After hearing the conversation on the phone, Yunye made a decision on the spot.

He had seen Gra looking at the moon alone for countless days and nights, with his eyes full of longing.

As a humane boss, he must be considerate.

"Thank you, Boss!"

Gra's smile became even brighter.

"Let's go now."

Lai Ke got out of bed and made a suggestion.

He moved his limbs and felt no stiffness at all.

With his body, it would not take too much time to recover from the minor injuries.

"Then let's go"

"Let's go and see the so-called fighting competition."

Yunye threw the book in his hand into the inner world and walked out.

The people in the hospital didn't say anything when they saw the three of them preparing to leave.

After all, Lai Ke was admitted to the hospital as a hunter.


Coming to the open space outside the hospital, Yunye's shadow began to expand and wriggle.

A black beast emerged, and its pitch-black appearance looked extremely shiny under the setting sun.

""Get on board."

With a command, the two jumped on.

The combat helicopter also turned, creating a huge wave and flew away.

A black meteor slid down the sky again and headed for the battlefield on the other side.

When it appeared again, it was already evening.

There was only a short distance to the sky arena.

Looking around, the neon-lit city was bustling with people, and countless huge airships were suspended in the air, broadcasting live broadcasts about the fighting competition.

On the streets, every household was waiting in front of the TV to watch.

Everything was ready to go.

"It's really hot."

Gra said with a surprised look on his face.

This was his first time to participate in such a prestigious competition, facing the whole world!

"When you compete, you will also appear on the screen, watched and expected by everyone in the world."

Yun Ye said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Gra's heart was filled with infinite yearning, and he couldn't help wondering if his mother would see it.

Even Leck couldn't help but be excited, and the strength of his hand wiping the blade became a little stronger.

Just as they were still moving forward, a new figure appeared on the screen of the airship next to them.

"President, it's your turn to give a speech, don't sleep any more."

A green jelly man said to Netero in panic.

"Oh, it's my old age, it's so fast."

Netero said with a little surprise, dressed up and came to the camera

"Hello everyone, I am the president of the Hunter Association, Isaac Netero"

"Challengers from all over the world are welcome to participate in the biennial fighting competition"

"Here, I hope you can fight for your life based on your own glory and win the final victory!"

Netero's inspiring words spread to every corner of the world.

Anyone who saw it felt a silent passion brewing in their hearts.

At this moment, they will truly participate in this game with the will to die.

"President, what are you talking about!"

"Why didn't you read according to the notes I gave you?"

After the speech, the green jelly man said angrily.

What he said just now was all Netero's improvisation, and it was his truest thought.

"Bingzi, don't be so nervous."

""I just wanted to liven up the atmosphere."

Netero said, rubbing the back of his head and laughing.

He had no idea how much of a storm his words had stirred up.


Bingzi said helplessly.

He really had no idea what to do with his own president's personality.

"Will you come to this fighting competition?"

After Bingzi left the room, Netero looked out the window at the dark night with a silent look in his eyes, and couldn't help murmuring.

A young figure appeared in his mind, with a calm smile on the corner of his mouth.


"Boss, there are so many people."

Looking at the endless stream of people in the hall, Gra said in shock.

Although there were many people in the Sky Arena in the past, it has never been like today, where the huge hall is packed with people.

"Normal, let's go find Xike first."

Looking at so many people, Yunye was somewhat glad that he had asked Xike to help him sign up.

Otherwise, he would be the only one among so many people today.

"Hello, I'm looking for Xike."

Yunye asked directly when he came to the registration desk.


"It's you!"

The registration lady said unconsciously when she saw Yunye's figure, but she froze in the next second.

"Ah, it's you."

Yun Ye also remembered.

The young lady in front of him was the one who had come to the Sky Arena for the first time and asked him to go home to find his mother.

He didn't expect to see her again after so many years.

"Please wait, the person in charge will be here soon."

The registration lady calmed down and pressed the button on her thigh.

"Are you going to participate in the fighting competition as well?"

Before Xi Ke arrived, the registration lady asked curiously


Yunye replied lazily.

"I will definitely go to see it when the time comes."

The registration lady said with a smile.

As staff members of the Sky Arena, they have the right to enter the venue three times a month to watch for free.

"Thank you then, my name is Yunye."

Yunye stretched out his hand and said

"Haha, my name is Wendy.

Wendy shook his hand and said with a smile.

At this moment, Xike came over from a distance, panting.

""Huh! You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Xike wiped the sweat from his forehead and said

"Don't worry, let's go."

""Sister Wendy, goodbye."

Yunye simply waved to Wendy.

This made her feel a little flattered for a moment, but she still waved goodbye.

Xike, who was standing by, saw all this and immediately made a decision in his heart.

""Gela, stop watching, we are leaving."

Yun Ye saw that Gela was still watching TV and urged

""Here we go."

Gra answered loudly, and hurriedly caught up with Lecter beside him.

The group followed Xike's footsteps to their contestant room.

"We are here."

Sike stopped in front of a door and took out a silver card to unlock the door.

As soon as he entered, Yunye smelled the fragrance of incense.

Various luxurious decorations came into view, which showed that this was a luxurious room that only the owner of the building could live in.

"The fighting competition will officially begin tomorrow evening, and the list of the competition will be handed over to you later."

"If you have any questions, please contact me immediately."

Xike handed the room card to Yunye and quietly left.

There were only three of them left in the room.

"This bed is so soft!"

Gera jumped on it and said with a comfortable look on his face.

Walking inside, Leike began to check whether there was anything around that could threaten Yunye.

"Don't be so nervous."

Yun Ye said easily.

As a well-known sky arena, this professional ethics should still be maintained.

But Lai Ke still carefully looked around and sat cross-legged on the bed to start practicing.

The competition is about to start, and he must make full use of the little time left to become stronger every second.

"Boom boom boom."

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