Yunye said with a look of pity.

It was indeed the case. Yunye had already planted a black shadow in Xi Suo's shadow.

Once he made a move, he would receive the Black Tiger's heart-piercing benefit as a gift from friendship and be sent directly to heaven.

Although he would not directly become the next Asuka, it would be no problem to lie down for a while.

""Mr. Yunye, you still like to joke around."

Hisoka smiled and didn't take the words to heart.

But his tense body told him that he was not as relaxed as he seemed.

"No idea, let's go."

"Oh, I missed one."

Yunye snapped his fingers.

In a luxury hotel dozens of kilometers away

"Asuka should have gotten the things back by now."

"It's time to teach Wright a lesson for being such a fool. He even dared to steal my things."

Neo said angrily, and then he picked up the phone beside him to contact

""Beep, beep."

The sound of the phone echoed throughout the room, and it was eerie and quiet.

Neo felt a little flustered and even felt like a big hand was strangling his throat.

"Hello, who is this?"

Finally, a voice came from the phone.



Before Neo could finish his words, his head flew out as if cut by a sharp blade.

A beautiful skyline was cut, splashing bright red blood, just like a crimson eye.

Neo's old body also fell to the ground with a thud.

"What's going on? Why aren't you talking?"

The person on the phone seemed to have a premonition that something bad was going to happen and began to urge

‘Siba sat on the sofa and answered the phone

"Neo is dead."

As soon as these words came out, the other side suddenly became quiet.

"No matter who you are, as long as you kill Neo, you will be the enemy of the gangs all over the world."

"I don't need to know who you are, you're already dead anyway."

The other side was very calm and arrogant, and directly announced Yunye's death sentence.

This was true. Neo was one of the Ten Old Men, and killing him was equivalent to going against the entire Ten Old Men.

As the top leaders of the world's mafia, the Ten Old Men would naturally arrange people to hunt down anyone who was related to them.

Although Neo's death was a good thing for them, Yunye was challenging their dignity.

It must be resolved.

"Who are you?"

Yunye asked curiously.

Anyone who can be helped by Neo should be powerful.

"It's okay to tell you, I'm Melina Brut!"

A presumptuous voice came from the other side of the phone.

Hearing this name, Yunye's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Melina is the leader of the Aiyiyi family in the Kajin Empire's mafia. She has more than 20 Nen users under her command, and her strength should not be underestimated. She also has a place in the entire Kajin Empire.

And she has come this far thanks to her Nen ability.

【Love Etude】

Increase the number of patients through Melina's saliva.

The infected can upgrade their level by killing people, increasing the total amount of Qi and power. Once the level exceeds 20, they can discover their unique abilities. When the level reaches 100, the infected also becomes a Level 0 patient and can form a separate infection group.

Killing ordinary people increases the level by +1, the ability level by +10, and the prince level by +50. Melina's current level is LV45.

Relying on this ability to infect the legion, Melina successfully possessed and maintained her position, and even formed an alliance with the four princes of the Kajin Empire.

She is a woman who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.

"It's really dirty."

Yunye whispered.

He would never use this kind of mind ability even if it was given to him.

For someone with a psychological obsession with cleanliness, it is absolutely unacceptable to transmit the virus through saliva.

"What did you say! How dare you say I'm dirty!"

"Kill you! Kill you! Just wait for me!"

As if the pain point was touched, the originally calm Melena suddenly roared hysterically.

The sharp voice penetrated Yunye's eardrum through the phone, making him feel uncomfortable.

"Want to kill me. Then come on."

After saying that, Yunye hung up the phone without caring what the other party was saying.

There were at least 800 people who wanted to kill him.

One more would not be too much or too little.

Seeing that everything was done, he stood up and prepared to leave. He looked at Neo's body again and found a blood-red number on his chest pocket.

"This guy."

He stepped forward and took it out.

The 4 of Hearts!

As expected, it was Hisoka who left the mark.

It can be seen that he also had the idea of plundering Neo.


At the alley


Yunye, who was standing still, suddenly said

"What's wrong?"

Xi Suo looked over with sharp eyes.

Suddenly, a card flew towards his chest and he caught it.

""Take the things and don't lose them."

After saying that, Yunye walked out of the alley.

The sunlight shone on him, making him look extremely dazzling.


Hisso played with the Four of Hearts in his hand and smiled, then turned and walked deeper into the alley.

The darkness gradually eroded his figure until he disappeared.

In the entire alley, only Fei Niao's body was left lying on the cold and wet ground, waiting to be discovered or rot alone.

From then on, the ten old men became nine old men.


As I walked out of the alley, an excited voice came into my ears.

Turning around, I saw Gra waving his arms and running towards me.

"It's really fun here. I haven't seen many things here."

"Look at my new cell phone."

Gra took out the cell phone he just bought.

It was the popular model 07, which was universally used. It had no call range restrictions outdoors and came with 200 national language translations. It could watch TV and record videos.

"I bought one for you, Laike and my mom."

Gela took out an identical phone from her bag and handed it to Yunye.

"Many thanks"

"With this phone, you can talk to your mother often in the future."

Yunye said gently.

Gela's mother lived in a small village and did not have such advanced things as a portable phone, so every time she called, she had to find the village chief as an intermediary to contact.

Yunye could always see Gela standing in the corner holding the phone, as if waiting for something.


Gra smiled, his eyes full of light.

"Where is Lecter? Where did he go?"

"We have an important trip next."

Yunye asked with some doubt.

In the past, Leike should have come to him faster than Gra.

But now he was late.

This abnormal behavior made Yunye feel a little ominous.

More importantly, in order to give them privacy, he only installed some protective devices on the two of them, and did not use the shadow to enter their shadow.

This made it impossible to locate them in time.

"Forget it, let's go first."

After thinking for a while, Yunye finally decided to finish the important things first.

With Laike's strength, few people can stop him, so there is no need to worry for the time being.

After deciding, the two walked towards the center of Youkexin.

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