective, and Divine Eye were all necessary for future battles with others.

Without any hesitation, Yunye bought all the spell cards very arrogantly.

In an instant, the card store's inventory was emptied.

A red alert sign also appeared on the screen, indicating that the goods were sold out.

In response, the shopkeeper's face was full of smiles, after all, these were all his goods.

Suddenly, his face showed extreme surprise.

"Congratulations to this guest, you are our 1000th guest, and we are giving you another card."

Another free card!

This sudden benefit surprised Yun Ye a little.

This reminded him of the lucky number he threw before, which seemed to have worked.

"Guest, please take care"

"This is your card."

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