Yunye's keen feeling is that Silva may think that his strength is only slightly stronger than Killua, so he only gave him some easy commissions. The money earned by the Yoni is naturally only about tens of millions.

"Forget it, I'll send a radio greeting later.

Yunye decided to contact Shiba later.

Looking forward again, fierce bidding had already begun.

"I'll give you 15 billion!"

"Don’t do anything, let me do it, 20 billion Jie Ni!"


"100 billion Jinni!"

In a short period of time, the amount has increased from 10 billion to 100 billion.

The price has increased tenfold!

Each increase in price is almost no less than 5 billion Jinni, which shows how popular this letter of authorization is.

"I didn’t expect that the last auction item was actually related to the Zoldyck family."

"This thing will definitely be mine. I'll see who dares to challenge me."

Neo said excitedly.

The bid of 100 billion rings was what he said.

The last item in the underground auction has always been very secretive. There are special people in charge. Even if the ten old men come in person, they can't check it.

Naturally, they can't know that the last auction item is actually the letter of entrustment from the Zoldyck family.

The ten old men usually travel around various regions and rarely participate in underground auctions in person.

If Neo hadn't come for the Scarlet Eye, he might have really missed such a good thing.

"No one is bidding anymore?"

Bol asked the people present.

Even so, no one continued to bid.

The high price of 100 billion ringgits was already twice that of Greed Island.

Even the gangsters didn't have much money to use, most of which was used to run some business in the company.

Once it was used by force, it would only be a matter of time before it fell apart.

"One hundred billion times to quit Buddhism"

"100 billion monks twice"

"One hundred billion Jie Ni three times!"

"Congratulations to this gentleman on the successful auction! Please go to the backstage to make the transaction later."

Boer bowed to Neo.

Then he turned sideways and said to everyone present.

"This auction is over."

"Thank you for participating in this underground auction."

"Please leave in an orderly manner."

After that, the curtain on the stage was drawn down, and Boll's figure was hidden.

"It's time to move around."

Yun Ye stood up, stretched his body, and walked to the backstage.

He still needed to pay for the Scarlet Eye he bought.

"Why are you here?"

Yunye turned around and asked in confusion.

Since the end, Xi Suo has been following him.

"I just want to have a good chat with Yunye-san."

Hisso said without blushing.

Yunye couldn't help but praise him for his unprepared lies.

He is indeed a moody magician.

"It's up to you."

Soon, Yunye came to the lively backstage.

Luxurious interior decorations were everywhere, giving off a high-end feeling.

Many wealthy people and gangsters were trading auction items inside, including Neo who was taking the invitation.

At this time, there was a tall man with a feminine appearance beside him.

There was no doubt that this was Neo's Yin beast, Fei Niao.

"This is the guy, take care of him and bring the stuff over."

Neo also noticed Yunye and told Fei Niao beside him


Fei Niao answered sharply.

On the other side, Yun Ye had already found the staff to conduct the transaction.

"Swipe it yourself."

Yun Ye handed over the black card.

As long as the amount in the bank card exceeds 100 million, you can become a black gold member and get certain preferential treatment.

""Please keep the things."

After confirming that the money had arrived, the staff handed the Crimson Eye to Yun Ye.

There was no need to worry about being robbed here, as the reputation of the Ten Old Men was still somewhat effective.

But outside, it was different.

"It's really beautiful."

Yunye looked at the scarlet eyes from a close distance.

The pure red color was flawless, and the natural look was intoxicating.

It was worthy of the title of the seven beauties in the world.

"He should be waiting for me outside now."

After putting the things away, Yunye looked at Neo who had disappeared.

Looking behind him, Hisoka was still standing there with a smile on his face, waiting for him.

""Let's go, great magician."

Yunye said jokingly, and then walked towards the door.

People were coming and going on the wet street, and a light rain was falling from the sky, hitting their faces.

Yunye and Xi Suo walked in the empty alley.

They chatted about family matters like old friends who had not seen each other for many years, and did not realize that danger was approaching.

In an instant, two feathers condensed by thoughts rushed towards the two of them.

The speed was so fast that even the rain was cut in half.

""Haha, it looks like the enemy is here."

Hisoka said with a smile, and he casually picked up two feathers flying at him.

He looked relaxed, as if he was playing with playing cards.

"Is this what you rely on, kid?"

Fei Niao came out from the shadows and said softly.

He looked at the two people with arrogant eyes, as if he was looking at garbage.

"Are even eunuchs so rampant now?"

Yun Ye said helplessly.

The next second, a burly black shadow appeared behind Fei Niao, instantly twisted his neck, and took out his heart completely.


Asuka still maintained her original expression, but her body fell to the ground stiffly.

No one expected this sudden scene.

Even Hisoka did not expect the battle to end so quickly. With a twist of the neck and a pull of the heart, the victory was decided.

"Basic operations are not 6."

Yunye said as usual.

With Silva's strength, it is easy to deal with a bird.

""Let me see where the things are."

Yunye came to Asuka's body, his expression still very arrogant. He casually took out a delicate envelope from his pocket.

It was the commission letter from the Zoldyck family.

"As expected."

Yunye murmured with a look of understanding.

For Neo, the safest place is on the bird with telepathic power and a Yin beast.

Looking at the thing in Yunye's hand, Xi Suo's eyes showed a balance of pros and cons.

After a second of thinking, he finally decided to give up.

Because he felt that once he took action, he would die!

"I am so disappointed that you didn't make a move."

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