Even though his eyes were shattered, the Goblin King still insisted on asking.

This unexpected scene surprised Yun Ye a little.

It seemed that his future fate was a bit bumpy, so much so that the Goblin King was so angry when he saw it.

"I'm just a nobody."

"What did you see?"

Yun Ye told the truth.

"I saw your future mixed with darkness and light, and just a deep look caused my ability to be disrupted."

"It's too scary."

The Fairy King said with lingering fear.

The exploded eyes also merged again with the help of the mind..

"Is that so?"

Yun Ye thought about it.

It is very likely that the shadow in his body and the angel healing technique hindered the Fairy King's exploration, leading to its failure.

But this also indirectly shows the power of the self-protection function.

In the future, if anyone dares to peek, the final outcome will be like the Fairy King.

"Then you give them some advice."

Yunye turned and looked at Leke and Gra who was teasing Dingdang.

"All right.

The Goblin King perked up and checked again.

The starlight covered its eyes again, and this time its eyes did not explode again.

"You should make a break with what happened in the past."

The Fairy King first said to Laike.

This sentence made Laike's calm eyes waver, and then he nodded in agreement.

No rebuttal is the best answer.

"Should you contact your relatives?"

The Fairy King said with some doubt.

Gra's advice was the strangest one he had ever seen.

"Really? I'll call my mom when I get out."

Gra nodded in agreement.

""No more?"

Yunye asked speechlessly.

It was an S-level card after all, but it only had this little effect. It was not as good as Dingdang's A-level card.

Not only could it be cute, but it could also collect treasures and give them to the user.

It was simply the only choice for going out.


"I can give you what you want in return."

The Goblin King also realized that what he said was useless.

He waved his scepter and conjured up a glittering card.

On it were seven puppets of different colors.

"You actually have this."

Yunye took the card with some surprise.

Seven working dwarfs A-20.

Dwarfs who will work for their masters when they sleep. But they will not respond to requests that exceed their masters' abilities.

"What if I am the limit?"

Yunye looked at the card with some curiosity.

It clearly stated that it would not respond to requests that exceeded the owner's ability.

In simple terms, the effect of this card is defined by the user's ability.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

The Fairy King asked cautiously.

He could see that the person in front of him who looked like he was being protected was the most powerful.

"What do you think?"

Yun Ye said with a smile.

Seeing this, the Fairy King had no choice but to transform into a card again and return to Yun Ye's hand.

Greed Island has been running for so long and has never encountered a materialized thing that can be transformed into a card again.

But this unprecedented thing happened in Yun Ye's hands.

"Let's go."

After putting the cards into the collection book, Yunye headed towards Dulias.

On the way, Yunye kept throwing the risk dice in his hand, hoping to get a bad luck.

But every time, without exception, he threw a good luck.

This led to people constantly giving him cards or treasures.

Before he had walked far, he had collected more than ten designated cards.

There were everything from C to A grades, and the treasures were all accepted by Dingdang for safekeeping.

During this period, Lai Ke threw again without believing in evil.

A bad luck!

This once again proved Lai Ke's luck against the sky.

But the consequences have not come yet, and a silent storm seems to be brewing.

""Laike, you need to be careful."

Yunye said with a serious expression.

He still clearly remembered a characteristic of the risk dice.

If you throw a good fortune, good things will happen. But if you throw a bad fortune, the good fortune will be completely turned into misfortune!

Along the way, Yunye threw eight good fortunes if not ten.

In the end, they were all transformed into bad fortunes in Laike's hands.

It is really hard to imagine how powerful this time is. Yunye even vaguely saw a breath of death behind Laike.

"I understand."

Leike said with a serious face.

With Yunye's warning, the crisis this time can be imagined.

It is very likely that he will lose his life!

"It's fine"

"Anyway, I'm here."

Yun Ye said easily.

He told Laike just to remind him to prepare for the coming bad luck.

In the end, it was him who caused Laike to be so evil.

"Boss, we are here."

Suddenly, Gra looked ahead and said.

At a glance, the bustling city was full of gambling.

Slot machines, poker cards, dice, big and small.

Any gambling method you can think of can be experienced here.

"Let's go."

Entering the city, there are two kinds of people everywhere.

The energetic and radiant gamblers. The extremely decadent and dull-looking gamblers.

The former won the bet, while the latter became the leeks on the gambling plate.

They were slaughtered naked!

Looking around, there are still countless gamblers with crazy faces waiting for the finalization of victory and the announcement of death.

"Do you want to try it?"

Yun Ye asked sideways.

Since we are here, we must experience it.

"I want it!"

Gra raised his hand excitedly and agreed.

Dingdang beside him also excitedly followed Gra's example and raised his hand to signal.

Compared with these two guys, Lai Ke seemed quieter, even silent.

The big beast just now really scared him.

"Take this capital"

"If you meet someone causing trouble, just kill him!"

Yunye said with a smile.

We are all in the game, how can we be bullied by others?

Can't beat him? I will use the administrator's authority to force you to die!

"Love you, Boss!"

Gra took the money and ran to the nearest casino.

Dingdang followed with his legs wide open, just to join in the fun.

"Come with me and deal with some blind people."

Yun Ye looked at Lai Ke and finally decided to let him follow him.

If a big evil happened here, he could stop it in time.


Lai Ke nodded and followed Yunye.

"Let's go there and try it first."

Yun Ye looked around and finally fixed his eyes on the slot machine.

This thing is the simplest and crudest, relying on luck.

"How about trying my luck first?"

Sitting on it, Yunye put the money in and pressed the button.

As the button was activated, the slot machine began to spin wildly, and ordinary people were dazzled.

But in Yunye's eyes, it was moving frame by frame.

But he didn't look at it, but pressed the button randomly.




""I won the jackpot!"

The slot machine congratulated, and money fell from the machine like rain.

"Someone won the jackpot!"

"0.0023% chance of winning, is this true or false?"

"He is a little kid, and he probably used up all his future luck."

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