Walking on the busy streets, Yunye keenly discovered that many gangsters were wandering around the alleys and corners, looking for something.

It was obvious that Melina had informed the ten old men, and Neo's death had successfully attracted their attention.

"You are awesome for finding me."

Yunye looked at these gang members with interest.

When killing Neo, 'Silva' did not use clone disguise to assassinate him. He also hid in his shadow, making it even more impossible for his true identity to be discovered.

Even if Yunye said that he was the murderer, no one would believe him. Instead, they would think that he was sent by the enemy to cause trouble.

"Boss, where are we going?"

Gera also realized that something was wrong and asked carefully

""Go to the Nosra family."

Yunye said the destination.

The target of this trip was Wright's daughter,


The two ignored the gang members they had been looking for and headed towards the Nosra family's mansion.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the location.

Looking forward, a luxurious mansion surrounded by stone walls stood in it, and many hounds were staring at the door.

If anyone dared to break in directly, they would tear the intruder to pieces as quickly as possible.

""Chirp, chirp."

Gra saw the hounds and started to tease them.

Just like when he first saw Ding

""Woof!" the hound barked without mercy.

Its bright silver fangs drooled, as if it was warning Graham.


Just as Gra was about to do something else, the door opened.

An old man in butler's clothes appeared at the door.

"This is the residence of the Nosra family. Ordinary people are not allowed to approach."

"May I ask who you are?" the butler said with a smile.

"We are here to look for Wright. Is he here?

Yunye explained the purpose of his visit and took out a business card.

This was given to him by Wright before he left. It had a function similar to an invitation letter.

""So you are guests. Welcome."

The butler said with a smile.

He took out a whistle from his chest and blew it hard.

Instantly, all the hounds sat quietly in place, not daring to move at all.

"Please come in."

The butler made a welcoming gesture and said to the two of them.

"Thank you."

Yunye didn't hesitate and took Gra into the mansion.

As soon as he entered, he felt a chill that went straight up from the soles of his feet to his head.

"Miss likes a cooler feeling, please forgive me."

After that, the housekeeper took the two to the living room.

Along the way, Yunye saw a lot of valuable collections, and many of them only appeared on TV.

It can be seen that Wright is not too much to spend a lot of money for his daughter.

"Please wait here for a moment."

After welcoming the two to the sofa, the butler nodded and left.

From then on, the room became silent.

"These things look expensive."

"I've only seen this on TV."

Gra looked around like a kid who had just arrived in the city. He was fresh to everything that was going on.

"If you want it, you can take it directly."

Just as Gra was watching, a voice suddenly sounded.

Wright, wearing a suit, walked over with a smile on his face.

"It's really hard to see you."

Yunye said jokingly.

This made Wright a little embarrassed.

After all, the most difficult person to see was Yunye, who was from the Zoldyck family.

Just the photo was worth hundreds of millions.

It's no wonder that Killua wanted to capture all of Shibageno for money.

"You want to see Nion, right? I just asked her to come down."

Wright changed the subject and said with a smile.

Just as he finished speaking, a figure walked down the stairs.

Looking sideways, she had long straight blue hair draped around her waist, and her fair and sweet face was full of liveliness. At this time, her petite body was wearing a light yellow pajamas. She looked like a girl next door.

"Ling Qianjin..."

Before Yunye could finish his words, a soft and fragrant body embraced him.

"So handsome and cute, I love it!"

""Thank you, father!"

Nion happily thanked Wright.

It was obvious that she thought Yunye was a gift from Wright.

"Let go, this is a guest!"

Wright said in panic.


Nion let go of Yunye in a panic.

Then she sat beside Wright with a red face and dared not speak. She looked towards Yunye from time to time.

"Ling Jin is really lively."

Yun Ye said helplessly.

It's not a big deal for him, anyway, he is a man.

"I'm so sorry."

"Nion, hurry up and apologize to the guests."

Wright said sternly.

"right...I'm sorry!"

Niong said loudly, her face becoming even redder.

"It's okay. Please tell me your fortune once more.

Yunye waved his hand and said gently to Nion.


Hearing this request, Niong nodded excitedly.

"Please write down your name, date of birth and blood type on the paper."

The housekeeper consciously placed a blank paper in front of Yunye.

Without hesitation, he wrote everything down.

Name: Yunye Zoldyck.

Date of birth: July 7, 1987

Blood type: A

Nion took a look, memorized it secretly, and then began to use her mind ability.

As if to make up for the mistake just now, her energy was stronger than before.

【Angel's Automatic Notebook】

An ugly purple shadow demon was attached to the automatic pen held by Nion.

Lines of words were clearly written on the paper.

"This is."

In a trance, Yunye felt that everything around him began to slow down or even stop.

A mysterious feeling surged into his heart. The mysterious truth hovered in his mind.

The lines of words on the paper floated in the air and were constantly analyzed and understood, discovering the secrets.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in his mind.

【You saw the beginning of the prophecy poem, comprehended the direction, triggered your understanding, and created the supernatural power of prophecy.

The power of prophecy!

Look back at the past and overlook the future.

Communicate with the future through the long river of time and learn about the impending disaster.

Even more, use the power of prophecy to control the battle and be invincible!

Challenge the gods with a weak body!

As the voice disappeared, everything resumed operation.

Nion had finished writing at this time and looked at him with a puzzled face.

"Sorry, I was distracted."

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