As soon as he won the jackpot, there was a lot of noise.

Everyone was looking in Yunye's direction, and some people were even ready to make a move.


The sound of the knife being unsheathed resounded throughout the casino, causing these people to extinguish their inner thoughts.

Lai Ke stood beside Yunye, solemn and dignified like a guardian angel.

"Still so dishonest in the game."

Looking at these players, Yunye thought speechlessly.

Ordinary NPCs would not have any thoughts about him, and might not even look at him.

They would only follow the procedures that had been set in their hearts.

Then the only ones who would have evil intentions towards him were those players who also entered the Greed Island.

If you want to know how to get cards the fastest, then plundering would be a good way.

Money is also

"Sir, let me introduce myself. My name is Boji."

"Instead of protecting this little devil, how about joining our team to clear the game?"

"As long as we work together, we can quickly collect all the cards and complete the final mission."

Just when everything was calm, a voice stirred up a storm again.

A player who looked like an NPC threw a flag to Lai Ke, wanting him to become a member of the team.

He had a confident smile on his face, as if he was sure of victory.

""Get lost."

Lecco said softly, without even looking at him.

But Boji was not angry at all, and his face was still full of smiles as always.

"Since you don't want to, then give me your cards."As soon as he finished speaking, his body released thoughts, and a pair of invisible big hands rushed towards Lai Ke.



In the eyes of everyone who was incredulous, Boji's head fell to the ground.

Until his death, he still had a smile on his face, not realizing that he was about to die.

"Don't waste time talking nonsense in the future, just act directly."

Yun Ye was still playing the slot machine, and he educated Lai Ke.

Just now, he controlled the black shadow to kill Bo Ji instantly, and the speed was so fast that no one could see it clearly.


Laike also realized how inappropriate his behavior was.

Thinking of this, his eyes became sharper, and he stood up and looked at the people around him.

As if struck by this gaze, all those who had stopped to watch and wanted to take advantage of the situation returned to their seats and gambled.

Just kidding, even the leader of the team was killed, so they would just be sending themselves to death if they went up.

"Won the jackpot!"

"Won the jackpot!"

"I won the jackpot!"

Time passed by, and the slot machine in front of Yunye never stopped making noises.

Money kept dropping out like gold coins, and soon it piled up into a small mountain.

This was just the money Yunye earned by his own ability. If he had relied on the risk dice, he didn't know what kind of reward he would have gotten.

"Oh, I remember there is a card here."

Suddenly, Yunye thought of a way to get the card.

There is a famous gambling king in Dulias. Legend has it that he has never lost a battle.

If you find the gambling king and fight him, you can get a B-level card as long as you win.

The egg of the gambling god!

Although it is useless, it is a designated card after all.

""Let's go."

After making the decision, Yunye stood up and walked out the door.

The originally piled up hill was also swallowed by the black shadow and entered the inner world.

This miraculous scene made those people completely dispel their inner thoughts.

"Boss, the money is gone."

As soon as I got outside, I saw Gra coming back with a frustrated look on his face.

It was obvious that he had lost all his money.

"It's okay, Dingdang is here."

Yunye consoled him and then asked.

He had expected that Gra would lose all his money.

After all, Gra's main battlefield was still in combat, and it was a bit too difficult for him to use his brain to make money.

"Because there was not enough money, it was mortgaged."

Gera said a little embarrassedly.

He felt a little ashamed when he said this.

It would be fine if he lost, but he also mortgaged the cat.

"I'll go check it out."

Yunye said helplessly.

Following Gra, he came to the place where he was gambling.

The first thing he saw when he entered was Dingdang, who was forced to act cute.

"Anyone else want to play? If you beat me, you will be the new gambling king of Dulias!"The one who beat Gra was the famous gambling king!

"It's really easy to get it"

"I'll follow you."

Yunye stepped forward and bet 50,000 J


The moment she saw Yunye, Dingdang burst into tears and hid behind him

"Were you sent by that guy to take revenge?"

The gambling king took off his sunglasses and looked at Yun Ye arrogantly.

"That's right."

Yun Ye nodded and admitted it.

"Haha, this is my first time betting with a kid"

"OK, I promise you"

"But your capital is not enough."

The gambling king put on his sunglasses again and said contemptuously.

Hearing this, Yun Ye put all the money he had just earned on the table.

The heavy pile of gold almost collapsed the table.


Seeing so much money, the gambling king silently took off his sunglasses.

The gambling game began!

"Here are three cards. Whoever has the biggest card wins."

The gambling king explained the rules and started to draw the cards.

There were no fancy tricks or psychological struggles.

It was all about luck.

"Haha, that's how it is."

Yun Ye smiled and understood the trick.

Logically, Gra's luck was still very strong, but he kept losing.

This was very strange.

But at the moment when the gambling king drew the cards just now, he saw the truth.

There is no doubt that the gambling king, as the king of Dulias and a person who has won every battle, must have some special abilities.

That is the power of authority.

Although it is very small and can only control gambling behavior, it is enough..

"Comparing authority with me?"

Yunye had an idea in his mind.

The shadow behind him began to move, and the figure of 'Jin' appeared beside him.


When he drew the third card, the gambling king asked in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Yun Ye asked innocently.

"Nothing, it's your turn."

Although the gambling king noticed something strange, he still said calmly.

Seeing him like this, Yun Ye knew that his special ability had disappeared.

Summoning Jin was to take away his authority.

As a result, his third card could not be changed.

"I'm here."

Yun Ye's voice was like the whisper of a devil, making the gambling king feel a little flustered for some reason.

Every time he took a card, his eyes became more solemn.

"Let's show our cards."

As the third card was drawn, Yunye said expressionlessly.


The gambling king said confidently.

Even without authority, he was confident that he could win.

As the two flipped the cards, the first card was turned over.

Gambling King: A

Yun Ye: 6

Seeing this, the gambling king breathed a sigh of relief.

But as the second chapter turned over, his face became solemn again, even a little pale.

Gambling King: A

Yun Ye: 6

Although the gambling king was bigger, he was still very unconfident. He felt that Yun Ye's cards were not as simple as they seemed.

Finally, it came to the most deadly third card.

The winner was decided at this moment.

"Let's get started."

Yunye said to the gambling king.

As the words fell, the third card was officially turned over.

Gambling king: K

Yunye: 6!

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