Allen's voice was cold, and his strength grew, pushing Yunye away.

Then, his Qi began to surge out crazily.

Unlike the pure life essence of ordinary Nen users, his Qi was pitch black and full of strong death energy, as if the person standing in front of him was a long-dead person.

In an instant, the surrounding environment became oppressive.

His Qi gradually condensed into a black long sword held in Allen's left hand.

This was his true form, double swords!

"One sword cuts the god, one sword devours the soul!"

The next moment, Allen used the front of his foot to push and instantly came in front of Yunye.

He held the two swords and crossed them to cut.


Yun Ye reacted quickly, found the center point and used the dagger to block the two swords.

He used the power of one hand to fight against two arms!

"I will use your brother's stuff to defeat you."

Yunye kicked Allen in the chest.

The dagger in his hand immediately turned into a sharp white long knife.

"Without further ado, let's see the truth with the blade."

【[Howling of the Wind]

Countless green souls appeared behind Yunye, constantly struggling to escape.

The next second, they all poured into the blade transformed by the thought, adding a layer of emerald green to it.

"This is it!"

Seeing this scene, Alan's pupils shrank.

He still vaguely remembered that Lecter used this move to kill him.

Before he could react, the blade was already in front of him.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The two figures turned into afterimages and intertwined with each other.

The sound of iron hammering continued to ring in the church. The intensity of the sound made people outside dare not even approach, but only stand and watch from a distance.

For a while, the two were evenly matched and took this battle seriously.

A slight mistake could lead to the failure of the entire battle.

"Not bad, you can withstand so many of my knives."

Yun Ye looked at the knife scar on his arm.

A trace of blood flowed out of the scar and dripped onto the ground.

Looking across, Allen was now covered with scars, with no intact spot on his skin.

You could even see the bones in the wound.

The blood infected his entire body, turning him completely blood red.


Alan couldn't stop spitting blood from his mouth.

But he didn't care, his eyes became more and more indifferent and dark.

【[Demon Sealing Falling Dance Slash]

In an instant, Allen's figure began to flash and moved forward at an extremely fast speed.

Just when he was about to approach Yunye, he disappeared in an instant.

Yunye seemed to have expected it and stretched out his long sword behind him.


As expected, a powerful slash came fiercely.

Just as he blocked it, the power generated by the blade disappeared and came from the left.

Then it came from the right, and then from the left, as if it was never fixed.

If you stand far away, you can clearly see that Alan is shuttling back and forth beside Yunye at a speed that is almost teleporting, constantly slashing.

But every move was blocked by Yunye, no matter how unexpected he was.

"How could this happen?"

Alan finally stopped attacking and stood at a distance.

He also found that his attacks could not affect Yunye at all.

"The power of prophecy is something you cannot experience."

Yunye's eyes were full of bright stars.

This is the power of prophecy!

Whenever Allen attacks, he can predict the trajectory of the attack and resist it. He successfully puts himself invincible.

Even if Allen really teleports, he can know the traces of his appearance.

Communicate with the future and know the truth!

"There is no other way."

Alan's tone was very resolute, as if he was about to make a big move.

His eyes became calm, and his hands tightly grasped the two swords.

【Destroying Demons and Sealing Gods Slash]

A red shadow of the demon god appeared behind Allen and merged into the blade.

At the moment of perfect integration, he used his last bit of strength to slash towards Yunye.

The red sky-high sword energy rushed towards Yunye, carrying a crazy killing aura.

"This is something I should take seriously."

【[The Wind God Roars]

Suddenly, a furious gust of wind rose from Yunye's feet and gathered on the blade.

Without mercy, he slashed forward.

The emerald green blade energy rushed away with a tornado.


The two terrifying sword energies collided, producing a force almost as powerful as a miniature nuclear bomb.

The already dilapidated white church was completely annihilated, raising countless dust.

Everything around it was razed to the ground.

Fortunately, this was a no-man's land, otherwise who knows how many tragic casualties would have occurred.

"What on earth happened inside?

The person watching from outside asked in a daze.

But his long experience made him react quickly and leave the scene.

When the smoke cleared, the whole church was left in a mess, with no one left.......

"How is he?"

Yunye asked while standing in the ward filled with the smell of medicine.

At this time, he had changed into a clean set of clothes.

The battle just now really turned everything into a flat ground.

He chose to leave directly instead of continuing to chase.

If Allen died, it didn't matter.

If he was still alive, then he would wait until Leike became stronger and kill him himself to fulfill his obsession.

But according to Yunye's guess, he was probably still alive.

Because when he left, he vaguely heard a sentence

"Maybe you can calm my stupid brother down a bit."

Then he was covered in dust.

""Just some skin injuries."

Gra said with a relaxed look.

He rushed here in a hurry and told the doctor in the hospital that he was dying.

Unexpectedly, after a thorough examination, it was just a slightly serious scar.

"That's fine, let's wait for him to wake up."

Yun Ye said as he sat on the chair.

"Where is this place?"

As soon as he sat down, Laike opened his eyes and looked confused.


Gra said lazily, looking at the sun.

It was noon and the sun was shining.

"How could I be here? Where is my brother?"

Laike quickly stood up and looked around.

When he found Yunye was also here, his anxious mood suddenly became relaxed.

"He's gone."

Yunye said slowly


Hearing that Alan had left, Laike lay down on the bed with a relaxed look on his face, enjoying a moment of peace.

"Try to become stronger, you will face him again in the future."

"His strength is much stronger than yours now."

Yun Ye said mercilessly.

Speaking of the matter, Laike's current strength is indeed much weaker than Allen's.

"I understand."

Laike agreed with a firm look on his face.

Laike was very strict about improving his strength. After this ordeal, he might go completely crazy!

"Ding, ding, ding.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Gra looked around and found that it was his own phone ringing. He picked it up without hesitation.

"Gege, you've been out for so long, when will you come back?"

A gentle voice came from the phone.

"Mom, I will be back soon."

Hearing the familiar voice, Gra responded with a happy face.

He had not been back to his small village for a long time.

After a brief chat about family matters, the call was hung up.

"Tomorrow is the fighting competition"

"When the competition is over, we will go back together."

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