The shopkeeper first handed over the card Yunye bought, and then gave him a rare card. A-15.

This nearly endangered beast has a tendency to stuff objects into its belly bag, and in many cases, it stuffs multiple extremely valuable items into it.

"Is this Doraemon?"

Looking at the card in his hand, a figure appeared in Yunye's mind.

It was the blue fat man who was very popular in his previous life. His cute and confused appearance was loved by countless people.

The treasure in the bag made people yearn for it.

"This customer is really lucky, this is one of the most precious cards in our store."

The owner said with some distress.

Grade A cards are second only to S-grade cards, and are already extremely precious treasures.

"thank you boss"

"Then we'll go first."

After Yunye put the cards away, he said hello to the shop owner and left with the two of them.

He looked at the cards in his hand, there were about 600 of them.

The three of them shared 200 cards, which was enough to enter Greed Island again.

"Let's try it first."

Arriving in the wilderness, Yunye took the Jingle Card in his hand.

With a bang, a fat cat with a yellow body and a"king" on its head appeared in front of him. There was a bell hanging around its neck, and it looked very cute.

On its belly hung something similar to a kangaroo's pouch.

The only strange thing was that it was walking on its feet.

"Almost identical"

"It's amazing."

Yun Ye looked at Ding Dang and muttered to himself.

Sometimes things are so amazing, things that are obviously separated by two worlds can meet here.

I don't know if it's fate or inevitability.


Dingdang saw Yunye looking at him and called out in confusion.

Obviously, he didn't have the ability to speak.

This caught Gra's attention and he began to mutter:

"Chirp, chirp."

But Dingdang ignored her and went straight to Yunye's side to act coquettishly.

"Can you collect precious items?"

Yun Ye stroked Dingdang's furry head while looking at the introduction on the card.

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind.

If they left, would Dingdang follow his instinct to collect precious items?

If so, then every time he came back, he could get a lot of things.

After all, Dingdang is a level A card, so it's natural that he has the ability.

But now, it's better to stay by his side.

"Let's go first"

"Let's go to the next place, Dulias!"

Yunye decided the direction.

The gambling city, where the most crazy gamblers of Greed Island gathered.

It can make people rich overnight, but it can also make people lose everything.

Gambling is the only word for Dulias.

"Gambling? I don't know how to do that."

Gela was immediately upset when he heard that he was going there.

With his intelligence, he didn't even understand the rules of Greed Island, let alone gambling.

"It's okay, sometimes luck is also a kind of strength."

Yun Ye smiled mysteriously and tossed the risk dice in his hand.

The next second, it fell to the ground.

Good luck!

Another good omen. There are a total of twenty sides, and nineteen are good luck.

If he still throws a bad luck, you can imagine how bad his luck is.

""Let me try."

Seeing this, Gra was a little itchy and moved closer.

After taking the risk dice from Yunye's hand, he couldn't wait to throw a handful.

Good luck!

It seems that Gra's luck is not a problem.

"Give it to me."

Leike stretched out his hand, wanting to see how his luck would be.

After taking the dice from Gra's hand, he gathered his energy and threw it fiercely.


The risk dice began to spin violently on the ground.

The three people and the cat watched the scene nervously, waiting for the final result.

Finally, as the dice continued to spin, they finally stopped.

Very bad!

Seeing this answer, Gra and Dingdang unconsciously retreated and kept a distance from Laike.

Looking at him, it seemed as if he was saying, what kind of luck can throw out the only bad luck from the 19 good lucks?

"It's okay."

Yun Ye picked up the dice and said with a smile.

Although it is a bad omen, it should be no big problem under the protection of two good lucks.

When Lai Ke saw this answer, he said nothing and stood quietly aside, becoming taciturn.

Even quieter than usual.

""Oh, it's just bad luck, I'm just lucky."

Gra laughed and comforted.

But this comfort made Lai Ke even more depressed.

Suddenly, the originally clear sky suddenly became dark.

Dark clouds gathered, heavy rain was about to fall, and the rain curtain of the world was about to fall.

"The situation is not good."

Seeing this scene, Yunye's eyes became solemn.

Is the effect of the great evil coming so quickly?


Dingdang seemed to sense something, and her hair stood on end. She hid behind Yunye and trembled.

"Laike, cheer up."

The playful smile on Gra's face disappeared, and he took out the two swords at his waist.

"You don't need to say more."

Like looked around sharply, holding the hilt of the knife tightly in his right hand, ready to attack at any time.


White light flashed in the dark clouds, followed by a rumbling thunder.

As the thunder and lightning appeared, a figure slowly emerged from the sky, exuding an evil aura. He had a crown on his head, a scepter in his hand, a yellow robe, and an old bearded face.

Behind him were two pairs of transparent wings, and his dark pupils exuded a captivating murderous aura.

"Is this, S-level card fairy king?"

Yun Ye said uncertainly.

Advice of S-level card fairy king.

Both the size and appearance are very similar to the fairy king.

I didn't expect that Lai Ke's big beast could attract this level of monster. It's really powerful.

In a sense, Lai Ke's luck is very good.

"Is it based on strength?"

A conclusion came to Yunye's mind.

The risk dice's big bad is not a single result, but is determined based on the user's strength.

This explains why the Elf King appeared here, and has such a strong killing instinct.

"Your death may be better for the world."

The Elf King pronounced the fate of everyone in a low voice.

He looked high and mighty and didn't take them seriously at all.

"Humph, what kind of person is worthy of shouting at me, Gra."

Gela said disdainfully.

Apart from Yunye, he has never been submissive to anyone.

"Since you don't want to die, let me send you off."

The Elf King had a strange smile on his face. He waved the scepter in his hand gently, and something strange suddenly appeared on the ground.

The rocks under Gra's feet began to wriggle, and then broke out of the ground and surrounded him, squeezing him.


A cold light flashed, and the rock was completely cut open like tofu.

"Is this the limit of your strength?"

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