Late at night, just when they wanted to rest, there was a knock on the door.


When I opened the door, I saw a staff member standing at the door.

"Hello, this is your competition list, please keep it safe."

After handing the list to Yunye, the staff left here with a respectful look on their faces and headed to the next room.

"Is this the competition list?"

Looking at the string of codes on the paper in his hand, Yunye was a little confused.

But when he saw the TV in the room, he understood everything.

Turning on the TV, a blank box popped up.

Entering the code, a relationship chart of the personnel list appeared on the screen.

The three people at the bottom were Yunye, Leke, and Gra.

The ones above were the opponents they were about to face in the fighting competition.

"Come and see your opponents tomorrow."

Yun Ye called the other two over.

Then he began to look at his opponent for tomorrow's preliminary round.

He was a martial artist from the ancient Ganyu Kingdom who was proficient in ancient martial arts. His name was Dillon.

He had fought thirteen wanted criminals on his own and remained unscathed. His strength should not be underestimated.

Looking at the opponents of the other two, they were all top-notch masters.

"Is it just the preliminary round that is so strong?"

Yun Ye was a little surprised.

According to statistics, there are 10,000 participants in the entire fighting competition.

With such a large base, there are such strong strengths in just the first round, which shows how exciting this competition will be.

"It seems that you need some special training.

Yunye immediately made a suggestion.

The strength of Leke and Gra was not very strong. They were about the middle stage of the two-star hunter. They were not as good as the top, but better than the bottom.

"Special training? Okay, okay."

Hearing this news, Gra agreed with a look of surprise on his face.

"I have no problem with that either."

Regarding becoming stronger, Laike has always maintained a positive attitude.

"Let's go, take advantage of the night."

Seeing that the two were very positive, Yunye made a quick decision and set off directly.

He had already condensed a set of methods suitable for them to become stronger in his mind, but he had never taught or practiced it.

You know, he is a man with a world library, it is too easy for him to derive a set of exercises.

"Let's choose here."

The three of them finally stopped at an open space. There was no one around, and few people would pass by here. It was the best choice for special training.

""Gera, watch this."

Yunye stood in front and began to demonstrate.

He held his breath and concentrated.

The Qi in his body burst out instantly, and then condensed into Qi lines that shuttled through the internal organs and limbs.

As the Qi lines climbed successfully, he immediately used Qi to stimulate the corresponding acupuncture points.

The next second, Yunye's muscles suddenly swelled up, and his strength began to grow geometrically.

The Qi and blood in his body intertwined, making his skin rosy.

Threads of steam came out of his mouth, like a fast-running machine.

From a distance, Yunye looked like a prehistoric beast that had eroded from the ancient continent.

""It's too scary."

Gra, who was observing closely, couldn't help but say this in his mind.

He felt that he was not facing a person, but a ferocious beast that was staring at him.

All kinds of emotions emerged in his mind, shock, fear, panic!

He exhausted all his strength to escape, but found that he couldn't move even a step. Instinctively, he had given up on survival!

"Do you understand?"

Yunye took back his Qi and his body returned to its original appearance.

The principle of this move is to use Qi to activate the acupuncture points, so as to achieve a short burst of power beyond the body's limit. There are six stages of stimulation in total. Each additional level will activate more power, and the load on the body will become more severe.

The side effect is of course that you will have to lie flat for a period of time after the end.

If the stimulation is deep, death will become a probabilistic event.


Gra answered with a heavy breath.

He was so focused on being scared that he didn't have time to see how to operate it.

"I will explain the principle to you once, and you need to figure out the rest by yourself."

Yun Ye finally explained the principle again.

Even if he continued to demonstrate, he would only gain Gra's fear value.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to let him do it himself.

"I know, boss."

"What is the name of this move?"

Gera nodded and asked

"This move is called the Six Gates of Dunjia."

Yun Ye said a familiar name.

That's right, the inspiration for this move was developed based on the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

They all use some extreme methods to unlock the shackles and restrictions on oneself, so as to burst out the full power of the essence of life.

"Six Gates of Dunjia."

Gra murmured, and then went to the empty space in the distance to practice alone.

"Next, it's your turn."

Yunye looked at Leke who was watching from the side.

He asked Gra to follow the extreme physical style, using physical strength to destroy everything.

Leke would naturally not follow the same path.

"I will only demonstrate it once, watch carefully."

Two shadows attached to Yunye's body.

He held a long sword made of air in his hand.

Standing in place and looking forward, his mind became calmer than ever before.

Everything around him turned into nothingness, and the center of the world became Yunye himself.

A breeze blew, and Yunye gently raised the tip of his sword to catch the breeze.

Then he condensed a scabbard with his left hand and inserted the long sword containing the breeze into the scabbard.


The scabbard vibrated immediately, and the originally small breeze grew wildly inside.

Yunye looked forward, drew out the long sword at an incredible speed and slashed forward.

In an instant, a wind blade rushed towards a forest not far away.


As soon as it touched, the trees were instantly swept into powder by the strong wind contained in the sword energy.

Even so, the sword energy still broke through with unstoppable force.

Everything was annihilated!

If Yunye hadn't retracted the sword energy in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Do you understand?"

The long sword and the scabbard in his hand disappeared together, and Yunye turned around and asked

""A little bit."

Laike answered very honestly.

If his mind ability was not wind, he might not even understand this little bit.

"The principle is simple"


Yunye said the essence.

Draw out the long sword as quickly as possible to kill the enemy.

Of course, in addition to being fast, you also need to wait for a certain amount of time for the breeze to have enough time to accumulate and grow.

Otherwise, it will only be a blank sword energy.

However, even a blank sword energy has the power to cut through everything.

"Practice well, this move is called the Heaven-Slashing Sword Drawing Technique."

After saying that, Yunye turned and left.

Only Lai Ke was left there, thinking hard, trying to find his own inspiration.

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