"Have you finished the divination? Let me take a look."

Yunye took the paper full of words and took a look.


The messenger walking between light and darkness.

The friend holding the broken knife will face a decision.

The singer dancing beautifully will eventually stop.

Go to the body of the whale to meet the destined one of the times.

The challenge of the sky brings endless darkness.

1460 day and night cycles.

The collision of the world is about to begin.

No matter how bad the conditions are.

It can't stop you from going to the unknown area.

Enjoy the leisure time.

The black earth will bring you despair.

The big hand of the future will control everything.

The synonym of ending with all living beings.

The dead will bud again.

Everything will usher in rebirth and hope.


"There are many questions."

Yun Ye said solemnly.

Although the whole poem is a bit abstract, it can still be understood after careful analysis.

The messenger in the first sentence is naturally him, who has both the shadow and angel healing abilities, and has two yin and yang balanced forces in his body.��

The second sentence is most likely about Lai Ke, who is facing a life-or-death decision, which shows that his current situation is not very good.

Seeing this, Yun Ye did not continue reading, but put the paper away.

"Thank you for your help, Miss Nion. We have something to do and we will leave first."

After saying that, Yunye walked quickly towards the door.

This made everyone present look confused and didn't know what happened.

Gra reacted quickly and followed the pace, and had a vague guess in his heart.


As soon as I walked out the door, I heard a dog barking.

""Get lost."

The cold murderous aura instantly made the hound collapse and tremble on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Gra was sure that something big had happened.

When he came to the door, Yunye's body burst out with a terrifying aura, and countless black shadows surged from all directions, standing behind him in a uniform manner waiting for orders.

""Find Lai Ke."

With one order, all the shadows immediately merged into the shadows and began to frantically search for Lai Ke's traces based on clues.

If pedestrians walking on the street carefully observe, they can find that their own shadows are constantly moving.



Yunye reminded Gra not to speak.

"Found it."

In just a few minutes, the exact location of the Laike was discovered.

As long as there is darkness, there is no privacy.

"Follow me."

Instantly, Yunye entered the inner world and began to travel quickly.

Seeing this, Gra used all his speed to follow Yunye's footsteps.

Everything around him began to move quickly, gradually leaving the territory of Youkexin and coming to a lifeless wilderness.

Yellow sand filled the air, the wind howled, and the silent wasteland was only accompanied by the roar of some wild beasts.

"Boss, is this the place?"

Gra asked uncertainly.

In front of him was the entrance to Meteor Street.

"Go in, he's here."

Yun Ye walked in without hesitation.

There were still many beggars on the street.

As he went deeper, he gradually came to a dilapidated church.

The white exterior was full of signs of destruction, which showed that it had been deserted for a long time.

Walking in, he saw Lai Ke kneeling in the middle, covered in mud and blood, unconscious.

In the reflection of the pure white church, he seemed like a repentant sinner.

In his hand, he still tightly held the half-broken knife.

Seeing this bloody scene, Gra's eyes were full of anger, but he still forced himself to follow behind Yun Ye.

""Dong, dong, dong."

The footsteps kept echoing.

Yunye walked on the ground of the church with an expressionless face.

When he came to the side of Lai Ke and looked forward, a figure was standing in front of them looking at them indifferently. He was wearing a red and white robe, with a cold face, a tall figure and a loose hair.

"Who are you?"

The cold voice questioned the two who broke in.

But Yunye did not answer him, but gave Gra a look, asking him to take the seriously injured Leke out.


Just as Gra was about to make a move, a blood-red long knife rushed straight towards him.

Suddenly, a white hand gently grasped the long knife in its hand, making it unable to move.


The blood-red long sword trembled violently, trying to break free, but no matter how it swung, it was useless.

"You are so arrogant that you want to attack me."

As he spoke, countless black shadows entered Yunye's body.

Various different mental abilities were instantly attached to him.

At this moment, he controlled everything!

"Give you a chance to tell me who you are."

"Because this may be your last words."

Yun Ye said indifferently.

I never kill nameless people.

"I am Laker's brother, Alan."

For some reason, Alan revealed his name and identity.

He is Laker's biological brother!

"Isn't his brother dead?"

Yun Ye was a little surprised.

He once heard Lai Ke say that he had a brother, but he died for some reason.

"Yes, I was killed by my brother himself."

Alan said the cause of his death very calmly.

There was no excitement or anger.


Feeling Allen's current state, Yunye said a word.

In the Hunter world, there are indeed people who are resurrected after death.

Hisoka is a representative figure.

In the subsequent plot, Hisoka successfully fought a ring battle with Kuroro Luciro, the leader of the Phantom Troupe, and eventually died of suffocation due to the explosion.

But this guy Hisoka relied on his obsession to change his fate, change yin and yang, and forcibly resurrect himself.

And started a hunt for the Phantom Troupe!


Alan didn't say anything, accepting this answer.

""Okay, it's time to end it."

As soon as the voice fell, Yunye's figure disappeared.

The whole church fell into silence, and even the slightest breeze could be heard clearly.

Allen stood there with his eyes closed, holding a long knife.

Suddenly, a delicate dagger condensed by thoughts stabbed Allen's neck fiercely.


The sparks from the collision hit the faces of the two men.

Allen's eyes were calm, and his arm muscles were extremely swollen, resisting this unexpected and powerful blow.

"Is the power gained based on obsession really strong?"

Yun Ye came to a conclusion instantly.

It is not for nothing that the blackened is three points stronger.

The nature of obsession is the same as that of a vow. It sets a restriction on oneself and swears to abide by it. The stricter the restriction, the stronger the explosive power of the martial arts used.

This makes Alan's strength rise rapidly.

Otherwise, with his strength killed by Lecter, he would not be able to withstand this attack.


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